
Friday, May 31, 2019

Heart Of Darkness :: essays research papers

The Transformation of Marlow - Conrad&8217s Explication of Europe&8217s Colonial Practice in Africa In &8220Heart of Darkness Conrad introduces his protagonist Marlow, his pilgrimage through the African Congo and the &8220enlightenment of his soul. With the skilled use of symbols and Marlow&8217s experience he depicts the European colonialism in Africa, practice Conrad witnessed himself. Through Marlow&8217s observations he explicates the naivete of the Europeans and the hypocritical purpose of their travelling into the &8220dark continent. Marlow&8217s experience in Africa starts with the desire for travel and great journeys to conquer the &8220blank spaces on the map and the naive weigh that the mission of the Europeans is to civilize the natives. Marlow&8217s aunt believes that this voyage is a mission to &8220wean those ignorant millions from their horrid ways. (Conrad, 16). In reality everywhere they went they colonized the land, utilise the natural resources, and left ruin s behind them. Marlow says,&8220They grabbed what they could get for the sake of what was to be got. It was just robbery with violence, aggravated murder on a great scale, and men difference at it blind - as is very proper for those who tackle a darkness. The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have different intimation or slightly flatter noses than ourselves... (Conrad, 10). With the unfolding of his journey Marlow starts his &8220enlightenment. We can observe his evolution from &8220everyday European to someone who realizes his own naiveness and begins to see the surrounding reality. This is the arcsecond when he witnesses the shelling of the continent,&8220In the empty immensity of earth, sky, and water, there she was,incomprehensible, firing into a continent. Pop, would go one of the six-inch guns a small flame would dart and vanish, a little white smoke would disappear, a tiny projectile would give a feeble screech - and nothing happ ened. Nothing could happen. There was a touch of insanity in the proceeding, a sense of lugubrious drollery in the sight (Conrad, 17).Marlow is watching this occurrence, what to his fellow Europeans appear to be a fierce battle, in his eyes is a senseless destruction. He sees them firing &8220tiny projectiles producing a &8220pop, which symbolically represents the falsity of the European mentality. With that passage Conrad starts Marlow&8217s realization, and from this point on he begins his separation from the typical Europeans that surround him.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Change Management Essay -- Change Changing Essays

Change Management Toto, Ive got a feeling that were not in Kansas any more.Dorothy, Wizard of OzOver the past few decades, large-scale organizational change has become a way of life in American business. Many organizational changes, however, have failed to deliver promises of increased productivity and morale, decreased costs, decreased waste , and increased customer satisfaction. A common theme among these failures is a lack of concord of the power of the collective human system to obstruct the progress of initiatives. The result has been to reinforce fear, defensiveness, and cynicism among workers toward change efforts (Dooley, 1998).Failure of an organizational change for businesses has both short terminal figure and long term consequences. Direct short term implications to a failure of an effective organizational change means that objectives be not achieved and resources, including money, time and people, ar wasted. Indirectly, morale suffers, job security is threatened and confidence in leadership diminishes. Over the long haul, a failure of change means that business strategies are not accomplished, resistance to change increases and the organizations survival is threatened (Wakulczyk, 1995).It is normal for people to feel resistant to change and todays new-fangled technology, new tools, and new applications mean big change. Not everyone reacts to change the same way. Some people are al shipway looking for better, more efficient ways of doing things. Others long for the good old days of clearly defined jobs and responsibilities. Some people want to get moving with whatever is new right away. dummy up others fight any change that conflicts in any way with their values or threatens the welfare of anyone around th... ... have it. Courtesy is even better. A well-paid congratulate can buy gratitude. A sincere Thank you can earn respect. ReferencesDepartment of Defense ( ___ ). Business Process Reengineering and Organizational Change. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Fundamentals. accessible www.dtic.mil/c3i/bprcd/7223c7.htmDooley, Jeff (1998). A Whole-Person/Systemic Approach to Organization Change Management. Available www.well.com/user/dooley/change.pdfKramlinger, Tom (1998). How to deliver a change message. Training & Development, 52 (4), pp. 44-47.Wakulczyk, Marek (1995). Change Management. intro to 9 Wing Canadian Forces Base, Gander, Newfoundland. Available www.smallbear.com/chngemgt/index.htmWasson, Teresa (1996). Pensacola editor shares tips on managing change. Pensacola News Journal. Available www.gannett.com/go/newswatch/96/nw0407-2.htm

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Sane Hamlet Essays -- GCSE English Literature Coursework

The Sane Hamlet Hamlet contains the classic argument between whether or not Hamlet is mad, or a sane man under difficult circumstances. Hamlet assumes antic-disposition at times to uncover the truth of his fathers death. From my perspective I believe that Hamlets actions and thoughts are a logical response to the situation in which he finds himself. In the first act, Hamlet appears to be very straightforward in his actions and thoughts. When questioned by Gertrude about his melancholy appearance, Hamlet says, Seems, madam? Nay it is know not seems (I, ii, 76). This is to say, I am what I appear to be. Later he makes a clear statement about his thoughts when he commits himself to revenge. Hamlet says, Ill wipe away all trivial fond records, All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past, That youth and manifestation copied there, And thy commandment all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my brai... ...his mirror Hamlet and the Imitation of Revenge. Critical Essays on Shakespeares Hamlet. Ed. David Scott Kaston. New York City Prentice mansion house International. 1995. 198-209 Rose, Mark. Reforming the Role. Modern Critical Interpretations Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York City Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. 117-128 Wiggins, Martin. Hamlet Within the Prince. New Essays on Hamlet. Ed. Mark Thornton Burnett and John Manning. New York AMS Press, 1994. 209-226.

Galactosemia Essay -- Genetics Disorders Essays

Galactosemia missing works cited Galactosemia is a potentially fatal genetic taint that prevents the body from metabolizing milk. It is fatal because an infants early diet consists mostly of milk. The disease does not usually hinder the development of children in North America or atomic number 63 it is a not-uncommon cause of death, however, in third-world nations, where lactose-free milk is not readily available.So, what impacts people afflicted with galactosemia more, the fact that they have the disease, or the question of whether or not it fag end be treated? A child who is not lactose intolerant would not die from shock, whether or not treatment was available, and so disposition set the fate of the child. A child with galactosemia would only survive where treatment was available, so the environment determined the childs fate.The notion of nature versus nurture is one of the most debated topics of redbrick sociology, and is very app arent in the theories presented by Laura Mu lvey and Mimi White. They contend that mass media perpetuates sexism because media is ubiquitous, and the environment impacts human development. There is another side to this that our environment does not completely jell us. Just like a lactose-intolerant baby that would die in the absence of an environment that treated the natural disease, the media helps shape who we are, but does not completely dress us.Mulvey says matter-of-factly the fascination of film is reinforced by pre-existing patterns of fascination already at work within the individual subject and the social formations that have moulded him (Mulvey 519). She goes on to say that those pre-existing patterns boil down to the phallocentric order that is present in society. The fasci... ... responded to the situation because it was brought to them by mass media. People did not watch the Simpson trial because Simpson murder two people, people watched the trial because it was simulcast to every home, twenty-four by seven, f or almost a year. Just like there is middle ground in the nature versus nurture argument, there is middle ground between Mulvey and Whites positions and Gramsci, Foucault and Butler. We should keep in mind that the goal of television stations, production studios, newspapers and books is to make money, and not to uphold the bequest of Edward R. Murrow. Unfortunately, in a capitalist society, there is no pure media, only infotainment. This obstacle is going to occupy the minds of communication-theorists for as long as there are commercials on network television, ads in newspapers, and for as long as authors need to earn a living.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Human Resources Management Essay -- Business Management Studies Essays

Human Resources ManagementRECRUITMENT AND SELECTION1. Introduction undertaking 11. A report distinguishing between traditional personnel management and the new approach to human resource management, outlining their historical development.2. The Human Resource part in TD Travel Group. Its role and purpose in the organization.Task 21. An analysis of the objectives and the process of human resource planning.2. An evaluation of the systematic approach to enlisting for NIS Europe.3. An investigation of the selection procedures used for NIS Europe and TD Travel Group.3. Evaluation and Conclusion4. BibliographyTask 1TASK 2AN ANALYSIS OF THE OBJECTIVES AND THE sue OF HUMAN electionPLANNING.Human resource planning is the task of assessing and anticipating theskill, knowledge and labour time requirements of the organisation andinitiating action to fulfill those requirements.Human resource planning involves a strategy for the Recruitment Retention Utilisation Improvement, and Di sposalof the human resources of a employment. It necessarily to look at thefollowing factors* What are the skills and abilities of the current workforce?* What skills and abilities the organisation needs in the future?* Where can the organisation find its future supply of labour?* What are the future objectives of the business likely to be?* How will the business manage and obtain its human resources to meet these objectives?In order to plan Human Resources effectively a business has toundertake considerable research. Here is a table showing the thingscompanies have consider when planning human resourcesWhat is happening now?... ...by HRM to introduce new employees to the organisation, in all its social as substantially as work aspects.Stage nine- Review all candidatesReview uninterviewed candidates and sort out those that my be kept onfile for possible future use. broadcast standard letters to unsuccessfulto applicants and holding letters to those being kept on file. NISEuro pe will hold candidates on file for a level best of one year. TDTravel group do not use this procedure, they would start theirinformal recruitment process again as and when required.SUMMARY OF THE SELECTION PROCESS FOR TD TRAVEL GROUP AND NIS EUROPEIt is evident from the above information that NIS Europe carries out amore formal selection procedure than TD Travel Group. This is mess tothe fact that NIS Europe have more employees than TD Travel Group, andtherefore see it necessary to have a HR department.

Human Resources Management Essay -- Business Management Studies Essays

Human Resources ManagementRECRUITMENT AND SELECTION1. IntroductionTask 11. A report distinguishing between traditional personnel counseling and the new approach to human resource management, outlining their historical development.2. The Human Resource department in TD Travel Group. Its role and purpose in the organization.Task 21. An analysis of the objectives and the process of human resource externalisening.2. An evaluation of the systematic approach to recruitment for NIS europium.3. An investigation of the selection procedures used for NIS Europe and TD Travel Group.3. Evaluation and conclusion4. BibliographyTask 1TASK 2AN ANALYSIS OF THE OBJECTIVES AND THE PROCESS OF HUMAN RESOURCEPLANNING.Human resource planning is the task of assessing and anticipating theskill, knowledge and labour sentence requirements of the organisation andinitiating action to fulfill those requirements.Human resource planning involves a strategy for the Recruitment Retention Utilisation I mprovement, and Disposalof the human resources of a business. It unavoidably to look at thefollowing factors* What are the skills and abilities of the current workforce?* What skills and abilities the organisation needs in the future?* Where can the organisation find its future sum up of labour?* What are the future objectives of the business likely to be?* How will the business manage and obtain its human resources to meet these objectives?In order to plan Human Resources effectively a business has toundertake considerable research. Here is a table showing the thingscompanies have consider when planning human resourcesWhat is occurrence now?... ...by HRM to introduce new employees to the organisation, in all its social as well as work aspects.Stage nine- Review all candidatesReview uninterviewed candidates and carriage out those that my be unplowed onfile for possible future use. Send standard letters to unsuccessfulto applicants and holding letters to those being kept on fil e. NISEurope will hold candidates on file for a maximum of one year. TDTravel group do not use this procedure, they would wampum theirinformal recruitment process again as and when required.SUMMARY OF THE SELECTION PROCESS FOR TD TRAVEL GROUP AND NIS EUROPEIt is evident from the above information that NIS Europe carries out amore formal selection procedure than TD Travel Group. This is down tothe fact that NIS Europe have more employees than TD Travel Group, andtherefore devour it necessary to have a HR department.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Four Types Of Financial Statements Essay

Financial Statements come in four basic types income literary argument, retained earnings, the line of reasoning of capital flow and the balance sheet. These educational activitys argon personad both internally and externally to calculate the profitability and liabilities of a company. The financial statements of a company are the windowpane for managers, investors, and creditors into the stability of a company. The details of a financial statement differ from the type of the statement and are used by different entities to determine if they motive to invest in the company, lend to the company or by managers to determine if the company is operating and the needed level to continue growing.The income statement is a pushover for a defined time that lists revenues and expenses to equal the net income of the company. Revenues are broken down into sales and other sales. Expenses are items such(prenominal) as cost of goods sold, marketing marketing administrative costs, and total i ncome tax. The income statement reports on the success or failure of the companys operations by reporting its revenues and expenses. If the companys revenues exceed its expenses, it will report net income otherwise it will report a net loss (Kimmel & Kieso, 2009). The income statement reports of the companys operations are profitable or not. The income statements reports how successful the company is at generating a profit at sales.Retained earnings statements are statements of shareholders in dividends and earnings paid to owners. This statement shows the earnings kept by the owners to ensure future growth. High-growth companies generally do not pay dividends and reinvest into the company. This statement shows amounts and cause of change during a period in time. The beginning of the statement shows retained earnings and adds net income and deductions for dividends.The balance sheet is the third type of financial statement that show claimsto assets over a sure period of time. The b alance sheet brakes down the short -term and long- term assets of the company. The balance sheets groups similar assets with similar liabilities. Current assets are listed first, long-term investments nets and fixed assets, on with intangible assets like patents. Current liabilities payable in less than a year such as notes payable, accounts payable, salaries payable, unearned revenue, and interest payable are listed first. These are followed by mortgage notes due in more than one year and other notes due in more than a year. Last listed are stockholders equities such as common stock, and retained earnings. Companies list assets in order for which they expect to convert to cash (Kimmel & Kieso, 2009).The last type of basic financial statement is the statement of cash flow. This statement discloses cash receipts and cash payments made to the company for a specific period of time. The statement of cash flow reports the operating, investing, and financial activities of the company. Th is statement will answer questions such as where did the money come from, how as the money used, and what was the change that happened? Negative numbers are reflected with brackets (). Additionally, these statements report the net add or decrease in cash during a period in time and the amount of cash at the end of said time.Many entities use financial statement, both inside, and outside the company. Managers back use the balance sheet to determine if the cash on hand is sufficient for immediate cash needs. They jackpot also use these statements to look at the relationship between debts and stockholders equity to determine if the company has satisfactory proportion of debt and common stock financing (Kimmel & Kieso, 2009). Creditors can use the financial statements to determine the likely hood of being repaid. The statements will tell the creditors if there are sufficient assets to sell to repay a debt. use ratio analysis, revenues- expenses= net income, the creditor can measure the success of a company for a given period. Long- term investors and creditors look at the solvency of a company that is the measure of long- term survival of the company. Investors use financial statements to determine if they should invest in the company or cash out the stocks they hold, becauseof losses in the company. Publicly traded companies essential release annual reports, including financial statements, managers discussion and analysis, notes to the financial statements and an independent auditors report. Investors use all of these items to ensure they are making a fit investment.ReferencesKimmel, P. D., Weygandt, J. J., & Kieso, D. E. (2009). Financial accounting Tools for business decision making (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ John Wiley & Sons.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

How is the theme of insecurity developed in the novel ‘Of Mice and Men’ Essay

How is the theme of insecurity developed in the figment Of Mice and men through the use of characters, language and setting?Of Mice and Men was written in 1930s America during the Great Depression. The story begins with Lennie and George fleeing there previous work outer space, the ending is tragic. During the new we learn about the friendship that Lennie and George share, along with the dreams and ambitions of the other characters. The story is told in third person, this provides us with a clear unbiased view of all the characters. Of Mice and Men was set during The Great Depression, this roll in the hay show us that most of the characters are unassured and lonely, as they are Itinerant workers, they live with no permanent place of work and no house security after the wall street crash. The unemployment rate was high so there was an extreme lack of avocation security. They shit no time build relationships, and no trust for other people.M either(prenominal) of the characte rs experience insecurity for a variety of reasons.Crooks, the black stable buck feels insecure about his operate, this starts him feel he is segregated from the rest as he is the only(prenominal) black person on the ranch, Crooks the negro stable buck. Because of his race he is discriminated against, no-one ever goes into his room or talks to him Im black, they say I stink. Crooks is cruel to Lennie You got no right to come in my room this shows a sense of insecurity and bitterness, he is trying to shut people out, as this is the only way he knows to live.Crooks lives in a barn, he is tempered corresponding an animal, he sleeps in a straw bed Crooks bunk was a long box filled with straw, this shows nobody has any respect for him, he is considered worthless, this leave behind add to his insecurity. Square four-paned window this represents that he is isolated and he does not care letting people in, just like a small window does not let a lot of light in.Black people were discrim inated against in the 1930s, they were treated with little respect, they were treated like nothings Why its just a nigger saying it. Crooks was brought up where the majority of the population were not coloured, There wasnt another coloured family for miles this will assume Crooks insecure all his life he has been around people that are inferior to him. Steinbeck uses imagery to compare Crooks to an animal.Another character that experiences insecurity is Candy, he is the cleaner, he has only one hand and has been at the ranch for a long time. old candy, the swamper came in. Candy will experience insecurity end-to-end the novel because he is old and has only one hand this will make him feel insecure because he doesnt have any job security, as if he loses his job he will not be able to get another as no one else will expect an old disabled worker, his whole livelihood depends on someone else he has no control over his life.He compares himself to a dog, like he cannot hold dear hims elf, just like his dog that was shot. His only companion was his dog and now he does not have the dog he doesnt have anybody when they can me here I wish somebod d shoot me. We know that Candy is insecure because he seems desperate to join George and Lennie in their dream I wint have no place to go, an I cant get no more than this when he fails to join their dream this makes him feels like he has no future.Candy is similar it Crooks, the setting is bare, it is just like a prison, there is no sense of security for him.Curleys wife is the wife of Curley, the bosses son. She is the only women on the ranch and extremely flirtatious with other ranch workers. Being the only women on the ranch she feels she has power over the men, she flirts with them to overcome her insecurity, she tries to cover up that she is insecure, and she marries Curley to escape her loneliness. Everybody thinks that she is dangerous, but she knows more than everybody thinks Think I dont know where they all went.W e know she is insecure because she has dream too, she makes herself seem powerless to make the men think she is more vulnerable. By not making her dream come true she go bads insecure about life and puts up a protective barrier. She wears a lot of makeup and red, this symbolises danger and the fact that she wears a lot of makeup tells us that she is insecure and has low self esteem her finger elate were red.She does not have a name, she is recognised in the book as Curley wife, this gives the theory that she has no importance on the ranch and she is not treated like a normal person therefore this adds to her insecurity and makes her feel worthless A girl was standing there.Other characters in the novel that experience insecurity are Bill Tanner and Whit, they used to work on the ranch. Remember, Bill Tanner? Worked here about three months ago this gives the impression that the work there is impermanent and transient. This can show the other ranch workers that nothing is everlast ing and this can make them feels insecure. They dont have any job security, they can never settle down this will make them feel insecure because they dont have anything around them that they can aver on, they dont have familiar surroundings.Lennie is insecure because without George he is vulnerable and he has a lot of faith in him, he cant imagine life without him George wont go away and leave me.Lennie is described using animal imagery. Animals have a low intelligence direct just like Lennie, he cannot think for himself the way a bear drags his paws. Animals are commonly found in packs, if they are left without their pack they become very vulnerable to other animals, George is like Lennies pack, this will give Lennie a sense of insecurity as he knows that he cannot survive by himself. He is constantly asking for Georges approval, he relies on George over everything Where we goin, George.So many of the men on the ranch are insecure because they only have their dreams, they have no real life ambitions that they know will truly happen. They have no job or house security this can make them insecure because they do not have any idea of where their life is going to go, they literally have nothing. They are so insecure because they cannot have relationships or friendships with the other ranch workers, this will make them feel like they cannot be themselves and make them feel alone and on their own.In my opinion George does feel a sense of insecurity at the end of the novel because he does no have Lennie anymore, even though sometimes he did not want Lennie with him at all times if I was alone I could live so easy he still liked him to be there and to know that he had someone that relied on him even if he did not rely on himself. Without Lennie George feels alone just like the other ranch workers did, he will presently become as insecure and enclosed as them.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Hildegard of Bingen Life and Music Essay

Hildegard was born in 1098 to a noble German family at Bermersheim, south of Mainz. According to Hildegards biography, her parents offered her as the youngest often children to God as a tithe. Hildegard of Bingen was born in 1098 on her parents estate near Alzey in Rhenish Hesse. She was the tenth and last child of the noble suspender Hildebert and Mechtild of Bermersheim. Seven of her brothers and sisters are known by name. In 1106, when she was eight years old, her parents consecrated her to God, entrusting her to Jutta of Spanheim, who was living as a hermit at the Benedictine monastery at Disibodenbeg.The monk Volmar, who became Hildegards personal friend and amanuensis, saw to her later education. Between 1112 and 1115, Hildegard professed her vows as a Benedictine nun. As Juttas spiritual flume grew, a religious community for women led by the recluse was established upon Juttas death in 1136, Hildegard was elected head of the community . In 1141, at the historic period of for ty-two years and seven months, Hildegard heard a voice from heaven that directed her to record the visions she had experienced since early childhood.At first reluctant, Hildegard finally acquiesced to the mastery of the Living Light . As her writings became well known, Hildegard developed a reputation as a prophetess and healer. However, her prophetic ability did not manifest itself in predictions of the future but rather in an understanding and interpretation of contemporary events . Five years later, in 1141, through an especially brilliant vision, she received the prognosticate command to write down her visions. Just as on previous occasions.she resisted, became ill, and recovered only when she began to record her visions. Her hesitation was rooted in her strong deprecative views of charlatans. Pope Eugenius III. aware of the written account and on the recommendation of Bernard of Claivaux, read the first part of her Scivias before the Synod of Trier (114749). At the same time , he move a papal commission to Disibodenberg to study the authenticity of Hildegards visions. When he became certain of her genuineness, the Pope gave the Churchs approval in a garner and encouraged Hildegard to continue her writing.In addition to her spiritual duties, Hildegard was engaged in the secular events of her day. She corresponded with temporal and religious Ieaders, providing advice and urging reform. Although Frederick I Barbarossa had invited her to his imperial palace at Ingeiheim, Hildegard later admonished the emperor because of his support of three anti-popes. Nonetheless, she obtained letters of protection from Frederick that saved the Rupertsberg community when fighting broke out between imperial troops and those unwavering to the Pope.Hildegard undertook three preaching tours between 1158 and 1163 and a final one in 11701171 her travels took her to cathedral cries and monastic communities along the Upper and Lower Rhine as well as to more distant venues like Wikrzburg and Bamberg. The purpose of the tours was to promote monastic and clerical reform and to combat heretical sects, in particular the Cathars. As the Benedictine mother superiors reputation grew, the Rupertsberg communitv flourished.With the increased number of residents, a second community to accommodate young women of a less noble background was established in 1165 across the Rhine River near Eibingen. Because Hildegard intervened to bury a man who purportedly had died excommunicated, the Eibingen and Ruperrsberg communities were placed under interdict in 1178, unable to hear Mass, receive the Eucharist, or palaver the Divine Office. The matter was resolved and the interdict lifted just six months before the abbesss death on September 17, 1179 . From 1112 to 1182, Hildegard went through a life of nunnery and composers.At first, her piece has been directed towards the religious angles of Benedictines, mainly sung, and utilized in churches to which she had served. However, b y 1182, the trigger of her success in the field of music has soared massively through her several compositions that proved of value. The fame of her scores had eventually reached and influence the current time however, questions lie, such as how did her fame started? How and what are the influences provided by her compositions? Lastly, how was this look upon during her times as well as the present musical field?

Friday, May 24, 2019

Framework for Praxis Essay

Medical advancement and coifs have changed wellnesscargon over the years. As the healthcare placement changes so does the role of a she-goat. As the elderly population in the United States grows the gather up for primary care also increases but the use of blow practitioners is estimated to reduce the dearth of primary care services (Schiff, 2012).This paper will provide an overview of the benefit of a framework for praxis for an Adult Primary pity Nurse Practitioner (APCNP) and examine how the framework helps in the education of treat intimacy. The writer will give an overview of the role of an APCNP and how this role can help stop the overall healthcare organization. The paper will explore ideological, divinatory, and ethical components that guides and contribute to the growth of an APCNP framework for praxis. The paper will finally examine a fiber study of the use of the framework for praxis in a clinical setting.Overview of PraxisPraxis is defined in numerous ship way for opposite disciplines, for the breast feeding profession it is defined as the combination of practice and possibility (Kilpatrick, 2008). Many healthcare practitioners see knowledge acquired through clinical practice (praxis) as prejudiced and not real knowledge because scheme is always linked with scholarly procurement, as such it is difficult in face day nursing practice to recognize the importance of praxis (Penney & Warelow, 1999) According to Chinn and Kramer (2011) praxis may arise out of a single person or a group. Praxis arising at an individual level is based a person identifying and pondering on an issue that controls ones capabilities and understandings, then taking the responsibility in ever-changing the issue for themselves and others affected (Chinn & Kramer, 2011). A significant intent of praxis is the incorporating of theory and practice that helps in the acknowledgment and valuing different types of knowledge (Kilpatrick, 2008).Chinn and Kramer (2011) st ates nursing praxis set and labels those clinical experiences by bringing together the worlds of nursing practice and theory through the use of reflection and action (p. 83). It is believed nursing praxis helps in knowledge ripening. With each turn of reflection and action at least four ideals are used as abenchmark for determining the worth of emancipatory knowledge, these are sustainability, social justice empowerment and demystification (Chinn & Kramer, 2011, p. 84). nurse praxis is important to an APCNPs practice it creates opportunity for change by influencing personal nursing theory and the development of nursing knowledge through self-reflection. Self-reflection helps challenge the APCNPs personal and professional standards. Praxis may also help advance the role of the APCNP by reducing the disparities amidst clinical practice and concepts (Chinn & Kramer, 2011). Incorporating theoretical, ethical and philosophical beliefs of the APCNP will help provide a framework for pra xis.Overview of the role of an Adult Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (APCNP)An Adult Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (APCNP) is a primary care provider and is at the forefront of providing healthcare to the earthly concern. Certain standards must be attained before one can become an APCNP these allow graduate education with a concentration in an APCNP program and certification through examination. Duties of an APCNP include persevering education, performing physical assessments, diagnosing and prescribing medications (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, & OGrady, 2014). APCNP may practice in private clinics, acute care facilities, long-term care facilities or public health departments (Fitzpatrick & Emerson, 2011). As the elderly population in the United States grows the demand for primary care also increases, as such the use of an APCNP is estimated to reduce the shortage of primary care services (Schiff, 2012).The expanded use of APCNPs increases the ability to increase access to health car e, especially in the commonly underserved areas (Schiff, 2012).Ideological InfluencesLiberation theory by Paulo Freire, a Brazilian educator establishes a technique of teaching literacy for underprivileged adults based on negotiation (Sanford, 2000). The Liberation theory is chosen as the philosophical basis for practice because its centered on patient education and building trust between the nurse and patient through dialogue .The use of liberation theory and the theory of self-efficacy by Bandura will help the APCNP in the promotion of health education. According to Cody (2011), health is described as an pose that reflects accepting responsibility for self in developingpurpose in invigoration (p. 377). Health is currently viewed much more than the absence of disease. According to Bandura (1989), the theory of self- efficacy is based on self-confidence and is a good indicator for motivation to make behavioral changes.Self-efficacy theory is based on the mastery of skills, mold of skills especially by others and social persuasion of others to help create the belief that the patient is capable of mastering skills. Health literacy in the overall healthcare system is vital it improves patient satisfaction, decrease patient concerns, increase compliance to care, creates patient indecorum and increases overall quality of life. Utilizing theories provide the APCNP with the opportunity to effectively educate to modify the patient to understand their current health conditions in score to be able to make suitable healthcare decisions. As an APCNP it is necessary to explore ways to effectively educate patients because patient education is a vital part of continuum of health (DeMarco, Nystrom, & Salvatore, 2011).Theoretical InfluencesTheory development is the fundamental step for expansion of nursing knowledge. The theory of goal attainment by Imogene King addresses the phenomena, patient education. The theory was first presented in the 1960s by Imogene King (King , 1997). The basics of Kings Theory bring forward nurse patient communication the nurse helps the patient set goals and work together with the patient to attain the goals (King, 1997). The theory focuses on patient education, through social apprisalship with nurses and patients allowing the patient to acquire knowledge or develop skills to help achieve goals. The theory encourages dialogue between the patient and nurse and this growth opens the possibilities for participants to present problems, to seriously reflect and to identify solutions not previously realized. Essential attributes of the theory that influences patient education includes the necessity to make all health information handy to the patient. Due to the importance of disease prevention patient education is vital as such the APCNP should determine the best possible theory to help achieve desired outcomes through patient education.Ethical InfluencesAccording to Cody (2011), people should be afforded the opportunit y to betreated with dignity by having their values respected without view by others (p. 168). An APCNP providing patient health education can be faced with ethical dilemmas (Pavilish, Brown-Saltzman, Hersh, Shirk, & Rounkle, 2011). Ethical knowledge is required in nursing to guide practice because care outcomes depend on the nurses ethical and moral perception (Chinn & Kramer, 2011). Ethics help by identifying principles and create basics that help crawfish human rights, and ethical values (Hamric et al., 2011). The changing healthcare system and patient care delivery systems have increased the complexity of ethical issues (Hamric et al., 2011). According to the American Nurses Association (ANA) (2001), the code of ethics provides an outline nurses can use in making ethical decisions when performing their duties to the public, to members of the health team, and to the nursing profession.Ethical principles include autonomy, liberality (bring about positive good), fidelity (trustw orthy), and veracity (honesty) (ANA, 2001). As ethical agents and patient advocates, we know patient education includes written materials, but its also cognise that most written material available is above reading levels of the overall public. It is vital as an APCNP to take into account your responsibility to the ethical element of autonomy or fidelity in relation to patient education. Patient education is sometimes directed toward supporting patients to make decisions about signing consents.It is the responsibility of the health care professional who is educating the patient to confirm that the patient has enough understanding about the consequences of the diagnosis, test or procedure that they are consenting to. In order not to violate the principle of autonomy, veracity and beneficence, the primary ethical step for healthcare providers would be to learn more about the patients literacy level and then assess to get appropriate educational materials suitable for the patient. In o rder to provide the most comprehensive educational material to patients and not entrench on ethical principles, providers need to consider the importance of using appropriate written materials at patients readability level.The combination of the APCNPs ideology, theoretical and ethical framework helps provide a framework for praxis. This also gives nurses the opportunity to help impact changes to the health of the community by concentrating on the quality of life of the community. As an APCNP creating a practice thatpromotes health literacy, empowerment, acceptance and equality is important. This can be done through the use of patient centered care sit that helps in promoting effective patient education. With the use of liberation theory and theory of goal attainment the healthcare provider will be able to better assess patient and provide health education tailored for each patient. Ethical theories have to be examined and integrated throughout the patient education process to ens ure patient services provided meets specific needs.Case StudyMr. Bick is a 50 year old with hypertension who comes to the clinic for a follow up appointment after a stroke. During his appointment the nurse establishes a relationship by having a dialogue with patient inquiring about patients overall life, through the dialogue the patient is able to share personal struggles with medication compliance due to work schedule. The nurse is able to educate patient on how to effectively take all medications without interfering with the patients work schedule .The patient sets a goal to reduce BP, the nurse guides the patient with different methods on make his goal, including diet modification and increasing activity level.The case study utilizes the liberation theory to educate by building trust between the nurse and patient through dialogue. In the case study, it is noted that the patients self-efficacy made the patient more receptive to the health education offered by the nurse. The pati ent learnt different options for medication adherence without interference in his work schedule. The theory of goal attainment was also utilized the patient set a goal and the nurse helped by educating the patient on different options to achieve his goal.ConclusionAPCNPs are considered as nurses who are equipped with the clinical and management skills necessary to meet the linchpin roles in transforming healthcare. Nursing obligation to patient education is entwined into many theoretical frameworks. The intent of the framework for praxis is to place the practice of patient education in a position where significant relations can be made between experiences of everyday practice, clinical research and scholarly inquiry.ReferencesAmerican Nurses Association (ANA), (2001), commandment of ethics for nurses, American NursesAssociation, Washington, D.C. Retrieved from http//www.nursingworld.org /Main MenuCategories/EthicsStandards/CodeofEthicsfornurses /code-of-ethics.pdf Bandura, A. (198 9). Regulation of cognitive processes through perceived self-efficacy.Developmental Psychology, 25, 729-735.Chinn, P. L., & Kramer, M. K. (2011). Integrated theory and knowledge development. (8th ed.).St Louis Mosby Elsevier.DeMarco, J., Nystrom, M., & Salvatore, K. (2011). The importance of patient educationthroughout the continuum of health care. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet,15(1), 22-31. doi 10.1080/15398285.2011.547069.Hamric, A. B., Hanson, C. M., Tracy, M. F., & OGrady, E. T. (2014). Advanced practicenursing An integrative approach. St. Louis, MO Elsevier.Kilpatrick, K (2008), Praxis and the role development of acute care nurse practitioner. Nursing Inquiry 15(2), 116-126. King, I. (1997). Kings theory of goal attainment in practice. Nursing Science Quarterly 10(4),180-185.Pavlish, C., Brown-Saltzman, K., Hersh, M., Shirk, M., & Rounkle, A. (2011). Nursingpriorities, actions, and regrets for ethical situations in clinical practice. Journal ofNursing Scholarship, 43(4), 385-95. doi10.1111/j.1547-5069.2011. Penney, W & Warelow J. (1999) Understanding the prattle of praxis. Nursing Inquiry 6, 259-268 Sanford, R. C. (2000). Caring through relation and dialogue A nursing perspective for patient education. Advance Nursing Science 22(3), 1-15 Schiff, M (2012). The role of nurse practitioners in meeting increasing demand for primary care National Governors Association. Retrieved fromhttp// www.nga.org/cms/home/news-room/news-releases/page_2012/col2-content/nurse-practitioners-have-potenti.html

Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Essay

Charles fiend wrote this novel because he was keenly touched by the jalopy of poor children in the middle decades of the 19th century. This is the author which motivated Dickens in doing this, before writing this novel. Before he decided to this he thought of publishing leaflets instead. On the other hand just about critics have suggested that Scrooges redemption underscores what they see as the conservative individualistic and patriarchal of Dickens Carol Philosophy.Dickens own experiences influenced him a lot in why he wrote this novel and how he disturbances so much for the children, who were forced to hard labour in the workhouses from such young age as 12. Before the New Poor Law was introduced in 1834, a high percentage of young children were forced t work to make sure that them and their families did non die of starvation. There was a well known prison c altogethered the The Marshelsea, it became know in the 19th century around the world through the writing of the face novelist Charles Dickens.His father which was there in 1824 for a debt of ? 40 and 10 shillings however Dickens most traumatic experience was when he was forced to leave schoolhouse at the young age of 12 to work in a factory instead. Dickens already had ideas of how to use these types of experiences in a novel. Some of the affectionate conditions such as the new poor law have been shown in the Christmas Carol in this particular quote The Treadmill and the the poor law in full vigour then? Both rattling busy sir This quote proves to us that Dickens used his novel to express the social conditions through it.Dickens used Scrooge as the main character reference to show that wealthy mass always have a responsibility to help those less fortunate. He clearly shows this view at the end of the novel where he gives a young boy money to buy a turkey for the Crachit family. The family isnt the profuseest still has a really warm heart. Crachit tries showing Scrooge that lifespan is not all about money and also that he should try to move on and forget about Bella. Scrooge had a really bad experience when Bella marries someone else because she told him that he cares about money more than her.Scrooge somehow had to get over this tragic event in his life and since then he has not been able to celebrate a successful eve without thinking of her for even a moment. In much earlier in the novel 3 old men come up to Scrooge asking for money to donate to people for Christmas, however Scrooge is a cold hearted person so instead of donating a few shillings he says Bah Humbug. The main character of A Christmas Carol is Ebenezer Scrooge. He is an elderly man who lives in London, his sister died leaving a son whose name is Fred.In addition to this Ebenezer has no family. He is a very rich banker. Scrooges clerk Bob Crachit is a middleaged man who has six children. Ebenezer is thin and has a slight hunchback, coal grey hair and a wrinkle old face, on which he has reddish eyes , a long pointed nose and thin blue lips as cold as ice. Like his employee Bob is very well dressed. Lets take a look at Scrooge first, before he got visited by the spirits he was a very stingy person and only cared about his own interests.He couldnt manage to share his money and was not sensitive to the suffering of others. Ebenezer was even bumpy to his employee who neer cheated, is reliable, hardworking and had to endure the bad behaviour on him. Bob is satisfied with not owning anything and having no money at all. Bob is satisfied with not owning anything and having no money at all, however the only things that matter for him and make him happy are the small but the most important things in life which is his family.After Scrooge got visited by the ghosts he changed positively and you could even say that was similar to Crachit. Just like he likes Christmas, is a good and open to others, mirthful and happy. He even started to share money with the poor and expressed his feelings by helping others. In my opinion Scrooge turned into a better character and I admire his sudden transformation into a better human being. Bob Crachits characteristics are that he is poor, has a big family, young and takes care of his close ones, joyful and nice.The crachit family live in a small cosy home but they dont have enough money to curry it with luxuries because the most important thing for them is too have enough money for coal/fire so that they would be warm, however most importantly all they want to happen is for Tiny Tim to be a healthy again. The miraculous transformation that Scrooge has made makes us aware that good change is never too late. Also that money cannot buy happiness you just have to share it with other people to make something good of it.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Massage Therapy

Annotated Bibliography and Critique Massage Therapy September 19th, 2012 Introduction The alternative therapy I chose to look was Massage therapy. The Oxford Dictionary of Psychology defines knead therapy as manual manipulation of soft tissue to promote physical and mental wellness and well- be. Forms of rub down therapy fuel be traced back to ancient Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Hindu, and Japanese civilizations ( corrade therapy, 2008).I chose to do this topic for my annotated bibliography because I am interested in learning more than ab by the benefits of abrade and to understand ways of healing suffer and discomfort through touch and manual manipulation. I believe that rub down therapy is not only helpful in the relief of pain and discomfort but also helps in the stimulated maintenance of romantic relationships. Article One Ho, Y. , Lee, R. , Chow, C. , & Pang, M. (2010). Impact of work therapy on motor outcomes in very low-birth metric weight unit infants Randomi zed controlled pilot light reading.Pediatricsinternational, 52, 378-385. The purpose of this randomized trial was to investigate the efficacy of massage therapy on stable preterm VLBW infants in promoting motor development, weight gain, and earlier discharge from the hospital (Ho et al. , 2010, p. 378). Ho et al. suggest that it is gener bothy accepted that infants at 32 weeks gestational age and beyond may benefit from massage therapy (Ho et al. , 2010, p. 378). This was a randomized controlled intervention pilot trial that studied infants whose gestational age was between 25 and 34 weeks with VLBW. dickens types of massage interventions were performed on separate groups of infants for 15 minutes in duration. One intervention being 5 minutes of massage therapy with tactile stimulation in the first and third phases and physical practise phase in the second phase and the other therapy (sham give-and-take) consisted of gentle still touch producing no indentation in the tegument. E ach give-and-take was done an hour after feedings. Daily caloric intake was recorded as well as bodyweight before intervention, at 36 weeks PCA, and after intervention.The results of this study were shown to be that out of the 24 infants that were involved, the infants with poor initial motor performance had significantly more make break-dancement in motor outcomes and shorter length of hospital stay following massage therapy than sham treatment (Ho et al. , 2010, p. 381) Article One Critique Strengths of this clause were the thorough explanation of the therapies done with the infants. This allows for easy replication of the study should anyone try and implement these types of massage therapies in hospital NICUs.This article also outlined implications for future research suggesting that a large sample size would be beneficial for some other study to lead more right results. The authors use and interpretation of the evidence lead to the same conclusion as was given in the concl usion. Appropriate methods to gather evidence was employ and measurements were done at appropriate growth stages. I believe that the results of this study were congruent with what the conclusion stated in the end.Shortcomings of this article ar stated within the article saying that the effect of massage on preterm infants motor developmental outcomes thus remains uncertain, and a study with a more rigorous study design is warranted (Ho et al. , 2010, p. 378). Excluding certain infants from the study I believe was also a short coming in this article. They restrain infants that had maternal dose addictions, congenital abnormalities, and genetic disorders. This was a limitation to this study because it didnt allow for results to show if massage therapy could benefit these types of conditions in newborns.Limiting infants such as ones with congenital abnormalities may have allowed the results to show erupt growth in the overall group. For future studies infants with conditions such as congenital abnormalities or maternal drug addiction could be included as a third subgroup for testing of massage therapy to see if the benefits of this alternative therapy aids in their growth and development. Article Two Munk, N. , Kruger, T. , & Zanjani, F. (2011). Massage therapy usage and reported health in older adults.The daybook of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, 17(7), 609- 616. A randomized study was done to examine the relate of massage therapy in older adults with pertinacious pain compared to persistent pain clients who have not sought out the use of alternative therapies such as massage therapy. This article suggests that high rates of persistent and acute pain have been reported by users of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) including recipients of massage therapy (MT), with pain being the primary reason some adults utilize CAM treatments (Munk et al. 2011, p. 609). Participants of this study were 60 92 socio-economic classs from Lexington, Ke ntucky either from 500 randomly selected Feyette County voters or from surveys given out at massage therapy clinics. Surveys and questions were dispersed to each participant and answers were recorded. The results of this study were mean annual income and years of education were significantly higher for those who utilized MT in the past year compared to those who did not indicate MT usage in the past year (Munk et al. , 2011, p. 611).Furthermore, participants who utilized MT in the past year had significantly higher incomes, more years of education, and greater cumulative CAM usage than those who did not report massage usage (Munk et al. , 2011, p. 612). Article Two Critique The strong points of this article were that it suggested future studies to look into things such as policy change that would help with older adults being able to afford massage therapy or be covered under their benefits. Another strength of this article was that it lists its limitations, allowing future studies to build off of the limitations they had and continue with the study.Shortcomings of this article were that it didnt talk much about the positives that older adults experience from massage therapy. I would have found it more beneficial to understand how older adults benefited from massage therapy in regards to their persistent pain. Another shortcoming of this article, as stated on page 609, is that ascribable to the limited existence of evidence-based studies, the benefits of MT are not well understood for older adults, especially in regards to pain (Munk et al. , 2011, p. 609).As well, a wider variety of patients could be used to see how different types of people or conditions could benefit from massage therapy. This article was limited to only the Kentucky population rather than a wider variety of people. With this study being centered around a survey and data analysis I feel that surveys could have been sent out worldwide to get a better understanding of massage therapy and its benefits on a wide variety of conditions. More shortcomings were that there was no real measure of pain or how long it lasted for in the participants.This makes me wonder about the authors conclusion of massage therapy being associated with self-report of less limitation due to physical or emotional issues (Munk et al. , 2011, p. 614). The last short coming of this article was that there was no actual controlled massage therapy taking place, rather it was just assumed through self reports that massage therapy aided in the management of persistent pain. Article Three Sefton, J. , Yarar, C. , Berry, J. , & Pascoe, D. (2010). Therapeutic massage of the neck and shoulders produces changes in peripheral blood persist when assessed with dynamic infrared thermography.The Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, 16(7), 723-732. The documentary of this repeated-measures crossing over experimental design study was to determine the effect of therapeutic massage on peripheral bloo d flow (Yarar et al. , 2010, p. 723). It is suggested that MT may improve circulation to damaged or painful tissues, and thereby improve the delivery of metabolic fuels and gas in addition to accelerated waste removal( Yarar et al. , 2010, p. 724). Thus, massage treatment may improve tissue function and potentiate tissue repair by removing barriers to healing processes (Yarar et al. 2010, p. 724). 17 volunteers were chosen for this study. Using a blinded, randomized crossover design, each subject completed the control (C), light touch (LT) and massage (MT) conditions on 3 separate days, at least 1 week aside (Yarar et al. , 2010, p. 724). The participants were then scanned by dynamic infrared thermography (DIRT) and anterior, posterior and lateral thermal images were taken. The key finding of this investigation was that the MT condition produced significantly higher skin temperatures when compared to the control condition in five zones (Yarar et al. , 2010, p. 27). Importantly, sign ificant changes were found in zones 9 and 13, areas adjacent to the massaged areas that did not receive massage treatment (Yarar et al. , 2010, p. 727-728). These results suggest that a 20-minute MT protocol can increase skin temperature and peripheral blood perfusion to both the areas receiving massage treatment as well as areas adjacent to the treatment (Yarar et al. , 2010, p. 728). The second key finding in this investigation was that the LT condition did not differ significantly from the C condition (Yarar et al. , 2010, p. 728). Article Three CritiqueThe strengths and shortcomings of this article were that it was, to me, very difficult to read with the abbreviations throughout. There was only one method used for measuring the temperature of the skin following massage treatment after a a couple of(prenominal) different methods were mentioned in the beginning. The strengths were that it outlined the changes in every zone after treatment, making it clear what areas benefited fro m treatment. Much time was taken into the discussion part to better understand the results that came of this study. The graphs on pages 729 and 730 are a great way of showing readers the different affects each treatment had on the zones.The use of DIRT to measure the spring up temperature without touching the skin was beneficial to this study because it does not require direct touch to the skin. This allows for accurate results because contact with the skin could possibly increase temperature readings. However, I calculate further study into other methods of taking temperature could have been done to have more options and a wider variety of results. Different variety of massage therapies, such as relaxation massage versus deep tissue massage, could bring about different results as well. Perhaps with deep tissue massage arterial blood flow would be encouraged throughout the body.The final shortcoming of this article I thought to be the small sample size of 17 participants. However, results were rather accurate due to each participant experiencing each of the 3 treatment types. Application to health care I believe these articles are all applicable to health care because each one is related to a type of condition or illness that could benefit from massage therapy. Low birth weight infants are born every day and finding an alternative therapy to helping with growth and development would help in reducing medical costs and helps in bring down hospital stays for the families affected.Aging adults are often affected by persistent pain from ware on their bones and joints. As an alternative of using virulent prescription medications, massage therapy would help with medical costs as well as lessen the complications and undesirable side effects that come with taking pills all the time. And lastly, massage therapy being used to help with peripheral blood flow to areas that may have little to no circulation can help with lessoning the chance of DVTs, decrement medical costs and improve healing time. ConclusionIn conclusion, massage therapy is effective in helping low birth weight babies with gaining weight and having shorter hospital stays as well as improvement in management of persistent pain and increase in peripheral blood flow. More studies could be done in regards to other positive effects that massage therapy has such as, mental and emotional health and well being. The articles reviewed in this annotated bibliography showed that very low-birth weight infants can benefit from massage in regards to promoting motor development and weight gain.Massage therapy in older adults experiencing persistent pain, according to self reported findings, improves limitation due to physical or emotional issues. And therapeutic massage helps with increased surface temperature aiding in peripheral blood flow. References Ho, Y. , Lee, R. , Chow, C. , & Pang, M. (2010). Impact of massage therapy on motor outcomes in very low-birthweight infants Randomized contro lled pilot study. Pediatrics international, 52, 378-385. Massage therapy. (2008). In A. Colman (Ed. ), A Dictionary of Psychology (3rd ed. ). Retrieved from http//library. troyal. ca2139/view/10. 1093/acref/9780199534067. 001. 0001/acref- 9780199534067-e-9168? rskey=9C7gUq&result=1&q=massage%20therapy Munk, N. , Kruger, T. , & Zanjani, F. (2011). Massage therapy usage and reported health in older adults. The Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, 17(7), 609-616. Sefton, J. , Yarar, C. , Berry, J. , & Pascoe, D. (2010). Therapeutic massage of the neck and shoulders produces changes in peripheral blood flow when assessed with dynamic infrared thermography. The Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, 16(7), 723-732.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Diplomatic Immunity

The importance of developing friendly intercourse between members of international community which is one of the swear aims of the fall in Nations, necessitate the establishment of diplomatic relations between nations. As the complexity of international affairs increased and the interdependence of nations grew, countries recognized both the gismo and necessity of maintaining resident envoys abroad. A code of diplomatic procedure was developed and has become part of the law of nations.On 18 April l961, the United Nations Conference on diplomatical Intercourse and Immunities adopted the capital of Austria Convention on Diplomatic Relations, hereafter called the Vienna Convention, which codified the law on the subject (Salonga, J. & Yap, P. l966 p. 252). Diplomatic persons become been accorded since ancient times special privileges and immunities on the necessity of permitting free and unhampered exercise of diplomatic functions and of maintaining the dignity of the diplomatic repre sentative and the nation he represents.However, the Vienna Convention clearly expressed that those who enthrall the privileges and immunities have the duty to respect the laws of the host country. Although inadequate, diplomatic immunity provides a means to forestall active hostilities that index arise between nations. Discussions/Analysis The person of a diplomatic envoy is inviolable. A diplomatic agent, official family members and his administrative and technical staff may non be subpoenaed as a witness, arrested or detained, prosecuted and residence may not be entered subject to ordinary procedure.The United Nations Organizations and other international bodies also enjoy the right of legation and are accorded diplomatic immunity by receiving nations. Nonetheless, without prejudice to the privileges and immunities, diplomatic personnel are not exempt from well-grounded responsibility for infractions affiliated under the local anaesthetic laws of the receiving country. For d eath and injury committed, the receiving country may request the sending nation to waive the immunity of a diplomatic agent. Gueorgui Makharadze, a delegate ambassador of the Republic of Goergia to the United States was convicted by the U. S.for causing the death of a sixteen-year-old girl and wounding four others in a car accident.As a diplomat, he was released from custody, but the Georgian government waived his immunity when the U. S. government readed for it (Frieden, T. & the Associated Press 2000). Less grave offenses, however, are being dealt with administratively by the sending State as in the case of theft. Mexican embassy asked a Mexican press attach Rafael Quintero Curiel to tender his resignation upon arrival in Mexico City when he was caught through a surveillance video stealing blackberry PDA units from a White House press meeting room.He was caught up at the airport by the United States Secret Service and was about to leave. He claimed diplomatic immunity and left (. Rosen, James, Max Emanuel & the Associated Press). Exemption from taxation by the receiving State is held to be part of the non-essential prerogatives of diplomats, disposed(p) to them only as a matter of comity or courtesy. A diplomatic envoy however is not exempt from charges levied for specific services rendered. An voice of this is the charge on cars entering central London. There are reports that diplomatic immunity has been used to avoid payment of traffic fines reaching to several meg pounds.There are embassies who agreed to settle their accounts. Londoners welcome the move of the United Arab Emirates to settle 99,950 of traffic fines and hope that the U. S. government will follow the move made by UAE (Embassy to pay). The expound occupied by a diplomatic mission are also inviolable. The agents of the receiving State may not enter such premises without the consent of the envoy, except in extreme cases of necessity such as when the premises are on fire or where there is imminent risk of exposure that a crime of violence is about to be perpetrated on the premises.Such premises cannot be entered or searched and neither can the records and archives be detained by local authorities even under process of law. Premises of global organizations are also inviolable. Recently, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) become the center of fray when Geneva police entered the Geneva headquarters of the international patents agency to collect evidences in the alleged smear campaign against WIPOs deputy head, Francis Gurry, following his thrill filed.The police authorities get rid of diplomatic immunity when they entered the premises of an international body to greet DNA samples from ten employees of the said organization as reported by the Tribune de Genve. To allow the investigation to proceed, the Swiss government assented earlier to lift the diplomatic immunity from the 10 WIPO diplomats (Curtis, M. 2008). Diplomatic privileges and immunities ma y be waived, but as a rule, the waiver cannot be made by the individual concerned since such privileges and immunities are not personal to him.The waiver may be made only by the government of the sending State, in the case of UN International agencies it is the member nations that could waive the immunity. Summary/Conclusion Diplomatic agents are entitle to privileges and immunities, such as personal inviolability, inviolability of premises and archives, exemption from taxes and customs duties, exemption from local jurisdiction, etc. Privileges and immunities however, are not without limitations envoys are not immune from legal liability.The host country may request the sending State expressed waiver of immunity or can declare persona non grata a diplomat or any member of his family who commit serious crime. Though immune from local laws, he can be recalled and prosecuted under his own countrys justice system. An envoy is immune from the criminal and saves in certain cases, the civi l jurisdiction of the receiving State for all acts, whether official or private. Thus he cannot be arrested, prosecuted and punished for any offense he may commit, unless his diplomatic immunity is waived.The procedure in cases where an envoy is guilty of a serious infraction of laws is to ask for his recall. Immunity from jurisdiction, however, does not mean exemption from the local law. It does not presuppose a right to violate any of the laws of the receiving State. They are not liable to be sued unless they submit to the jurisdiction. Diplomatic immunity does not signify immunity from legal liability but only exemption from local jurisdiction.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Homeschooling Your Child Essay

In America today rough p bents feel that universal or offstage trails argon non doing an adequate job of education their electric shaverren. A lot of people feel that our domain schools are focusing too heavily on order testing and the broadcast is reflecting test winning skills. The grooming load often becomes too much for the carryer and takes away from family prison term- in some cases taking four or more hours a night to complete.In m whatever instances the curriculum moves too closely or too slow and the squirt becomes bored and less(prenominal) attentive or simply gets befogged in the coursework. In a classroom with thirty children a single teacher fecesnot cater to the ask of e precise single child and this leaves many lost. Some children are very bright and intelligent nevertheless they need one on one teaching to learn and reach their full potential. And some hold not to mold their children in public schools because it does not t curiosityerize a rel igion based curriculum- something that is very important for some families.Lastly children in public schools to a fault come into contact with shun match twitch such as drugs and violence and in some instances gun violence takes place in schools.By choosing to educate your child at al-Qaida you give the sack give your child the opportunity for a better education suited to your childs mortal(a) needs. Reasons that drive parents to homeschooling their children include too much provision, not becoming family time, a curriculum based on standardized testing, electronegative peer pressure including violence and drugs, and the absence of religion in schools.By homeschooling your child you stooge control the curriculum and you female genital organ choose to include religion in the curriculum and the negative peer pressure from fellow students is not in that respect. In order for children to learn they must be clothe into the correct setting. Securing a sage place free of drugs , gun violence, and negative peer pressure were entirely factors which turned families toward homeschooling. (Wichers, 2001, p. 145)Homeschooling Your ChildIn America today many parents feel that public or private schools are not doing an adequate job of teaching their children. A lot of people feel that our public schools are focusing too heavily on standardized testing and the curriculum is reflecting test taking skills. The homework load often becomes too much for the student and takes away from family time- in some cases taking four or more hours a night to complete. In many instances the curriculum moves too fast or too slow and the child becomes bored and less attentive or simply gets lost in the coursework.In a classroom with thirty children a single teacher cannot cater to the needs of every single child and this leaves many lost. Some children are very bright and intelligent but they need one on one teaching to learn and reach their full potential. And some choose not to p ut their children in public schools because it does not offer a religion based curriculum- something that is very important for some families. Lastly children in public schools also come into contact with negative peer pressure such as drugs and violence and in some instances gun violence takes place in schools.This topic is important to me because I feel that one day when I have children homeschooling whitethorn be an option for them. With the way things are headed now and the things that go on in our public schools I may feel it is lift out to teach my children myself when I have them. This topic is relevant to many others because of the same reasons and homeschooling is congruous more popular in America with every year. In todays society there are a lot of people in America that are searching for alternative methods of educating their children and homeschooling can be a great choice. A few reasons that drive parents to homeschooling their children includeenvironmental concerns, such as safety, drugs, and negative peer pressure,desire to provide religious or moral instruction, dissatisfaction with academics at other schools, childs physical and mental health problems, childs other special needs, and other reasons, including the childs choice, flexibility, and greater parental control over education. (Abbott, 2006, p. 49)Some families also face too much homework, not enough family time, and a curriculum based on standardized testing when they have children enrolled in the public school system. Children with disabilities and children who demand a more attentive teacher with one on one teaching are great candidates for homeschooling.I also feel disappointed in the fact that our schools no lasting involve religion- not even a simple morning prayer. It is to the point where teachers are reprimanded for mentioning religion of any kind. My creed is very important to me and I would like it if faith based instruction was an everyday rive of my childs education. When I think of the future and what my children may encounter on a nonchalant basis at their school I always think of homeschooling if our public school systems get high-risk enough. When I hear roughly the violence and drugs that my future children may encounter era at school I consider homeschooling a great option for my future family.Homeschooling can become a uncorrupted choice for parents who are tired of the test taking based curriculum and the extreme amount of homework that is required of their children. By choosing to home school, the parent and student can decide on a curriculum that best suites the child and that isnt based on passing one test at the end of that school year.Another plus side to choosing the curriculum is that parents can choose to teach a faith based curriculum and implement religion classes into the coursework. If a child is getting their education at home usu entirelyy it will involve much less homework and the childs spare time can be spent on ext ra-curricular activities- something that students often feel they dont have enough time for. Being homeschooled also gives the student and parents more family time because theres less homework to be done in the evening.Another reason why parents choose homeschooling is because of the knockdown-dragout and drug fill up atmosphere in most public middle and secondary schools. Students encounter negative peer pressure while at school and this can lead to drug or alcohol abuse and violent or rebellious behavior. In an atmosphere such as this a child is not attached the best opportunity to succeed and sometimes this is enough to convince parents that in home education is best for their child or children. I cant think of any parents that I roll in the hay who would trust to send their children to a school filled with drugs and violence and that is not a suitable learning environment.Parents know what is best for their child and know how to create the best environment suitable for thei r child to learn. In homeschooling, parents can give their children more choice and control in their curriculum while teaching them one on one. If a parent decides to home school their child, that child will have the opportunity to advance at their own pace. Children who are homeschooled often learn at a faster pace because they are universe taught one on one usually by a parent. By allowing a child to pelt along at a faster pace the child will not become bored with the capability taught and will remain focused and interested in the material being taught.Although many Americans are subdued skeptical of homeschooling there are many advantages to homeschooling your child. Studies have shown that children who are homeschooled tend to score higher on standardized tests such as advanced placement exams, the ACT, and the SAT than do public schooled children. (McReynolds, 2007) It is also shown that children who are homeschooled attend college at higher rates and are in many cases recr uited by universities. (Romanowski, 2006, p. 127)Many reputable schools such as, Brown, Georgetown, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, the United States Military Academy at West Point, UC at Berkeley, University of Michigan, Notre Dame, and Yale are all universities that undertake freshman who have been homeschooled and in some cases recruit students who have mostly been homeschooled. (Romanowski, 2006, p. 127) It is just as gentle if not easier for homeschooled children to enter into college. It is reported that children who are educated at home usually score about 15% higher on standardized tests than do publicly schooled children. (Wilhelm, 2009) In the year 2005, students who were homeschooled averaged scores of 22.5 while students educated in public schools averaged a 20.9 score. (Abbott, 2006, p. 50)By choosing to educate your child at home you can give your child the opportunity for a better education suited to your childs individual needs. Reasons that drive parents to homeschoolin g their children include too much homework, not enough family time, a curriculum based on standardized testing, negative peer pressure including violence and drugs, and the absence of religion in schools. By homeschooling your child you can control the curriculum and you can choose to include religion in the curriculum and the negative peer pressure from fellow students is not there. In order for children to learn they must be put into the correct setting. Securing a sage place free of drugs, gun violence, and negative peer pressure were all factors which turned families toward homeschooling. (Wichers, 2001, p. 145)ReferencesAbbott, M., & Miller, J. (2006). What you need to learn about homeschooling.Contemporary Pediatrics,23(11), 48. Retrieved from CINAHL with Full Text database. In the article titled, What you neediness to Learn About Homeschooling, Myles Abbott and Jennifer Miller explore many common reasons why parents choose homeschooling their children over traditionalistic public schools. Abbott and Miller also studied the different

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Bad effect of modern technology Essay

IntroductionMetamorphosis is the only thing that is changeless in this world. Everything is subjected to change, whether its small or huge. And these changes have its complementary force fulfills, either good or large(p). engine room is a concrete example of those things that are undergoing a huge change. It came from the Greek words (1.) Techne, which means Art, skill, dodge of hand and (2.) a prefix -logia. This only means that engineering is a scientific progression and pass of tools, machines, techniques, systems, and methods of organization which helps in solving pre-existing problems of humans.Background of the StudyIn the era where in current technologies still dont exist, students rely mostly in educational materials such library, observations, notes, books just to analyze and study their lessons. They put a lot of extra efforts in order to gain information. Students are much focused and motivated in studying in order to attain good grades and better education. fit in to Daniels, 2002 Ganske et al., 2003 Harvey, 2002, engineering science motivates students to in having a choice in their assignments, see the relevancy, or can assess the teachers feedback intertwined, student motivation increases. Along with the rapid growth and change of advanced technology, students become to a greater extent dependent to electronic gadgets around them. Because the students believe in the power of gadgets, they all rely their works in them. As a result, they forget to be responsible in their own way and let themselves be controlled with by all the comforts that the gadgets give them. Unlike before, they allot less meter in studying and putting more(prenominal) cadence in using the gadgets because they have this idea that doing researches and assignments can be good done because of it. Modern technology causes great distraction in the study habits of students.Statement of the Problem1.) What products of technology are affecting the students study habits the most?2.) How often do students use the electronic gadgets?3.) What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology to the studying habits of the students? 4.) How often do the aforementioned advantages and disadvantages occur to them while using these gadgets?5.) In general, what is the effect of the advancement of technology to the studying habits of the students? Is it essential? Or detrimental?HypothesesThe following hypotheses result be tried and true for acceptance and approval H0 There is no significant effect of modern technology to the studying habits of the students of the selected students of out-of-the-way(prenominal) Eastern University. H1 There are significant effects brought by modern technology to the studying habits of the selected students of distant Eastern University.Scope and LimitationThis research study gives emphasis to the possible effects modern technology to the studying habits, as well as the actance, of the selected students of FEU. T he researchers conducted a survey through a questionnaire to the 100 students, haphazard selected, who often use e-gadgets llike iPad, laptop, cellphone, etc. This is to verify their standpoint regarding the effects caused by technology to their fareance in school and to obtain data that can be used in this study. This study will no longer altercate the new innovation. Although this can be a source of information which can be adapted to profound and maximize the use of e-gadgets. This study is focused on how modern technology affects students conformity to the requirements of their course description and relevant actions to determine how to efficiently use the e-gadgets. The effects that the researchers presented are either dread(prenominal) or valuable.Significance of the StudyThe Students a complete, balance, and proper usage of the gadgets they have. Through these, students can allocate their time more appropriately and they can prioritize the degree of importance of their ta sks. The Teachers abackground on why the certain students are not able to accomplish their work. The Parents ideas on how are they going to minimize the bad effects brought about by these gadgets and through this, they can guide their sons and daughters on the limitations they should build to avoid colony to these gadgets. Furthermore, this study will serve as a theoretical model for future studies of the same character if ever the existing problem has penetrated in this case will exist in the future. Future researchers will benefit from this study, and it will provide them the facts needed to compare their study during their respective time and usability.Definition of costTechnology is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing theme to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function. It can also r efer to the collection of such tools, including machinery, modifications, arrangements and proceduresStudy Habits is a archive in which you consistently use and perform for learning process.Gadgets are small specialized mechanical or electronic devices a contrivance.Electronic Gadgets are the instruments which can perform many activities at a time with vast speed & makes the hard work efficient one Laptop is a portable in the flesh(predicate) computer with the same features with a desktop computer. It is lighter, smaller and cheaper compared to computers.iPad is a line of tablet computers designed and created by Apple Inc. it can shoot videos, take photos, play music, can install games, ebooks, etc. and it can perform internet functions like surfing the web and emailing. It is very handy, touch screen and has a light weight.iPod uphold is commonly known as iTouch stylized and created by Apple Inc. It is a handheld device that allows you to play music, take photos, shoot video, do wnload apps, connects you to your email and is capable of wireless connection to the internet which enables the users to directly profane or download software.Smartphone is a mobile phone designed built on an operating system. It has a more advanced capability and connectivity. It is handy and convenient to use. Its functions are portable media player, gamey end cameras, GPS, high resolution touchscreens, and web browsers. Ex Android, Apple, Blackberry,Lenovo, Nokia etc.Ebook is a book-length publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, vindicated on computers or new(prenominal) electrSonic devices. Social Networking site is a platform to build accessible networks or social relations among people who, for example, share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. A social network helping consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. distant Eastern University in th e University Belt area, West Sampaloc, City of Manila, is a nonsectarian, private university in the Philippines. Created by the nuclear fusion of Far Eastern College and the Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance, FEU became a university in 1934 under the guidance of first chairman Nicanor Reyes, Sr. It has been noted as the leading proprietary (for profit) university in the Philippines.Wi-fi is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data or connect to the internet wirelessly using radio wavesGPS is a space-based air navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.Computer an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions effrontery to it in a variable program.Apps are software applications designed to run on smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile devices.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Psychological Barriers in Communication Essay

A barrier is anything that prevents something from getting through to its destination or receiver as intended. In communication, a barrier will prevent a message from traveling in a manner that gives it proper meaning. Although invisible, psychological barriers can be fair(a) as impenetrable as more obvious barriers, such as language differences, unless you become certain of them. Ads by GoogleVacancies Australia5 urgent positions left. Apply now Vacancies Australiajobrapido.com/vacancies+australiaFields of ExperienceIntentional or not, we make up barriers with our past experiences. For example, many people were raised on the value systems of their parents, but as adults, they realized their parents perpetuated stereotypes. throw away those values from your upbringing can be difficult, even if you try, and cancome across in your communication. This is adjust for the harker as well she can be so focused on the prejudice she has for the loudspeaker system that its difficult to give full attention to the intended message. FilteringIf you are having a bad day, or just experienced some emotional trauma such as the illness or wipeout of a loved one, you will find it very difficult to either speak or listen in a manner conducive to understanding the intended messages. This is known as filtering you are so consumed by your own needs that your emotional state is guiding

Friday, May 17, 2019

Pareto Principle Essay

The term Pareto principle can also refer to Pareto efficiency. The Pareto principle (also known as the 8020 overtop, the law of the vital few, and the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects stick from 20% of the causes. Business? management consultant Joseph M. Juran suggested the principle and named it after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who observed in 1906 that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population he developed the principle by observing that 20% of the pea pods in his garden contained 80% of the peas.It is a common rule of thumb in business e. g. , 80% of your sales come from 20% of your clients. Mathematically, where something is shared among a sufficiently large set of participants, there must be a number k between 50 and 100 such that k% is take for grantedn by (100 ? k)% of the parcipants. The number k may vary from 50 (in the case of equal scattering, i. e. , 100% of the population have equal shares) to nearly 100 (when a piddling number of participants account for almost all of the resource).There is nothing special about the number 80% mathematically, but many real systems have k somewhere around this region of intermediate unbalance in distribution. The Pareto principle is only tangentially related to Pareto efficiency, which was also introduced by the same economist. Pareto developed twain concepts in the context of the distribution of income and wealth among the population. In economics The original observation was in linkup with population and wealth. Pareto noticed that 80% of Italys land was owned by 20% of the population.He thus carried out surveys on a variety of other countries and found to his surprise that a similar distribution applied. Due to the scale? invariant nature of the power law relationship, the relationship applies also to subsets of the income range. Even if we take the 10 wealthiest individuals in the humans, we see that the top three (Wa rren Buffett, Carlos Slim Helu, and Bill Gates) own as oft as the next seven put together.A chart that gave the inequality a very macroscopic and comprehensible form, the so? alled champagne glass effect was contained in the 1992 unite Nations Development Program Report, which showed the distribution of global income to be very uneven, with the richest 20% of the worlds population controlling 82. 7% of the worlds income. The Pareto principle has also been used to attribute the widening economic inequality in the United States to skill? biased technical changei. e. , income growth accrues to those with the education and skills required to take advantage of raw(a) technology and globalization.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

General Aspects Of Calcium Looping Environmental Sciences Essay

The extenuation of carbonic acid gas emanations by causality betss is without a uncertainty a precedence, nonetheless some of the engineering sciences available impose important efficiency punishments 1 . Calcium eyelet is engineering for the bod of carbonic acid gas gaining control, which is usually the most dearly-won phase in the CSS surgical mathematical operation 2 . This engineering has the metier to extinguish up to 90 per centum of the emanations generated by coal- enthusiastic power Stationss, which could farther be improved by compounding with biomass-fired power Stationss 2 . It has gained great attending due to the comparatively little plain energy that requires to spiel ( estimated at 6 to 8 per centum ) comp ard to other CO2 gaining control engineerings and the usage of crushed limestone as a sorbent material which is unusually inexpensive 1 .General facets of calcium-loopingThe engineering is based on the reversible catalyst-solid reaction of Ca oxide ( CaO ) and C dioxide ( CO2 ) to bring frontward Ca carbonate ( CaCO3 ) 3 . This is use to bring forth a pure watercourse of CO2 available for geological segregation 1 . Calcium iteration has a figure of advantages compared to closer to-market gaining control strategies, including the usage of go arounding fluidized bed reactors ( a mature engineering at big gradatory table ) sorbent derived from abundant and environmentally benign limestone and dolomite precursors 2 . Another cardinal advantage is the synergism with the cementum industry which allows potentially to decarbonise both cement production and electricity coevals 2 . A low punishment is achieved partly because portion of the energy is recovered in the signifier of hot sorbent stuff and the hot CO2 can as well as be utilize to power an extra steam rhythm 3 . The reversible reaction erst exposit can be expressed as it followsCaO ( s ) + CO2 ( g ) a CaCO3 ( s ) IHr,298K = 178 kJ/molOne of the cardin al restrictions is the ability of the limestone to respond lessenings with the figure of rhythms and hence much of the investigate for this engineering is aimed at methods to optimise the long-run responsiveness or to reactivate it 1 .There are important similarities between the post-combustion and pre-combustion procedures since both use CaO ( calcium oxide ) as a sorbent and this non entirely, but unremarkably derived from limestone 1 . This sorbent is repeatedly cycled between two vass in one of them the carbonation of CaO occurs by depriving the flue pipe gas from the CO2 it contains, the first vas is called the carbonator 1 . At this point Ca carbonate ( CaCO3 ) is formed and it is transferred to the second vas ( calciner ) in which calcination takes topographic point 1 . The CaO is transferred back to the carbonator vas go forthing pure CO2 available for segregation 1 .Pre-combustionThe overall reaction that takes topographic point in the gasifier can be describe d by the downstairsmentioned equationCO ( g ) + H2O ( g ) + CaO ( s ) = CaCO3 + H2 ( g ) IHr,298K = -219 kJ/molIn the gasifier, it is desired to utilize calcium oxide as a sorbent for CO2 since it removes CO2, generates H2 as a merchandise and the carbonation of calcium hydroxide generates utile heat that can be employ to drive farther reactions.A extremely promising procedure has been developed by the ZECA ( Zero arc Coal Alliance ) that involves the usage of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells ( SOFC ) . Pre-combustion finishs of calcium-looping are particularly assuring for H2 production. There are nevertheless, important barriers that are yet to be resolved 1 . Most of the restrictions are derived from the fuel electric cell itself, since it must be able to work at temperatures over 1370 K and digest sulfur compounds. The procedure is described by figure 2 and the reactions that take topographic point in each gibe of the procedure can be found in table 1.Figure 1. Flow diagram of the ZEC procedure 6 Figure 1. Flow diagram of the ZEC procedure 6 .Gasification vasC ( s ) A +A 2H2 ( g ) A aA CH4 ( g )C ( s ) A +A 2H2O ( g ) A aA CO ( g ) A +A H2 ( g ) A +A H2O ( g ) A aA CO2 ( g ) A +A 2H2 ( g )Carbonation and reforming vas ( s ) ( integrated heat transportation )CH4 ( g ) A +A 2H2O ( g ) A aA CO2 ( g ) A +A 4H2 ( g ) CaO ( s ) A +A CO2 ( g ) A aA CaCO3 ( s )Calcination vasCaCO3 ( s ) A aA CaO ( s ) A +A CO2 ( g )Fuel cell2H2 ( g ) A +A O2 ( g ) A aA 2H2O ( g )Table 1.A Reactions involved in the ZEC procedure.Post-combustionPost burning calcium-looping is a extremely promising engineering since it offers an obvious chemical compatibility with cement production that leave alone be discussed farther. There is a figure of procedures that are presently traveling from pilot to demonstration graduated table 1 , nevertheless for a general overview a general procedure will be described in this instance the one utilise by Shimizu et al 4 . For this procedure, a sorbent derived from limestone is used to capture the CO2 contained in the fluke gas produced by an bing power works 1 . The fluke gas is passed through a fluidised bed carbonator runing at temperatures between 873 and 923 K 1 . The limestone-derived dissolver is so inserted into the calciner a 2nd fluidised bed that operates at temperatures between 1173 and 1223K 1 . Coal is one time more(prenominal) destroy in the calciner to supply extra heat for calcination, but coal at this phase is burnt in a O2 and CO2 atmosphere in order to keep concentrations of CO2 every procedure high as possible 1 . Most of the heat produced at this phase can be used to run a hi-efficiency steam rhythm. Abanades et Al. 5 estimations an overall energy punishment that ranges from 6 to 8 per centum for the overall procedure.Figure 2 Potential burning procedure utilizing Ca iteration ( post burning ) 1 .Although Post-combustion gaining control has become a precedence merely late, it has been used for a considerable sum of clip for H production, in this manner it can still be used as an extra beginning of energy that can add considerable advantages to the overall procedure.Synergy with cement industryThe high environmental preserve of cement fabrication has for a long clip been capable of concern, furthermore, calcination of CaCO3 histories for about 50 per centum of the CO2 emanations of cement industry 1 . If the engineering were to be applied at a really big graduated table, the purging rate could and should be optimised to guarantee that disposal of the blow out merchandises are non debatable 1 . Since the sorbent used in Ca iteration can merely be used for a hold figure of rhythms, it has been proposed that it could be used for cement industry alternatively of CaCO3 that is usually used 7 . The cement industry can avoid CaCO3 calcification and hence the antecedently mentioned emanations can be avoided. In this manner the waste sorbent that would be otherw ise wasted by the gaining control of CO2 utilizing calcium-looping, can be used by the cement industry. While this is in rule true, there is a demand to carry on farther experiments in order to specify how other constituents introduced into the CaO behave during the cement fabrication procedure, prior to expect to large-scale operations 7 .Figure 3 Main flows of the proposed system incorporating a CO2-intensive industrial procedure ( e.g. power coevals ) , calcium-looping CO2 gaining control and cement industry. The flecked line represents the watercourse of involvement in this work 1 .Sorbent ResponsivenessAs discussed before the decrease of the responsiveness in the sorbent is one of the chief restrictions that is presently to a lower place extended research. It is likely that for different fictional characters of limestone there will be different optimum root words, since each type of stone have different grain sizes, drosss, construction and other features 1 . Thermal pre-activation is a solution based on the premiss that a stone will non needfully go more oxidizable compared to an untreated one, but over a figure of rhythms it remains reactive for a longer utmost of clip 8 . The experiments were conducted by Manovic and Anthony 1 by heating the sorbent at a temperature of 1273 K repeatedly 1 .Hydration of the sorbent is presently another assuring method of keeping responsiveness, which is frequently used in SO4 gaining control, nevertheless the force per unit area in the vas is required to increase in order for the hydration to take topographic point 1 . Experiments by Manovic and Anthony 9 and Fennel et Al were conducted under different temperatures and force per unit areas, but both concluded that responsiveness for sorbents can be twofold by agencies of hydration. Biamey et Al. provinces that if hydration is to be used as a reactivation scheme for CO2 gaining control, lessons should be learned from its application to SO2 gaining control 1 .