Thursday, September 3, 2020
Why should businesses today act ethically and socially responsible Term Paper
For what reason should organizations today act morally and socially mindful - Term Paper Example Organizations that demonstration in an unscrupulous way have a low possibility of being effective. An idea that has increased a great deal of ubiquity in the business world is corporate social obligation. Corporate social duty can be characterized as the commitment of organizations of carrying on in moral and good manners (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2003). The motivation behind this paper is to depict the reasons why organizations should act in moral and socially capable habits. The utilization of morals ought to be applied in all parts of a business. Morals includes choices among good and bad. For morals to show itself in an organization the top supervisors of the organization must urge its workers to act in a moral way. The activities of the workers decide the moral activities of a business. It takes one spoiled apple among the staff for unscrupulous conduct to show itself. An approach to energize morals in an organization is to set up a moral implicit rules. The workers must comp rehend what is anticipated from them. They should likewise understand that there are ramifications for dishonest conduct, for example, fines, suspension, or end of business. Chiefs have incredible impact over the moral conduct of an endeavor. There have been various instances of organizations that experienced moral outrages that devastated their notoriety and now and again prompted the end of the firm. Three of those cases are Nike, Enron, and Chiquita. Nike Corporation in the late 1990’s was associated with a sweatshop outrage. A sweatshop is a workplace where the representatives are abused because of sub-human working conditions and very low wages. In the repercussions of the outrage Nike lost a large portion of its incomes the next year. Chiquita Brands International is a food maker that has practical experience in the banana commercial center. Somewhere in the range of 1997 and 2004 the company’s auxiliary in Columbia, Banadex, made installments for insurance to th e psychological oppressor association UAC. The firm was indicted in a U.S. court for its dishonest activities and fined $25 million. The notoriety of the firm was pulverized. The Enron Corporation was one of the best and regarded U.S. firms in the vitality business. Shockingly its official supervisory crew was degenerate, reprobate, and unscrupulous. The organization concocted the bookkeeping books announcing billions of dollars of phony salary. The bookkeeping embarrassment prompted at the time the greatest insolvency in U.S. history. Corporate social duty has increased a ton of prevalence in the 21st century. Everyone worldwide has expanded its desire for what organizations ought to accomplish for society. Individuals have understood that the private business has much more riches that every administrative foundation joined. There are a huge number of companies on the planet. These organizations have been getting rich off the endeavors and penance of individuals for quite a long ti me. Society has arrived at a junction where there are such huge numbers of social issues to go to that the need has desired others to step in and turn into a piece of the arrangement. The business world has become that noteworthy other that individuals turned upward to turn into a functioning accomplice. A portion of the issues that need the prompt and repetitive help of the corporate world will be world yearning, the guides plague, natural harm, and extraordinary destitution. About 1/eighth of the worldwide populace is experiencing interminable undernourishment (Worldhunger, 2013). It is in the wellbeing for organizations to act in socially mindful manners. Clients today have gotten increasingly aware of the activities of the organization they purchase items from. A firm that has a solid corporate social duty program can profit significantly from the help of its clients and investors. The stock costs of organizations that demonstration in socially r
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
People In California Essays - American Old West, Free Essays
Individuals In California Essays - American Old West, Free Essays Individuals in California Individuals in California needed mail. The message line was not associated that far west in 1860, and trains did not pass the Missouri stream. It took nearly took a month to get a letter by boat or stage mentor. That is the reason the Pony Express was begun. In the mid 1800's gold was found in California. A large number of individuals hitched their carts and headed west for the possibility of becoming super wealthy. The territory of California developed from around 20,000 to 500,000 individuals in 5 years. They needed the accommodations they had back east, particularly customary mail administration. The railroad and transmit lines didn't arrive at California, and ships and stage mentors took excessively long. At last, in 1860 plans for a multi day mail course utilizing ponies was presented and called the Pony Express. An advertisement in numerous papers over the states read: Needed Youthful, thin, wiry, colleagues not more than eighteen. Must be master riders ready to hazard passing day by day. Vagrants liked. Wages $25.00 every week. The promotion was attracting. Twenty-five dollars seven days was a significant pay around then and being a rider was a glamourous activity. Several youngsters addressed the promotion yet just 80 were picked. Those 80 riders needed to have high good principles and make a vow that said that said that they wouldn't drink, battle or use profane language. Regardless of the promise, it is hard to envision these riders not expressing some vivid language while being fervently sought after by Indians. To ensure themselves against Indian assaults the riders were given two guns, a shotgun, a blade, and a book of scriptures. Sooner or later they couldn't discover space for the holy book or the shotgun so they dumped them. They were likewise offered horns to sound their appearance to a station however discovered them superfluous figuring that the hoofbeats were lounder than the horns so the horns were dumped too. To start with the horse riders had a uniform. Red shirts, slump caps, and denim pants tucked into their boots. Inevitably the outfits were surrendered and the riders wore whatever was generally agreeable. The primary run began in St. Joseph, Missouri on April 3, 1860. Johnny Frey the principal bearer would ride as quick as workable for around 75 miles halting each 10-15 miles at a station for a new pony and afterward pass the mail to another rider. The following rider would travel 75 miles and pass it to another rider, etc for day and night for 2,000 miles and 10 days. Mail would travel the two different ways, east and west, more than once per week. At the point when the mail showed up in California all work was relinquished. Everybody needed to get notification from their family members what's more, companions from back east. The rider was the most invite sight in California. The Pony Express went on for year and a half, 308 runs, and 34,753 bits of mail. Step by step the message wire was extended further west and the Pony Express become less and less significant. Alongside that and a minimal terrible administration the Pony Express finished on November 21, 1861. The riders had given the United States an indispensable assistance for year and a half.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Unto Us Essays
Unto Us Essays Unto Us Essay Unto Us Essay Exposition Topic: Verse Spike Milligans Unto Us is one of his increasingly genuine sonnets that is about the issue of fetus removal or rather premature birth for comfort. He embraces the persona of an unborn kid which is uncommon, yet compelling strategy for portrayal, as it summons compassion from the peruser. The sonnet recounts to the tale of a youngster who is frantic forever yet is killed before he/she gets an opportunity to live. The title of the sonnet Unto Us is taken legitimately from the expression in the Bible: Unto us a kid is conceived. This abbreviated form of the scriptural reference is astute as it identifies with the childs life being stopped. This is only one of the methods utilized by the author that makes it viable and I will talk about these through the remainder of the exposition. The sonnet is separated into three segments: origination and paving the way to the birth, fetus removal, and result. The initial lines of the sonnet some place eventually they conceded to me recommends a transitory second; this positively wasnt arranged. It additionally infers that the guardians have an obligation and duty which is amusing considering the negligence they appear towards the infant. The essayist proceeds to stress the babys presence by utilization of redundancy and shouts And so I was! Little yet I WAS! This contends the point that an unborn kid is as yet a human even in the beginning times of advancement. The revelation of the kid by the guardians is absolutely drained of any emotion:Soon they was aware of me. My mom my fatherThe run is utilized to flag a postponement between the mother discovering and afterward the dad. It additionally shows an absence of harmony between the couple. The tone of this segment is one of edginess and arguing clearly demonstrated by the last two lines:A quiet Wait for me I will bring you love' This case of direct discourse is utilized to make the character of the child wake up. The second area of the sonnet begins with a critical sentence:I was taken This consequently changes the tone from franticness to outrage. This change is expecting to work up compelling feeling. It changes the entire feel of the sonnet from life to death. This segment manages the fetus removal and how helpless the infant is: Blind, bare, vulnerable The infant has been taken from its home without wanting to and all hint of it has been decimated: and dropped on the sterile floor of a foot worked squander container It is as though the specialists couldnt care less about this infant by tossing it out like trash. Area three is the consequence, and what could have happened had the infant been conceived, it begins again with exactly how vulnerable the child is: There was no Queens Counsel to take my short This establishes the pace to misery and depression as the infant is disregarded. The guardians of the child are well off enough to help it: The bed I may have warmed remained in Harrods shop window this features the primary concern of the sonnet premature birth for accommodation. Clearly the author is unequivocally against it however by and by it made me contemplate this sort of premature birth. It is clear the author is attempting to influence your view and achieves this. The tone of the last barely any lines in the sonnet are exceptionally severe: When my passing was told my dad grinned A code word is utilized here as it isn't viewed as murder by guardians and it recommends coincidental demise. Additionally the positive feeling is evident: [its] passing was praised with passes to see Danny la Rue why should imagining be a lady like [its] mother was these lines question the womanhood of the mother in that would a genuine lady energetically murder her youngster? This sonnet was exceptionally intriguing and provocative as it attempts to influence your perspectives on fetus removal. I have taken a gander at the majority of the procedures utilized by the essayist in making this sonnet viable and have delighted recorded as a hard copy about it.
Innformation Technology Specialist free essay sample
Right now there are o inadequacies of individuals who respect and follow sports competitors. Sports have consistently assumed a significant job in our networks since the time the unfolding of humankind. It has consistently been where men have contended all through the ages. From Greece till this very day, the impact Of incredible competitors has been noteworthy. In our general public today media has improve in sports and the competitors who contribute in them.Athletes are seen everywhere throughout the globe, you can see competitors in ads, on network shows, we can find out about our preferred competitor in magazines, and we watch competitors on national TV constantly. Sports have been the most sit in front of the TV in todays mainstream society. Individuals of varying backgrounds, admire these competitors. These days competitors should be mindful, positive, and build up good examples. Numerous Sports Organizations have placed allied polices to keep their competitors in line. We will compose a custom exposition test on Innformation Technology Specialist or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page A large portion of the upper-level competitors give desire to our young competitors around the world. Take a gander at Jackie Robinson for instance who broke the shading obstruction in baseball, accordingly giving dark baseball players or dark competitors trust all over the place. Our youngsters query to and act like their preferred competitors when they are playing in that sport. Kids and youthful grown-ups duplicate their preferred competitors moves and perspectives. Sports bigly affects our general public. Todays Athletes are people who are inspired to a better quality in our general public, taking ownership of their notoriety and fortune.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Sentential Falsehood Logic FL4 :: Philosophy Philosophical Logical Papers
Sentential Falsehood Logic FL4 Conceptual: In some philosophical originations, articulations are esteemed as evident, bogus, silly (neither genuine nor bogus), or conflicting. Misrepresentation rationale FL4 makes it conceivable to work accurately by such articulations. Rationale with misrepresentation administrator FL4 is defined. For FL4 metatheorems of consistency, derivation and culmination are satisfied. Connection between's misrepresentation rationale FL4 and four-esteemed Belnap’s rationale and von Wright’s truth rationale TLM is thought of. In FL4, the suggestion for Belnap’s rationale is characterized with the goal that reality esteemed grid of it is portrayed for rationale of redundant outcomes Efde. Relationship between's three-esteemed lie sublogic FL3N of FL4 and three-esteemed Kleene’s rationale and Lukasiewicz’s rationale is thought of. Lukasiewicz’s three-esteemed rationale is practically comparable to FL3N rationale. Relationship between's three-esteemed l ie sublogic FL3B of FL4 and three-esteemed paraconsistent Priest’s rationale is likewise thought of. The development of deception rationale FL4 (1) and its investigation answer the inquiry concerning the utilization of truth and lie thoughts. In some philosophical originations proclamations are esteemed as evident, bogus, silly (neither genuine nor bogus), conflicting. Lie rationale FL4 makes it conceivable to work effectively by such articulations. The primary standards of lie rationale FL4 are as per the following: 1. The thought of misrepresentation will be considered as applied distinctly to sentences of the accompanying structure: Sentence 'S' is bogus (in images: '(- S)' ). The recommendation '(- S)' is a suggestion about lie of the sentence 'S' and it is a recommendation in a metalanguage identified with the language in which a sentence 'S' is detailed. The arrangement of recommendations of language, metalanguage, metametalanguage, etc is considered all in all. What's more, one can work with these recommendations (viz. 'S', '(- S)', '(- S(- S))', ...) at the same time in the language of FL4. 2. We will consider the thought of lie as a crude one which will be utilized as a legitimate administrator in this conventional framework. 3. The sentence '(- S)' is in every case either evident or bogus, while the sentence 'S' may have other truth-values than valid or bogus. As it were, the laws of old style rationale are legitimate for sentence '(- S)', yet need not to be substantial for sentence 'S'. 4. Sentences with the suggestion will be assessed in standard manner. Let '(S1 Â ® S2) ' means 'S1 infers S2'. '(S1 Â ® S2)' is genuine iff 'S1' is bogus or 'S2' is valid. '(S1 Â ® S2)' is bogus iff 'S1' is valid and 'S2' is bogus.
The benefits of a well designed flat tax Free Essays
With an end goal to rescue our financial framework, the earned pay income upgrade rate for all U.S. citizens will be 18 % . We will compose a custom article test on The advantages of an all around planned level duty or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now A decent planned level income upgrade would non just chop down similarity and authoritative expenses however it would other than elevate productiveness and work promptings. In adjusting the income upgrade rate to a 18 % income improvement installment program, it sets a standard installment rate for everybody then again of various income improvement sections and has the conceivable to chop down our state ‘s obligation. The current U.S. income improvement framework comprises mainly of income upgrades on salary, paysheet, net incomes and possessions. Fitting to Clemson University ‘s Holley Ulbrich, in 2007, these income improvements gave 92 for each centum of government salary and 51 for each centum of area and neighborhood specialists pay ( Ulbrich 2 ) . Accordingly, since salary income upgrade is a significant start of subsidizing national, region and neighborhood exchequers, how it is gathered is extremely of import. For expectations of talking this revision, the governme nt salary income upgrade is the central issue being examined. State and nearby issues might be utilized as representations, however non in a way that has sway fair and square income upgrade being proposed. The proposed level income upgrade rate for all citizens will hold a positive effect on the financial framework by expanding the figure of income improvement returns recorded, the lower expenses of treating them, will advance contributing and concern risks, and will build the general pay to the specialists from higher Numberss of income improvement returns being documented. Executing a level income upgrade would chop down similarity and regulatory expenses for the specialists. Since the IRS utilizes more than 100,000 individuals to treat income upgrade returns, rearranging the grinding methodology would chop down the interest for the figure of laborers to treat income improvement installments and returns, which would rescue the specialists cash ( Pascale ) . The present framework today permits the IRS to move up a higher per centum of total compensations as individuals ‘s salary increases, while others pay little or no income improvement by any means. On the off chance that everybody needed to pay a similar aggregate of income improvements, the method of recording income upgrades would be simpler, consequently more individuals would enlist and there would be lower costs for the IRS to actualize income upgrade filings. Blending to Daniel Mitchell, holding a level income upgrade rearranges the technique, makes things just and is useful for developin g ( 1 ) . Disentangling the income upgrade development would result in progressively precise and finished returns being recorded, which would bring down the expenses of roll uping income improvements from individuals who do n’t register income improvement returns, in this manner rescuing the IRS cash. Since there are such huge numbers of tax benefits accessible under the present income improvement development, there are numerous individuals who document income upgrade returns however pay least government pay income improvement. In add-on to the hapless, this applies to center classification and rich individuals, exorbitantly ( Bartlett 2 ) . People groups who gain more cash can pass more cash, in this way, under the present framework, things like buying places, good cause commitments and stock investings can chop down the total of income upgrade individuals pay. By change overing to a Flat Tax framework, the most reduced salary workers in the United States would non be fit to pay income upgrade, yet the in the middle of classification and rich would non have the option to take away their income improvements for their places, which could go extremely costly for them. Since the existent proposed level income improvement gathered ( 18 % ) would be well lower than their present income upgrade section ( 28 % - 32 % , for outline ) , in any event, missing out on some tax benefits may non hold a lot of effect on by and large income upgrades being paid by householders and the rich. Mitchell gauges that around 97 % of income improvement returns paid would e the equivalent or less contrasted with the present framework. Rearranging the income improvement development should follow in better similarity, progressively exact returns being documented, and lower regulatory costs, resulting in a general higher income upgrade net base for the specialists. Embracing a level income upgrade for earned salary would other than increase productiveness and contributing promptings for people and concerns. By shuting escape clauses and take bringing down rates, the effectiveness of the income upgrade codification could increment and make more incitements for individuals to put With the present income improvement framework, a few people do n’t want to put since they ‘d be paying unnecessarily much in income improvements investings if their investings earned too much cash. By following the level income improvement, financial specialists would hold more instigations to get down and turn concerns, each piece great as brand different investings ( Mitchell 2 ) . With a level income upgrade framework, individuals will cognize the whole of income improvements they owe simple and can put and rescue cash all the more adequately. The level income improvement urges individuals to put all the more openly without being punished for picking up t oo much on their investings and in this way paying higher income upgrades. Changing over to the level income improvement framework could follow in America going a magnet for investings and new occupations. Another advantage of the level income improvement would be the conceivable to chop down the U.S. National obligation. Studies show that around 5-15 % of Americans do non pay their income improvements on the grounds that the income upgrade returns are too much hard and too much clasp eating up to fix. With this new framework, income improvements become simpler to complete and take less clasp. Changing over to a level income upgrade would only require two postcard-sized signifiers: one for work salary and the other for concern and capital pay, which is drastically less complex than the 893 income improvement signifiers directly in use. Since the multifaceted nature of the recording system would be diminished, less individuals would enroll expansions or abstain from enlisting completely. This should follow in more individuals enrolling returns and with the less complex signifiers, the handling expenses ought to be lower, unreasonably. The general effect of more individuals enlisting inc ome upgrades, combined with diminished expenses in treating the profits, ought to be an emotional expansion of salary for the specialists, which would let the U.S. to chop down its obligation, as great. The acknowledgment of a level income improvement is a change to the variable income upgrade development. The start of pay income upgrade on people is overall refered to as the change of the sixteenth Amendment. It was passed by Congress on July 2, 1909, and endorsed February 3, 1913. Since the beginning, income upgrades were established as an organization to hold the wealthiest individuals pay to benefit every other person ( Pascale 1 ) . The level income upgrade would hold more individuals paying equivalent extents of income improvement, rather than holding the wealthiest individuals pay the most income improvements. Different states have had achievement executing a level income upgrade plan. The main state to follow a level income improvement was Estonia in 1994, just after the surrender of the Soviet Union. The other two expresses that instituted a level income upgrade were Latvia and Lithuania. For these states, the financial developing indicated significant improvement and the à ¢â‚¬Å" Baltic Tigers †became work hypothetical records for the part ( Mitchell 5 ) . Russia other than embraced a level income upgrade rate in 2001, which quickly had positive outcomes: the monetary framework flourished, and grosss filled the specialists. A few other previous Soviet states have gone with the same pattern and hold had great results. As Ahrens calls attention to 24 states currently utilize a level income upgrade be that as it may, to be only, none of them has a financial framework each piece intricate as the United States. At the region degree, another review shows that most residents of Utah are paying less under the region ‘s 5 for every centum level income upgrade than they did under the old income improvement framework ( Bernick 1 ) . While this is non a government pay income improvement delineation, it just shows that the level income upgrade can benefit individuals at the region degree. In any case, the announcement is that rich individuals are payi ng less income upgrade than they had been ( at the 7 % rate ) and that they are obtaining enormous income improvement cuts under the new framework at 5 for each centum. The issue with the present income improvement codification is that there are unending provisos and opportunities that regularly wind up benefitting the individuals who are in higher income upgrade brackets.A With this new framework there are no escape clauses and nobody gets more profit by it than anybody else.A The level income upgrade development will other than help individuals chop down the intricacy of fixing their income improvement returns.A The end is to do income upgrade readyings so natural that individuals record their profits on a postcard.A The level income improvement would benefit the lower salary families since families would have a liberal opportunity dependent on the family ‘s size.A A family unit off our would non pay any pay income improvement until its one-year family pay surpassed $ 30,000 ( Mitchell 2 ) .A Since the lower pay family units would on a very basic level compensation no income improvements, the heap relocations to center classification and wel l-off people.A In world, t
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Frida Kahlo An Open Book - Free Essay Example
From an early age, Frida Kahlo lived a very difficult life. She was diagnosed with polio when she was about eight years old. This led to one of her legs being stunted in its growth, making it smaller than the other and more deformed. She was bullied by her classmates; they called her peg-legged Frida. At age eighteen, she was in a bus/trolley accident, which left her bed-ridden for a year and, after that, she remained in a wheel chair for the rest of her life. Later on, she married Diego Rivera. They shared a very toxic and unfaithful relationship. Despite all of the bad things that happened to Frida, she always seemed to remain optimistic about her life, about love, and her self-image, suggesting that openness couldve been one of her remarkable personality traits. After the accident, Frida had to lay in a bed for a long time while she recovered. She couldnt really do much, but the one thing she could do was to paint. Her ability to paint sprung from her creativity and desire to express herself, even if she couldnt get up from the bed she was in. There wasnt much she could see besides the room she laid in, but she would hold up a mirror to herself and paint her reflection. Frida was known for her self-portraits. Almost all of her paintings are about herself, her relationships, her life, or her family, but many of them simply consist of self-portraits where she would depict her strong and feminine face, and her very unique features. She explained that she constantly painted herself because she was the only thing she knew well. But this wasnt the only peculiar thing about her paintings. Even though Frida lived most of her life in a wheelchair, this didnt stain her self-esteem. In her paintings, she would portray herself sitting down, as she could not walk, but she would paint herself in colorful gowns with elaborate braids and surrounded by all kinds of plants, flowers, animals, and colors. The fact that she would paint in such a colorful and lively way showed that, even though the things she went through were giving her more than enough reasons to feel depressed or lost, she remained strong and bounced back every time. She always seemed to keep a positive attitude, especially when it came to her appearance. She never lost sight of who she was or what she wanted, no matter whatever seemed to come her way. She was also known for her signature unibrow and faint, but visible, mustache, which she would exaggerate in her self-portraits. Back then, it was unusual to see a woman with as much facial hair as Frida had, as it wasnt considered a very feminine quality. Nonetheless, she flaunted her iconic look with pride. Some might say it was because she wanted to challenge social norms, others might say it was because she was extremely proud of who she was and what she looked like, and many will agree that she wanted to do both; show that she would never conform to social rules or norms and that she was more than happy with who she was and what she looked like. Regardless, she wasnt afraid to be different or to stand out. Frida was very open and frank about many aspects of her life and lived in it as creatively as she possibly could. She never held back in her paintings, nor did she consider any theme private or obscene enough to be excluded or censored from her paintings. She painted about life, death, love, and fear. She expressed herself vibrantly and portrayed her internal struggles, never having to hide anything about what she thought or wanted. But the one thing she was most open about was her sexuality. Individually, Frida was fabulously sexual, and this was visible in her art. A lot of her paintings covered themes of feminine sexuality, such as fertility and sexual pleasure. For Frida, sexuality went beyond just sex. She viewed it as an expression of deep passion and desire for life and creation, for which she saw no reasonable cause to hide or repress. She also painted about other aspects of feminine sexuality, such as menstruation and pregnancy, in their purest and most raw form. Frida constantly expressed her desire to conceive and become a mother. She went against social feminine gender roles but becoming a mother and creating and bringing life into the world was something that was always attractive to Frida and, soon enough, it became one of her fondest obsessions. After marrying Diego Rivera, she participated in many extramarital relationships, as he did as well. She was always very frank and honest about her sexuality and the love that she shared for both men and women. Frida enjoyed exploring her sexuality and having one sexual/romantic partner for the rest of her life was definitely too depressing for her to even fathom. She was very liberal and adventurous when it came to her sexual life. Frida had her fair share of female lovers and spoke very highly of them. She always seemed especially open to experiencing love with women and never saw a reason to hide this from the public eye, much less from her husband. She openly identified as bisexual. Frida was not so much attracted to sex and gender, but to peoples energy. Whether they were men or women, if they had a unique spirit, Frida would not hesitate to approach them. Frida also occasionally enjoyed dressing up in mens clothing and she actually made a painting of herself wearing an oversized mens suit. In the painting, shes holding a pair of scissors and all of her hair is sprawled out across the floor around her. This expressed the idea that she enjoyed playing the role of the man, and that gender roles would never be enough to keep her from being who she wanted to be. Regardless of her many lovers or how she decided to dress, she was also very vocal and expressive about her love for Diego and how he was like her soulmate. The couple got divorced when Diego slept with Fridas sister, but this was not the end of their romantic relationship nor was it enough to sever the ties between them. Despite her desire for new experiences, she could never let go of Diego, and she constantly referred to him as the love of her life. Thanks to Fridas openness about her life, passions, thoughts, and sexuality, she has become an icon for feminine sexuality and the LGBTQ community. Fridas openness wasnt always a positive thing in her life. Because of her blatant honesty, open mind, and broad view on she encountered many challenges, such as the separation from Diego and criticism from her family, friends, and society.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Exploration Essay Topics - 3 Essay Topic Ideas
Exploration Essay Topics - 3 Essay Topic IdeasIn writing an exploration essay, you should always remember that the overall composition of your essay is very important. A good exploration essay has to be composed as concisely as possible, and it should also be complete with an intriguing central theme. The various aspects of your exploration topic should be perfectly balanced in order to come up with a very good essay. It is therefore important to think carefully before you proceed.Before you write an exploration essay, you should first know the possible topics. These might include literature, art, literature, religious, political, humanistic, and possibly even a whole lot more. However, the most important ones to include in your exploration topics are related to the one of your choice. So make sure that you choose one of the mentioned topics for your essay topic.Sometimes, you might not have time to think about your essay topics, so try to include them beforehand. To be able to do th is, it is essential to prepare yourself with a rough draft first. Keep on brainstorming as much as possible about the exploration topics, and make sure that they will help in bettering your overall essay. This will help you keep your time limit and also keep in mind your overall theme.You may find it necessary to develop your own story around the exploration topic you have chosen. The best way to do this is to write in a journal or diary which includes your discoveries.You should also remember that you should also have a specific plan in mind when writing an exploration topics. You can write as if you were in the process of having a conversation with yourself.Although you will find yourself entering your entries in a journal or diary, you need to make sure that your essay is organized properly before it is submitted. Be sure that all the sections of your essay are organized in an orderly manner. Remember that a good essay is supposed to be concise. Therefore, you should organize eve rything in order to make your writing very easy to read.After deciding your essay topics, you also need to decide on the format that best suits your essays. The format and content of the essays may vary according to the theme and your interests.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Misuse Of Cell Phones In School - 1312 Words
Cell Phones In School Do cell phones belong in school? Many think they can be a learning revolution while others think it is a learning deficit. In November 2017, the students of Deer Path Middle School were in the middle of LA class when suddenly a student’s phone blared disrupting the whole class. He was trying to play a mobile game in class. Many could not overcome the shock but the teacher took swift action and punished the student according to his crime. Misuse of Phones Phones. They are something people use everyday. It gets to the point people forgot the privilege of having such a powerful tool in their pocket. A phone, like any tool, can be used in two ways, harm and good. For many years phones were given unhibited reign over the†¦show more content†¦The Importance of Education Some argue that kids in middle school are at such a phase in life where they do not realize the importance of education. They do not realize that it is their future. Or that without out they are nothing. According to, â€Å"In the survey, about 20 percent of students said they had considered dropping out of school...73 percent said, ‘I didnt like the school.’ 61 percent said, ‘I didnt like the teachers.†These number show truly how great the number of students who just do not care about school. So, in the end, some believe that students choose to bend the rules and use their cell phones as an escape from school and they end up losing valuable knowledge. According to, â€Å"...90 percent of students admit to using their devices for non-class activities during class times. Less than 8 percent said that they never do so.†These number show the raw size of the problem. These are the future generations, if they aren’t learning all of this important information, who will? While these numbers are from schools with and without phone bans, the problem still remains. There has been reports of students seen in the bathrooms in the middle of class on their phones. Many argue that teachers can not afford the time of stopping their lesson and dealing with it, so they have to let it happen and without any proof, it is just accusations. At the very least, by banning them it stops studentsShow MoreRelatedCell Phones Should Not Be Banned1299 Words  | 6 PagesThe usage of a cell phone is dramatically increasing today, especially for students. 98% of parents of cell-owning teens say that a major factor why their child has a cell phone is so that they can be in touch no matter where the child is. That statement can be true, but considering that we’re living in the 21st century, do we really think that’s the biggest reason why students own cell phones, just to make calls and keep in touch with their fellow parents? Keep in mind, it’s the 2016-more advancedRead MoreCell Phones Should Not Be Banned from School Property693 Words  | 3 Pageslocal high school in the United States, they will be sure to see teenage students with their cellular telephones in hand. One may say the use of cell phones should be banned on school property, however there are many instances in which that may not be the best idea. Parents need to know that their children are safe and those children need a way in which to contact their parents if an emergency arises. If their child is not permitted to have their cellular telephone with them at school, the parentRead More Persuasive Communication: Cell Phones in School656 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Assignment Part A Cell Phones in School: Persuasive Map Personal Opinion: Students should NOT be permitted to carry their cell phones to school Reason 1: Cell phones could bring about unnecessary disruptions to the learning environment Reason 2: Students could use cell phones to cheat during exams Fact to Support Reason 1: Researchers have found out that the amount of time children spend online has an impact on not only their class concentration levels but also their ability to pay attention Read MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Individuals860 Words  | 4 Pagesof these devices or technologies include cell phones, social network sites, and Wi-Fi which remain beneficial to many but they too have drawbacks. Medoff and Kaye note, since cell phones made their way to the consumer market, they have had a huge impact on individuals (2011, p.270). The cell phone has made communication easier and accessible from just about anywhere. No longer are individuals restricted to cords, local calls, and memory. Prior to cell phones, communication was sometimes inconvenientRead MoreCell Phones in School: Nuisance or Learning Tool Essay673 Words  | 3 PagesCell phones over the past few years have become essential to teens. Attributable to this increase in cellphones teens bring them everywhere including school. Consequently though, students who bring them into school often use them without the teacher’s consent and get distracted. On the other hand, if teachers allowed the use of these devices, they could work as an aid. Although some believe that phones distract students in class, implementing them in the classroom could help learning, and may helpRead MoreTechnology Is The Work Place Envir onment1447 Words  | 6 Pagesthree devices for work (Miller-Merrell, â€Å"46% of Managers Believe Employees Misuse Social Media and Work Technology†). Using technology can make it easier to get ahold of someone faster and to draw more attention over the World Wide Web. The web can be used for many workplace situations such as recruiting. 91% of recruiters use social media for recruiting young soldiers (Miller-Merrell, â€Å"46% of Managers Believe Employees Misuse Social Media and Work Technology†). Employees and employers even use socialRead MoreMobile Phones And Electronics Particularly On Mobile Devices1327 Words  | 6 Pagesdevices. There are various mobile electronic devices: laptop, tablet, and cellular phone to name a few. In the early 1990’s even with the bulkiness students started bringing cellular phones to school back then. Schools began to place a restriction on the use of mobile phones in the classroom. Initially, the cell phone was only ab le to make calls and receive calls. Now, the cell phone or more commonly named smart phone is the most favorable with students since they are able to stay connected to a wideRead MoreTechnology Impact Today s Society1099 Words  | 5 PagesThe average age of a child that receives their first cell phone is eleven. I worry about a child’s well-being when I see them with these devices. On my tenth, birthday my father bought me a cell phone. I was unaware of the potential consequences I later faced when I misused it. Parents are giving children phones without prior research. Parents must acquire information about the many dangers and hazards that comes with the ownership of a cell phone. Parents want to stay in touch with their childrenRead MoreToday’s cell phones are more than just phones they are high-tech devices that some would consider1300 Words  | 6 Pages Today’s cell phones are more than just phones; they are high-tech devices that some would consider mini-computers. Today’s cell phones allow people to surf the Internet, conduct text conversations with others, take pictures, record videos, download and listen to music, play games. For children and teenagers, this allows for anytime, anywhere communication, especially when it comes to friends. With cell phones, children are always only a few buttons away, highly connected and almost always availableRead MoreDisadvantages Cell Phones1079 Words  | 5 Pagesuse of cell phones. Although they are very useful, the creation and development of cell phones have been both a gift and a curse. Having a cell phone in class can be beneficial for the student when it comes to urgent communicating . Cell phones provide a swift way to reach out to a person if a problem occurred in someones family. However, the downside of having a cell phone in class is that it causes many distractions for the student, classmates, and the teacher. The usage of cell phones is creating
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Essay on Stereotypes of Mothers - 1069 Words
Stereotypes of Mothers Single mothers, young mothers, and mothers in general have stereotypes attached to them. When you walk into a store with your child, depending on which of those stereotypes you fall into, people treat you completely different from the way they would if you were without child. I have ventured out without my son and with him to get my own perspective on how sales people and the general public react to me; I have also observed how people react to other single mothers, married mothers and single people. I volunteered two of my friends to go with me each time to observe how other people acted toward me. From the reactions observed its obvious that people think that mothers, in general, are kind, loving, honest, and†¦show more content†¦People have pity for single mothers; they think they have it hard and that they’re needy. If you are a single mother and you wear expensive clothes or carry expensive purses or drive and expensive car, people look down on you. They have said to me personally, â€Å"why do you have a Prada purse if you have a child and are in school?†like I’m not suppose to be able to afford these things. At the Fendi outlet in DC the sales women were all over the women who came in without children, showing all the new spring and summer styles, offering to show the sunglasses they were looking at in the show case and so on. They wanted to sell; they took them serious as a consumer. Three days later in the same store but with a child, the sales staff reacted differently. They acknowledged women with children and continued what they w ere doing. The only effort they made to sell to them and help them with what they wanted was a simple, â€Å"if there is anything we can help you with please let one of us know.†I hadn’t told my friend what I was doing this time, I wanted to see if it would be noticeable without being brought to attention what my hypothesis was; when we walked out, he looked at me and said, â€Å"I can’t believe that. They were so rude to you and just the other day they were all over you like white on rice.†I told him what I was doing and he couldn’t believe how differently the same people reacted to meShow MoreRelatedThe Nagging Mother Stereotype1795 Words  | 8 PagesCross-Cultural Encounters†Seminar The Jewish Nagging Mother Stereotype in Delmore Schwartz` â€Å"America! America!†The Jewish nagging mother stereotype is a concept that started developing at the beginning of the 20th century in America. This stereotype was constantly remodeled to suit a variety of circumstances in the development of the Jewish society. â€Å"Excessive, overprotective, neurotically anxious, and ever present, the Jewish mother became a scapegoat for ambivalent and hostile sentimentsRead MoreEssay on Gender Stereotypes in T.V. Show How I Met Your Mother1421 Words  | 6 PagesMy chosen scene is from a popular T.V. show called How I Met Your Mother. This show goes with gender stereotypes and goes against gender stereotypes. The show is about a group of friends, Lily and Marshall being an engaged/married couple, Barney the single â€Å"player†, Robin a Canadian tomboy, and Ted the main character, who is a hopeless romantic trying to find true love in New York City. Ted, over the past couple episodes meets a girl and she becomes his girlfriend. In the meantime, he’s spendingRead MoreStereotypes As A Cause Of Identity1183 Words  | 5 Pages When it comes to the topic of stereotypes, most of us will readily agree that each and everyone of us fits into at least one of them regarding our gender, age, race, and more. Where this agreement usually develops is on the question of whether or not we know how to respond to these stereotypes. Therefore, it can be said that the stereotypes imposed on one individual can cause him or her to stimulate personal insecurities as a young person. Yet, as they mature, they are able to realize that one canRead More Stereotyping in Mona in the Promised Land Essay657 Words  | 3 Pagesin the Promised Land, the main characters are faced with stereotypes which they cannot control. Stereotypes in society shape the way people are perceived. Everyone deals with their stereotypes in a different way. The two characters who deal with the most stereotypes are Mona, and Barbara. According to their stereotypes, Barbara is a better all around person than Mona, due to her social class, but when it comes to dealing with stereotypes Mona is a much stronger individual. Like all people, MonaRead MoreSandra Cisneross Only Daughter AndMy Mother Never Worked952 Words  | 4 PagesCisneros, and in the story, â€Å"My Mother Never Worked†, by Bonnie Smith-Yackel, the authors redefine stereotypes of women. Sandra Cisneros endured many hardships throughout her childhood since, she is a female and females were degraded in her society. Smith-Yackel is horrified to find out that her mother is considered to have â€Å"never worked†, because she did not have a formal job. In both these works of literature, the author’s central theme is to redefine these stereotypes. The narrative, â€Å"Only daughter†Read MoreMarketing Strategies For Young Girls1406 Words  | 6 Pagesappeal to the consumer’s mother. In the 2010 advertisement, the mother has a strong and visible presence alongside her daughter; the advertisement even speaks directly to the mother, and to the daughter, saying, â€Å"Ask your mom to visit or the American Girl store†(Official American Girl). By speaking directly to the mother, the company sends a message of parental approval to other mothers who watch the commercial. It is understood that Generation X mothers have a strong desire to beRead MoreThe Stereotypes Of African Americans1347 Words  | 6 Pagesmost common were by theatrical performances. Ever since the minstrelsy shows the negative stereotypes of African Americans seem to keep growing. According to the book Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies, and Bucks, â€Å"in almost every American movie in which a black had appeared, filmmakers had been trying to maintain the myth that Negroes were naturally rhythmic and natural-born entertainers.†There are many stereotypes that the film industry will never get tired of enforcing. In 2002 the film Paid In FullRead MoreMisconceptions About Working Parents1549 Words  | 7 Pages Misconceptions and stereotypes always seem to hinder peoples ideas about others. Many times these two separate terms are confused with each other. A misconception is a view that is incorrect because of faulty information. A stereotype is to believe all people of a certain group are the same because certain individuals in that group gave it that reputation. In modern day society we tend to over exaggerate when it comes to stereotypes. Events, languages, and behaviors all tend to make people alwaysRead MoreStereotypes And Stereotypes Of The Movie The Single Moms Club 1323 Words  | 6 Pagesmedia portrays more stereotypes than we can count on one hand. Latino’s and Latina’s are particularly stereotyped in media way too often. â€Å"This overview of the most common Hispanic stereotypes portrayed in the media reveals why sweeping generalizations about Latinos are harmful†(Nittle). Whether it is a male or female Latin actress/actor, the stereotypes rage from: La tin lovers and sexpot’s to thugs and immigrants. When in reality, not all Latino’s are what the stereotypes claim. Have you everRead MoreAnalysis Of On Being Told I Don t Speak Like A Black 932 Words  | 4 Pages Through out history society has created many stereotypes and assumptions based on race and nationality to confine us into categories. The reality is not every individual fits a specific category because we are unique even within the same ethnicity group. In â€Å"On Being Told I Don’t Speak Like a Black Person†Allison Joseph illustrates some speech stereotypes that come hand in hand with her racial background and how even people from the same racial background and house hold don’t all sound a like
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Upsides and Downsides of Outsourcing - 914 Words
Presentation As time passes by, outsourcing has started to develop in all significant economies of the world. When we begin discussing the upsides and downsides that are connected with this process, its critical to comprehend the progress of this case that will help us break down the methodology from numerous points of view. The procedure of outsourcing is characterized by utilizing the ability and probabilities of an outsider in an assention premise. So hopefully you know, It was throughout the 1980s that the methodology began and it was predominantly because of the endeavors of transnational organizations when they started to contract work compel crosswise over national limits. Despite the fact that the methodology of outsourcing has figured out how to turn out from its begining stages, theres still various customs that have a place with the whole process that have created approaching consequences for the improvement of the US economy. Outsourcing and the US Economy Since the time the idea of outsourcing was presented it has been a subject of wild verbal confrontation between economists, industrialists and government officials at their particular fronts. The subject of outsourcing took a factious turn throughout the 2004 presidential race crusade, in which the two significant contenders for the seat John Kerry and George W. Shrubbery suggested opposite methodologies for the methodology. John Kerry attacked associations that energize outsourcing exercises as itShow MoreRelatedGlobalization : An International Economy And Global Markets898 Words  | 4 Pageswere previously unavailable. As Lechner states in his Globalization Debates - Good vs. Bad, those in opposition believe that globalization is dangerous due to the â€Å"...inequities of oppressive global capitalism†(2000-2001). So, what are the upsides and downsides to globalization? The world has become smaller and is open to everyone in it. Goods move freely across the globe in numbers not previously seen before. Multinational corporations are located throughout the world. According to a poll byRead MoreForeign Market Strategies953 Words  | 4 PagesThere are a number of different foreign market entry strategies, including exporting, outsourcing, licensing and direct investment. This paper will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. First, it needs to be said that outsourcing is not a market entry strategy per se, since the market in question is not necessarily being entered. Outsourcing is using the resources of another country to help with the companys existing business. Usually, this is framed in terms of human workers, but evenRead MoreOutsourcing Jobs to Foreign Countries1167 Words  | 5 PagesOutsourcing jobs to foreign countries has long seen to be a hindrance to American people when in actuality it can help the economy grow. Outsourcing is a sore subject for the majority of Americans today. Seeing jobs going overseas can be hard pressed to be seen as a good thing, even harder to believe it can help the economy. Looking at the way outsourcing can help everyone puts things in perspective on a global level. Imagine third world countries poverty stricken and hungry! Outsourcing inRead MoreThe Economic Globalization Of India935 Words  | 4 Pagesglobalization in India began in the 90’s with the economic growth being credited to advances in IT (Information Technology) business. â€Å"One of the major forces of globalization in India has been in the growth of outsourced IT and business process outsourcing (BPO) services†(1). The past few years have seen more and more educated people due to India’s low cost of labor but educated and English speaking workforce. With economic globalization hitting India in the IT and BPO fields, it has allowed companiesRead MoreThe Economic Globalization Of India996 Words  | 4 Pagesthe world. The economic globalization in India began in the 90’s with the economic growth being due too advances in IT and business. â€Å"One of the major forces of globalization in India has been in the growth of outsourced IT and business process outsourcing (BPO) services†(1). The past few years have seen more and more educated people due to India’s low cost of labor but educated and English speaking workforce. With economic globalization hitting India in the IT and BPO field it has allowed companiesRead MoreBest Practices For Transporters And 3pl Service Provider1036 Words  | 5 Pagesshipment tracking and tracing, and reverse logistics and value added services. Of course with any service there are advantages and disadvantages. One of the downsides to third–party logistics is that some form of control can be loss when companies entrust vital documents or information of their business to others. Saying that there is an upside to using third-party logistics. The organization shipping the product can benefit from the expertise and the knowledge of third party logistics companies. Third-partyRead MoreReconstructing Zwolinksi s Argument About Sweatshop Labor Essay1710 Words  | 7 Pages 2. Reconstruct Arnold Bowie’s argument about sweatshop labor The MNEs should respect the persons and reduce the harm to the workers. One significant feature of globalization that is of particular relevance to our analysis is the increase in outsourcing by MNEs. MNEs are widely criticized by the public because of their law pay, or we should say an unreasonable pay, high labor intensity and bad conditions of works. It is reasonable to believe that all persons possess dignity and that this dignityRead MoreSwot Analysis : Benchmark Electronics1562 Words  | 7 PagesCalifornia, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Dakota and Texas; and 2.2 million square feet in our international facilities in China, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Romania and Thailand.†(, n.d.) Strategy â€Å"Our goal is to be the EMS outsourcing provider of choice to leading OEMs in the electronics industry that we perceive from time to time to offer the greatest potential for growth. To meet this goal, we have implemented the following strategies: Focus on High-End Products in Growth IndustriesRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On The Biopharma Arena1696 Words  | 7 Pagessponsors and sites. Perhaps electronic medical records can be used directly in clinical trial databases. It will be the responsibility of innovative and visionary people to make this happen within the constraints of a regulated environment. The Upside Technology has certainly had an impact on clinical research professionals. They can now live in more desirable places, perhaps in the remote countryside, and might not have to cope with traffic and congestion on a day-to-day basis. They might beRead MoreCurrent Issues Project On Peer Lending1643 Words  | 7 Pageson special loans, which has allowed it to control a new market and provide money to social lending companies, such as the Lending Club. Since the Lending Club doesn’t have its own banking licenses, they are prohibited from originating loans. By outsourcing to WebBank, the Lending Club avoids several fees, licenses, and most importantly, the classification of a financial firm. Peer-to-peer lenders enable individuals to borrow and invest money through an online platform that gathers both borrowers
Discuss the Timeless Quality of Shakespeares Sonnets
Discuss the timeless quality of Shakespeare’s sonnets Shakespeare’s sonnets are lively reflections on love and time, these two themes seem to be the principal themes of Shakespeare’s sonnets and he returns to them again and again each time exploring them in a lively and personal matter. The theme of love and time are two themes that are timeless and still today, appeal to the modern reader. Shakespeare reveals how nerve wracking a relationship can be, but he also shows how love is ultimately the answer to life’s troubles and woes. Chief among these woes is the passage of time. No other poet has so vividly described the passage of time and the horror that this can inspire. Shakespeare reflected on this throughout most of his sonnets,†¦show more content†¦The sonnet’s endurance comes from Shakespeare’s ability to capture the essence of love so cleanly and succinctly. It still carries a timeless quality because the theme of love is still something that appeals to the modern day reader. Another of Shakespeare’s poems that deals with the theme of love is sonnet 116 (â€Å"Let me not†) Sonnet 116 is a poem in which Shakespeare is putting his side of an implied argument about the nature of love, this sonnet describes what love should ideally be.The opening two lines of the sonnet are drawn directly from the â€Å"Book of Common Prayer†. The internal rhyme and repetition of the third line â€Å"Which alters when it alteration finds†allows it to resonate with the reader, along with the alliterative a sounds. Within the first quatrain Shakespeare uses a negative â€Å"love is not love†to highlight the importance of constancy in true love â€Å"which alters when it alteration finds†From the beginning there is a defensive and assertive tone, this increases as the poem progresses, as Shakespeare is increasingly confident in his understanding and explanation of love. The â€Å"O†at the beginning of the second quatrain is an exclamation. Love is permanent â€Å"an ever fixà ©d mark†. The exclamation o illustrates the permanent nature of love. Shakespeare also uses a metaphor to describe
Religion in The Black Robe Essay Example For Students
Religion in The Black Robe Essay In the film, The Black Robe, there were a number of conflicts between the French Jesuits and the Natives. The Jesuit missionaries are obviously trying to encourage the natives to embrace Christianity. In this film there is an obvious clash of cultures and a lot of suspicion, prejudice, and distrust, between the natives and French. There id also a lot of contemplation on whether or not to kill Black Robe due to these suspicions. The natives saw Black Robes as, demons, threatening the gods and sorceries which ordered their lives. With all of this being said, it makes it hard to believe that the French Jesuits and the natives could have ever had a harmonious relationship with one another. Once one of the natives, Montagnais Shaman, accuses Laforgue of being the devil, he is able to persuade the Algonquins to abandon Laforgue and Daniel. The real conflict arises when one of the Algonquin Indians tries to shoot Daniel, after he has left Laforuge, and gone back to the natives to be with his love. There is obvious tension between these two cultures, and not much has to happen to have fighting or killing. However, it was not like this for all native tribes. Even though most had their doubts about the French and their beliefs, they understood that they were accepting of all people who were willing to learn their teachings. Though they had their issues with each other, peace was not impossible. After the natives abandoned Laforuge, Chomina begins to feel guilty; Chomina goes back to search for him with a few other Algonquin natives, and Daniel. Another tribe of Indians captured Laforgue, Chomina, and the few that followed him for trespassing on ground that was once theirs. They all took sacrifices for one another, to help them escape the Iroquois tribe that was torturing them. They did not believe in what the French were trying to persuade the other Natives to believe in. Along with that, they did not like that another tribe of Natives were venturing alongside the French, and making peace with them. Since they viewed the French in this way, they proceeded to torture Laforgue, as well as the Natives traveling with him, until they reached the point of death. I say that there was possibility of some kind of peace the tribes and the Jesuits, due to the fact that when they were captured they all sacrificed certain things for one another to help them escape. For example, Chominas daughter gave herself to the guard in one of the tents to distract him, knock him out, and give themselves a chance to escape. Though she wanted to leave Laforgue behind in the tent, Chomina insisted that he not be left behind, and they save him too. Chomina was injured badly for this journey, and once he reached his last moments, still refused to convert to Christianity. He did not accept what Laforgue believed in and insisted that he just leave him alone, to go with the spirits that have guided his people. The Jesuits did not understand that it was right, to try and convince the Natives that their beliefs were untrue. Trying to do this, they inevitably ruined their way of life, and put them into serious danger. For example, when they were being held prisoner by another native tribe, Chominas youngest child was killed right in front of him due to the difference in beliefs. Father Laforgue saw this clash between his culture and the Algonquins, and also between the Algonquins and the Iroquois. Daniel even questioned what good they were doing ,by trying to encourage Christianity. .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948 , .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948 .postImageUrl , .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948 , .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948:hover , .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948:visited , .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948:active { border:0!important; } .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948:active , .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948 .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub9aca6785ca3da76deece5e18cc54948:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Movie Summary - 500 Days of Summer EssayThe French priests that tried to change the natives risked, getting them into danger with their own people more than anything else. No good can come of ones own people turning on them, and abandoning their beliefs. From the start, there was always a thick tension between the different cultures and belief systems, of the French and Natives. This made it hard to believe that they could ever keep the peace between them. Though there are instances where they can be peaceful with one another, and tolerate differences, there was never hope for the Natives and the French to be completely harmonious with one another in, Black Robe.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Perfectly Imperfect The Shakespeare Story Essay Example For Students
Perfectly Imperfect: The Shakespeare Story Essay Few authors today write with such universal understanding that theirworks will be popular with all types of people, and so successfully that theirwork survives centuries. These authors posses qualities we can seldom identifyin their lifetimes. Yet we do know this William Shakespeare was one of them. William Shakespeares parents were John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. John Shakespeare was born in 1529. His father was a small tenant farmer inSnitterfield, near Stratford-upon-Avon. He became a successful glover andtrader, and owned civic office in Stratford. He was not born to the nobility,but he did have some authority in the town. In 1596 he was given by the Collegeof Arms the right to a coat of arms and a crest. Doing that advanced his statusto that of a country gentleman. He would belong to the upper class of ruralsociety. That was the class just under the knights and the nobility to which thecountry gentleman could be promoted if he made money in trade or the law and hadinfluence at court. His rise in authority began the year after he was married. He became constable of Stratford, in charge of keeping the town safe. From 1561to 1565, he was Chamberlain, responsible for the oversight and maintenance ofCorporation of Stratford property. In 1564, his name appeared on the list ofCapital Burgesses. He was likely a member for a number of years, just withouthis name on the list. Capital Burgesses were the main English parliamentrepresentatives for towns or boroughs. Later on, he was bailiff of the town,and held many important positions throughout his life. William Shakespearesmother, Mary Arden, was born to nobility, a wealthy family. She was theyoungest daughter of Robert Arden, also a country gentleman, of Wilmcote. Heleft in his will to Mary the estate of Asbies in Wilmcote and six pounds,thirteen shillings, and sixpence. Within a year of her fathers death, in 1557,Mary married John Shakespeare. William Shakespeare was the third child, born after Joan and MargaretShakespeare. Margaret died before William was born, and Joan died sometimebefore 1569. William was born in 1564. His exact birth date is not known,though it is known that he was baptized on April 26 in the Holy Trinity Churchof Stratford. His birthday could have been any of the four or five days beforethat day. Traditionally, it has been said that he was born on the 23 of April,the same day of his death and St. Georges Day, but this is more because of thecoincidence than based on fact. Gilbert Shakespeare was born in 1566, Anne wasborn in 1571, Richard in 1574, and Edmund in 1580. This made William the eldest. Little is known about Williams childhood. He was educated for free atthe local grammar school, and learned Latin and a little bit of Greek. Hisplays suggest that he did not enjoy school, and it seems that he did enjoysports. Many different play companies came to Stratford to perform, and sinceJohn Shakespeare was in charge of the theater at some times, it is almost forsure that William saw many plays while he was growing up. This probably gavehim the background that he needed for writing plays. His family was well offand he lived easily until he was fifteen. That year, his father began to loseauthority and money. William enjoyed the outdoors as a teenager, and was knownto go on long walks in the country. He met Anne Hathaway when he was seventeen,probably on one of those walks. She was the daughter of Richard Hathaway andlived at Hewlands Farm, now known as Anne Hathaways Cottage. Anne was alsoabout 8 years older than William, an unheard of thing in the English countryside. Yet they decided to be married soon afterwards, though William was a minor. They received their marriage license on November 27, 1582, soon after Annesfather died. Curiously, their first child was born only six months later!Susanna Shakespeare was born in late May of 1583. Twins, a boy and agirl named Hamnet and Judith were born two years later. They were named aftera couple who lived nearby. Hamnet was Williams very good friend. The twinswere conceived in 1584, obviously, so Shakespeare must have been in Stratford atthe time. What happened to the next seven years? It is not known. Some thinkthat he was drawn to London for riches or to seek his fortune. However, thereis a different rumor. It is said that Shakespeare was arrested for poaching deerin Charlcote Park, owned by Sir Thomas Lucy. As punishment, Shakespeare waswhipped, and as revenge he composed a nasty poem about Lucy. This doubled thepunishment, and caused Shakespeare to flee Stratford for London. Police Brutality EssayIn about 1610 Shakespeare retired . Maybe he retired because of poorhealth, or maybe he was tired of the busy, fast life he had in London. Orpossibly he had an urge to spend the last years of his life with his family,whom he had neglected for so many years.In 1613, he bought the formerBlackfriars Monastery gate house. During that year, he began writing again. Hewrote Henry VIII and some other less known plays with a man called John Fletcherwho worked with the company. During the first performance of that play, twocannons were shot, which were stopped by paper or dummy shot. The papercaught fire, and it spread to the thatch above, setting the Globe Theater onfire. No one was hurt, but the theater burnt down, and that ended Shakespearescareer on a bad note. He did not invest in the new Globe Theater being built,and he went back to Stratford. Shakespeares first daughter, Susanna, was already married to John Hall,and in February of 1616, his daughter Judith married Thomas Quiney. It seemsthat once his two daughters were settled, Shakespeares life began to wane. OnMarch 25, 1616, he signed his will. He was believed to have fallen deathly illaround the time that the will was written. In his will he left his property toSusanna, a large sum of money to Judith, money as well to many of his friendsfrom London, and he left his wife the second-best bed. Shakespeare died onApril 23, 1616, and was buried two days later. He was buried under the floor inthe Holy Trinity Church of Stratford. Shakespeares tombstone says thefollowing: Good friend for Jesus sake forebeare To dig the dust enclosed here! Blest be the man that spares these stone And curst be he that moves my bones. The author of these lines is said to be Shakespeare himself. They mean to scareoff anyone who wants to dig up his grave. Shakespeare wrote a total of 36 plays in his lifetime. The following isa list of the plays: A Midsummer Nights Dream Alls Well that Ends Well Antony and Cleopatra As You Like It Coriolanus Cymbeline Hamlet the Prince of Denmark Henry IV (two parts) Henry V Henry VI (three parts) Henry VIII Julius Caesar King John King Lear Loves Labors Lost Macbeth Measure for Measure Much Ado about Nothing Othello Pericles Richard I Richard II Richard III Romeo and Juliet The Comedy of Errors The Merchant of Venice The Merry Wives of Windsor The Taming of the Shrew The Tempest The Winters Tale Timon of Athens Titus Andronicus Troilus and Cressida Twelfth Night Two Gentlemen of Verona Venus and AdonisThe list of Shakespeares plays is very long, and this has led some tobelieve that other authors wrote some or all of Shakespeares plays. This iscalled the authorship controversy. The people who believe that Shakespearedidnt write the plays think that the author was the Earl of Oxford. They claimthat the portraits of Shakespeare the playwright do not look like those ofWilliam Shakespeare. Another belief is that the Earl of Oxford always drew ashaking spear as his signature, and that his nickname was Shake-Spear. All ofthe different spellings of Shakespeare are also their evidence.The majorityof authorities believe that Shakespeare did write the plays, otherwise wouldntit be widely known that Shakespeare was not really Shakespeare at all? William Shakespeare was an educated genius, who spent his life doingwhat he loved. It is said that he wrote so fast, he never spelled anythingcorrectly and didnt use punctuation. Maybe that is why his writing is sofresh, creative, and funny. He may not have been very interested in exactdetails in his plays, in perfection, but somehow that is what he has achieved. It is the lack of perfection that makes his works so understandable anduniversal, and that will continue to be true for as long as his plays are inprint. Bibliography1) Fido, Martin. Shakespeare. Maplewood: Hammond Publishers, 1978. 2) Brown, Ivor. Shakespeare and His World. New York: H.Z. Walck, Incorporated,1966. 3) Ludowyk, E.F.C. Understanding Shakespeare. Cambridge: University Press, 1962. 4) William Aldis Wright. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. GardenCity: Garden City Publishing Company, Incorporated. 5) Dawson, Giles E. The Life of William Shakespeare. United States of America:Folger Shakespeare Library, 1979. aCategory: English
Friday, April 17, 2020
Understanding College Essay New Food
Understanding College Essay New Food For instance, people from various parts of earth closely follow U.S. news and affairs. Indeed, American culture has turned into an industrial undertaking. The great thing is they are established for students so that you don't pay for anything. There are lots of challenges that the worldwide college student might have to face when they travel to a country with a different culture, but the important thing for everyone who plans to study abroad is to prepare for the experience so as to soften that cultural shock which can be overwhelming sometimes. Where your private essay goes out to every one of the schools you apply to, supplements are targeted and just visit a single school. College life is expensive and many students don't have enough budget. Explain your commitments, and you'll be the type of student colleges find immensely attractive. Every college has lots of facilities you are able to go to if you wish to conserve money. Consumers with food allergies have reported spending much more time on grocery shopping to locate suitable products but sometimes have noticed a deficiency of information concerning the inclusion of prospective allergens in the food products they'd love to eat. To be able to be prosperous, you always have to continue to consider about your food choices. You will be liable for your own meals. The delicacy of the food becomes justified by the huge consumption which gets recorded throughout the planet. Other significant supermarket chains are ready to supply organic produce at lower price points as they do not comply with the exact same standards as Whole Foods. What are 3 common devices used to gauge the texture of food solutions. The drawback of fast food is it has almost zero nutritious price. You would like to grab the reader from the beginning. You're not writing for yourself here, but instead for quite a specific sort of reader. The reader ought to take the author's side by the close of the reading. The readers will appreciate the chance to find out more about you, and you can know yourself better as well. New Questions About College Essay New Food Examine the important characteristics of food related to a religion with which you're familiar. You don't need to choose if it's disgusting. The period food habits refers to the ways humans utilize food, including how food is obtained and stored, the way that it is prepared, the way that it is served and to whom, and the way it's consumed. Also, ensure you receive a flu shot which will help you fight the typical colds that come from sudden weather changes. The College Essay New Food Trap The General Manager has just referred to as a meeting to go over food price. Application essays about challenges reveal how you respond to difficulty to individuals who are rather interested in how you are going to deal with the subsequent four years all on your own. The Basic Facts of College Essay New Food The fourth procedure of the new product development method is the growth of product. Carrying out the industry research aids the managers determine whether there's enough demand for then new item. The great thing is that there are lots of professional writing companies which sell top-notch papers at reasonable rates. Large scale transnational businesses and multinationals like Walmart, Coca-Cola, McDonald's, or Microsoft spread out their manufacturing industries in many areas of the world to be able to m ass produce their merchandise or services, and transport them throughout the globe for mass consumption. Titles can be difficult that's why lots of applicants skip them. Students may locate many examples of essays on the internet by going into the essential search phrases. Themes are available in all shapes and sizes, from the upcoming campus leader to the upcoming chemist. Perfect shouldn't be the goal in your essay. Lora's essay Eating Eyeballs'' is a superb instance of an effective title. The ideal thing about us is that each time you can buy original essay papers for sale. Then the very best way is place a request I want to acquire essay papers written. An argumentative paper is part of the persuasion. A terrific college essay introduction is essential to making your essay stand out, so there's a great deal of pressure to receive it exactly perfect. Unless you're confident your experience with higher school sports was so unique that nobody else could possibly compose a similar essay, look for a different topic. So prospective students should make certain they aren't repeating something which's already been covered in their principal essay.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Religion and Hip Hop analysis free essay sample
HIP Hop Is a cultural art form whose elements Like Mincing, breakfasting, graffiti, and Digging are utilized by participating members to illustrate their life experiences and the world around them. Hip Hop artists and most songs display religious aspects like communicating to a supernatural, grappling with existential questions, and the articulation of subjectivity.One song that illustrate different religious aspects is Lord Knows by Ace Hood. Ace Hood Is viewed as an underdog lyricist who found the footlight by entering the rap game and talking about his life and trying to draw connections between his life stories and his listeners. Lord Knows Is one of a few songs from Ace Hoods album entitled Blood, Sweat, and Tears. That album title means the shedding of blood through all the sweating from hardships and releasing tears from minor setbacks or failures.Ace Hoods song Lord Knows is about Ace Hood expressing to God his hardships that God already know. We will write a custom essay sample on Religion and Hip Hop analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In his song, Ace talks about his hardships of the eviction letter his mother had, his mama about to lose her house ND he still put her through a lot of stress, having no food, and wondering will he be fit to be a father for his upcoming daughters. Ace Hood deliver this songs as a prayer to God to see will he answer him and guide him in the right path to freedom of these hardships.In Lord Knows, Ace Hood communicates to God by saying Dear Lord, I understand all the problem Im about to express to you, Are things you already know, Well here goes nothing. This set of lyrics is like an open letter where Ace feels it Is necessary to alarm out what he Is feeling deep down Inside. With the closing line of the intro, Ace means that God already knows what problems he encountered so he Is going to tell him regardless because he dont have nothing to lose. Additionally, Ace says My God what Im going do now?So stressed that the day go by, Devil on me and I dont know why, beg mama Just please dont cry. In this set of lyrics, Ace is communicating to God and while doing that he asked an existential question of what he going to do now cause so much negative Impulses, an example of the devil, encountered his life which left him confused and hop eless not knowing how to deal with life. Most artist Incorporate this idea of a devil as evil, hatred, envy, causation of drama, and even haters. Lastly, Ace ends the song by saying In your name I pray, Amen which is an illustration of a common phrase used by Christians to end a prayer after communicating to God asking for forgiveness or for the bettering of a family member, friend, or self. Additionally, in Lord Knows, Ace Hood articulates his subjectivity. In verse 1 Ace says, Time get a little rough I know, when I cant give up I dont, Got twin and theyre on the way, see the stars when the I wont, Sometimes I ask myself will I be a good father, Cause Ive never had mine would I give the world to my daughters.This set of lyrics expresses that Ace is expecting twin daughters and he is unsure whether or not he will be suitable to be a father because his father wasnt there but he wont stop his grind for anything. This set of lyrics evaluates Aces complex subjectivity of him going beyond social categories and stereotypical Houghton of how black men typical leave their children and never come back. He financially stable to support a family.On that note, Ace illustrates his dynamic self by saying And every day that I wake I grind no time never wait for mine. His articulates the dynamic self by knowing success wont come knocking on the door, so he is not going to be like everyone else and sit on his behind, he is going to be unique and chase after success. On that note, Ace pours his thoughts out in every song he creates in which he knows his hard work and dedication will pay off.Ace Hood creates the album Blood, Sweat, and Tears to express his motivation to grind which includes him shedding blood, sweat, and tears to accomplish something difficult with the guidance of God. Ace Hood put his all into this album to shed light to people who are engaged in a difficult life and explain to them that is it possible to overcome anything as long as they try to find solutions to their problems. In closing, Ace Hood seen a lot change during his childhood to present that he has a great amount of faith in God and for him to continue to believe in him.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Compare And Contrast Essay Topics For 8th Grade
Compare And Contrast Essay Topics For 8th GradeThe best way to help a student understand their future career path is to help them understand their learning style, and how to compare and contrast essay topics for 8th grade. This is an important topic for every student to understand, and it's necessary to compare your students essay topics to the choices that they've had available in the past.Students move at different paces in school, and this often makes it difficult to know what kind of learning style they will need in college or the workforce. They may get bored with writing, or busy with social skills. Whatever the situation is, by educating them about their learning style, you can give them an advantage when it comes to choosing their own essay topics.The first thing you need to know about your student's personality is if they are more of a writer, or someone who can write a lot, but not as well as someone who writes a lot. If they are more of a writer, then you should consider c hoosing one of their essay topics as something that is particularly difficult, but easy for them to do. This can include taking on an extremely difficult book, or trying something new with pictures. By keeping this in mind, you'll be able to help them keep motivated and use their strengths to write well.There are lots of college and university applicants for large school, and they need to have an easier time if they are applying to smaller schools. There are a number of reasons for this, and we can discuss each one of them in the next paragraph. The first reason why so many students apply to smaller schools is because they can't get the money to go to a bigger school. Another reason why so many students are going to smaller schools is because they don't want to miss out on the fun.This article will talk about two different reasons for applying to smallerschools. It also contains information about how you can help your student's best understanding of the type of opportunities that th ey can find in smaller schools. These are important topics to think about for all students, whether they are applying to large school or smaller schools.The first reason why so many students are applying to smaller schools is because they don't want to miss out on the fun that they can find at a smaller school, or the fact that it's a more affordable option than attending a large school. The second reason why this is happening is because they're looking for more social skills than they find at larger schools. These are important issues for all students, and that's why it's very important to compare and contrast essay topics for 8th grade.When they are attending different environments, students will be able to change their minds about things. This happens in many situations when they have a friend with them, but then their friend gets side tracked by their job, or some other issue comes up. What makes students strong is their ability to take risks and challenge themselves to grow, an d they need to be able to do this at all times.You will find that in many different parts of their life, they will begin to make decisions based on emotion, rather than logic. You should compare and contrast essay topics for 8th grade for every student to help them understand that the rules don't always apply to everyone. Theses are the types of decisions that will hold them back from achieving their full potential.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Writing a Research Paper Draft Topics
Writing a Research Paper Draft TopicsThere are some key things to remember when writing a research paper. One of the most important steps is to prepare a draft. Many research papers are completed before the students even get to the research part. The entire project gets postponed until the end, making this a time when problems can arise and the focus on the research is lost.It is imperative that you have prepared a draft for your research paper. A bad draft is a wasted opportunity. With a good draft, it is easier to avoid problems and give yourself the time to work on solutions instead of waiting for problems to arise. As with any task that requires focus, preparation will help you avoid stress and boredom. This in turn will make it easier to complete the paper successfully.The first thing to consider when writing a draft is what topic you will be working on. There are two basic types of topics. The first is related to the academic field of study, while the second relates to somethin g that may be outside of your field of study. The best approach to choose a topic is to think about what area of the world you want to look at.With this information, you can then choose a topic from among the many areas of the world you are familiar with. By focusing on one particular area, you can narrow down your topic to something more manageable. If you only have time to spend one or two hours in a given day, choose a topic that can be done in this amount of time. For example, if you want to write about a history of poverty in Peru, choose a topic that relates to Peru.If you have more time to dedicate to the project, choose a topic that can be expanded upon and that you want to write about further in the future. This will keep you from spending too much time working on one topic, thus saving you time and money. If you do not feel you have enough time to spend researching the topic further, simply choose a general topic and then add additional information on what specific topics you want to write about.After choosing a topic, the next step is to research the various techniques that will be used to research. Do not select an obscure technique that may not be popular. It is also important to choose a subject that does not seem to be widely covered in the literature. For example, if you are interested in American culture, you can choose a subject related to American society instead of choosing something like History of the Future.Once you have chosen a topic, the next step is to prepare the topic outline. An outline should not be a part of the research paper draft. Instead, it should be used to give you direction during the writing process. Your outline should cover what information you are going to include in the paper and how much information you need to write for each chapter.Once you have prepared the research paper draft topics and an outline, you should then do some brainstorming. You can use the outline as a guide, but don't go into specifics. Write abo ut your topic of choice with a blank mind. This will help you identify themes that will be included in the paper and will guide you towards writing the final draft.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Get Your Best Papers With Ap Research
Get Your Best Papers With Ap ResearchAp Research is one of the best websites where people can get information on where they can get the best academic papers to solve high-scoring college and university exams. The job of an ad research service is to help students take the right papers for their papers and find the best papers which match their writing style and learning style. They work with students from various schools and colleges and send them to their universities, where they prepare the perfect papers for their students. It is important for students to study for their exams so that they are able to make up their grades accordingly.If you look at the website of Ap Research, you will see that it is easy to understand and full of information. They have a section for every subject and they give instructions for the different subjects. It also has sections for writing as well as exam preparation and they come with simple instructions. There are many other categories which contain inf ormation about different subjects. Their site is extremely user friendly and you are able to navigate easily through their site without having any problems at all.All the Ap Research papers are of excellent quality and they have thousands of students who have benefited from their services. Some of their papers have been given the prestigious Asian paper award, which has brought a lot of publicity for the company. Even there are many business references which have cited them in their research papers.There are a lot of papers that are related to medicine, chemistry, physics, English literature and mathematics. Students can get information from the hundreds of categories on the website. They have an option to take the website surveys, so that they can see what is their biggest problem with the website. The majority of their users have appreciated the fact that they are not limited to just academic papers.Some of their other projects include interactive ones that have gotten attention a ll over the world. There are projects which are about cricket, martial arts, business, and others. They also provide students with books for free, which can be easily used in school and colleges. The website is very user friendly and if you are new to the World Wide Web, you can simply get online and register yourself.Students can get all the Ap Research research papers that are related to their courses. They can view all the papers, apart from their scores. They can even send any issue to their teachers if they have any queries. Students can also put up their own papers on the website. The client can attach the appropriate graphics so that it looks exactly the same as it does on their computers.One of the most important services provided by Ap Research is that of preparing the required papers for students. The entire process is very easy and the students do not have to deal with the hassle of dealing with the university administration. Ap Research also provides easy access to the p apers so that they can get started immediately.
Friday, March 13, 2020
uh oh essays
uh oh essays Earl. It rhymed with girl. He always took a lot of heat for that. But that was before the Easter egg. The extraordinary Easter egg. Earls extraordinary Easter egg... He got it as a gift from his mean cousin Katie that never was and never will be nice to him (she kept teasing his name). It looked like nothing special to him. Probably just some chocolate inside but it definitely wasnt an ordinary egg. This egg contained extra-terrestrial contents that have enormous potential. As he unwrapped the cheap aluminum wrapper encasing the egg, a little note fell out. At first, what seemed like an encoded language scribbled on the note moved its lines around and became American English. This is the pod of life and destruction. In the pod contains objects from the seventh dimension. Its purpose is to continue the mere existence of the universe by destroying much of it. 3,465,735,180,261 EUs received 32 EUs needed Note: The reader of this is cursed with the occupation of feeding the pod the energy it needs to complete its objective. Nice prank Kate but this is too stupid to be funny or scary, Earl thought. As he was about to throw it out, he noticed that the egg felt warm to his touch. He easily broke open the plastic shell and inside was a very strange looking object. It looked like a cool blue rock that shimmered like water. It felt like slick rubber but it bended and changed shape like Jell-o. This is weird, Earl though. As he was running out the kitchen door to ask Katie about this, the thing slipped out of his hand and a bounced straight up a couple hundred feet. While it was still going up, it disappeared. Uh-oh, Earl thought, its going to do whatever its supposed to do! Then, it warped back into existence right in the palm of Earls hand! Weird, Earl thought, better not tell Katie right away. At night, he put the pod under his pillow. It just made him feel safer when it ...
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Features of the Aircraft Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Features of the Aircraft Design - Essay Example Although composite materials weigh less than aluminum and have more corrosion resistance, which will lower maintenance, composite materials also have more failure characteristics in high-energy crashes (Langevin, 2003). Composite materials are brittle, and lack plasticity following an impact, so that a change in configuration may be needed in an aircraft design to ensure that crashworthiness criteria are met. There are load-limiting devices that can be implemented so that the loads transmitted to passengers during a crash will be minimized. The structural assembly can also be modified to decrease transmitted loads. Aircraft subfloor systems can be developed with high-strength materials that hold the passenger seats during impact, and also contain a crushable layer that will absorb energy. The crushable layer is most important in the vertical direction, for improving human tolerance of the impact. This subfloor platform will also distribute loads across the fuselage evenly. Energy absorbing seats are also effective at reducing loads transmitted to passengers. A comparison of two similar real-life crash events shows that energy absorbing seats and restraint systems can mean the difference between walking away and not surviving (Langevin, 2003). Another aspect of an aircraft design’s crashworthiness is its ditchability, or its ability to emergency land in water. There is usually a great loss of life in ditching however; statistics show a 60% survivability during ditching (Kebabjian, 2006) - some sources list a much higher survivability rate. Intentional ditching of commercial aircraft is rare and often occurs after fuel exhaustion; small aircraft ditching is much more common. As far as aircraft design considerations go, large underwing turbofans have been seen as having problematic ditchability ("Fall-back System...", 1999). In our aircraft design, engines mount above or on the wing, and there shouldn’t be the same ditchability problem.
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