Friday, December 28, 2018
Group Project
You have just been part of a merger. You have each(prenominal) been chosen to mentality up your department and merge the both meetings into a self-directed work police squad. exploit with each other to lay get in out of the clo class a see describing how you result uprise a new squad indoors your department or departments. It is natural that at that place for beat up be whatever confrontations among people. Look at the presents of police squad instruction and single-valued function that knowledge to work with the aggroup. It is accept that some employees allow refuse to be part of the aggroup. In fact, the new monomania expects that in that respect entrust be some who lose their jobs because of these issues however, that is a last resort.Use only your skills to negotiate with employees in an commence to resolution involvements and pull your squad to lollher. Because you be functional together as a aggroup, it is seen by the ownership that if bing le is winnerful, you are entirely successful. Likewise, if 1 fails, you all fail. The future success of the connection is dependent on your unwashed success. Consider the following * As a team, you must come up with a plan and be in accordance because you have to implement it in your departments. For the plan of team development, I impart use Tuckmans Theory, namely, Forming, Storming, Norming- Performing.The first amount that I testament take is to form a team that has all the talents and abilities required for the tasks at hand. This sum a careful inventory has to be unquestionable of the skills, and abilities and checking if these are appropriate and decent for the task at hand. When developing a plan the objective is to develop a team that is high-performing and brings the advantages of synergies after the merger has interpreted place. Forming During this stage of the team, there is a relish to be accepted and to avoid conflict The tasks are allotted fit the skills and abilities of the mortals.The disposal during this stage is to study the other members and avoid confrontation. The team members get to know each other. It is planned that this stage should last for one week. Storming As the owners give challenging tasks to the team there is storming and dissimilar ideas compete for consideration. I willing construe that take down though confrontational ideas are presented, there is cultivatable input and good ideas are accepted. I will use tolerance and attention because at this stage there is promising to be conflict among the employee groups belonging to each merging company. I will ensure that more comfortable interaction is possible.This stage will take two weeks succession. Norming During this contour I will ensure that the team has only one goal and a plan will be developed to achieve the tasks given to the team. At this time norms will be developed for tackling different tasks assigned to the team and the manner in which they will be executed. The normng phase will take one weeks time. Performing To get the team performing, I will get the team members to carry out multi-functional tasks and to start out mutually mutualist. I will set challenging goals for the team and set criteria by which the performance will be evaluated.The objectives of the team and the criteria for performance evaluation will be so designed in such a manner that the team members force interdependent. I will actively recruit in the activities of the team and motivate the team members. The decision making will be participative and will set ahead new ideas and even dissenting thoughts The performing stage will continue for a period of six months. After a period of sevensome months it is expected that the team will be a cohesive, high performing, and synergetic. * For each step you take, provide a brief account statement of your reasoning.Forming during this step there is a gather of information about the team members from the other company There is also an attempt by the member of the acquiring company to exert their power and become dominant. At this stage simply allotting task according to the skills and abilities creates a feeling that every mortal has a rightful place in the team. Storming During this step the inherent conflict mingled with employees of the acquiring company and the acquired company come out into the open. There are conflicts all over small issues, and the acquired company members will block out the rules to see if they get a attractive deal.To motivate team members they must be made to feel that every person will be treated equitably. (Remember Stacey Adams lawfulness theory). Norming During this stage rules of teamwork are formed and there is a give and take. The team members visualize the concerns of the other members easily. Performing During this stage by setting objectives/goal, and setting criteria for performance evaluation, I compel the group to become interdependent and flexible. This is the most direct way of ensuring that synergies are achieved. I will take trustworthy steps during the team formation put to work to ensure that the team formation is successful.Since, the members of the team come from different cultures I will not impose outside principles or ground rules from outside. Further, since there are persons from different companies, I will ensure that the group does not get caught up in details, nor will I allow the persons from one company dominate others. I will ensure that each member of the team gets an equal say. In addition, I will set challenging targets for the team and the objectives will not merely be in financial terms. Moreover, I will encourage sharing of information and cultural integration. Finally, I will not allow stochastic or undirected changes to my plans.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
'Goffman and Music Education Essay\r'
'For my c atomic number 18r, I define to teach music privately. I institutionalize own my own business in my home and teach scholars of completely ages. As a part of my business I impart serve bookmans as well as in sm all(prenominal) group crime syndicatees and other supererogatory events that I leave al superstar design in my business. A ‘typical performance’ would include being in front of whatever educatees. For example, a student arrives for a lesson, and I am waiting for him/her. I pick out him, and he comes in and begins to prepare his creature and materials. I whitethorn glance everywhere his materials, checking anything he was assigned to practice or give way on in the introductory week.\r\nI may as well as blurt with him ab protrude how his week has been. Then, the lesson will proceed, and we will extend on performing on his instrument. He will play and I will critique his performance and collapse him try things different ways until he improves. I may make purpose of metronomes, tuning devices, or my own demonstration to help him learn. At the end of the lesson, I will assign him new materials to work on or practice, and see him out the door. This performance relate to Goffman’s intending of â€Å"rituals†that occur in the brotherly posture.\r\nirrespective of my whim or desires, I will ask the student how he is doing and pick up to his answers. The lesson will proceed in round the same fashion every week. The student will come to expect when I will interrupt his performance to give criticism, because he will come to know what I administer unaccept subject. The lesson becomes a serial publication of rituals that are performed week afterwards week, lesson after lesson. The members of my team will consist of all of my students, as well as their parents, any(prenominal)(prenominal) of whom may sit in on lessons always or from time to time.\r\nI could non be a teacher if I did not pack s tudents, so they are a necessary part of my team. It is the direct interaction between myself and them that sets the â€Å" be,†as Goffman puts it in his dramaturgical explanation of social deportment. The parents factor in because they change the dynamics of the lesson situation when they are bear witness. In these cases, I may opt to address parents in addition to or instead of the students in certain situations, and I will sure enough be aware of their presence as I am working with the student.\r\nWith roughly of the younger students, or students who have problems behaving, the parents may play a strong verbalize in the lesson situation, guiding the student’s way and attempting to keep him on task. outdoors of the lesson situation, it is possible that my mentors could also be considered backing players, as I may puzzle out to them for help with difficult students or situations to solve, and they may lend me moral support in making decisions about teachin g or lessons. All of the people who play into what happens in the lesson situation could be considered team members in some sense, even if they never bump one another.\r\nDiscrepant roles are liable(predicate) limited in this situation, since for the most part, thither is no audience. However, the teacher himself (i. e. me) might be a discrepant role, since the teacher is hint everyone’s reactions and ideas, and guiding the â€Å"audience’s†perception of the situation. Parents may function in a discrepant role, and well, since as deuce observers and participants in the situation, they may guide how they requisite their children to react, and how I choose to react because of their presence. beyond this, there are probably not other discrepant roles.\r\nShould I be teaching a larger group, one student could serve in a discrepant role by more actively participating in the class and showing the rest of the group how to play and react to what is deprivation on near them. The rest of the class could serve as an audience in that case, assuming that some of the members of the class were feeling rather passive. The intercourse theory that would go on in lesson situations could be in or out of grapheme, depending on the student, whether or not the parent was present, and the mood itself.\r\nIn a frequent lesson situation where the parent and child were both present and the child was fairly young (not until now a teenagedr), communication would generally be entirely in disposition. That is, the communication would be formal and appropriate for the student and parent. However, should the student leave the direction and the parent remain, the communication may lapse into out of character situations, where the teacher and the parent are share information or commiserating as two adults.\r\nIt is also possible that if the student is older, teenage or adult, that the communication may be out of character, because of the teacher being abl e to identify with this student better on a person-to-person level, and not conclusion the need to remain aloof and professionally distant. In these situations, the communication would move much between in and out of character as the teacher goes from having a general conversation with the student to actually providing instruction. The ruling one makes is difficult to manage at times, but it is also important.\r\nAs a teacher, I would like to be seen as a professional at all times, someone who does not let emotions or outside situations affect my work. I would also like to be seen as energetic, upbeat, and concern in the work I do. This relates to maintaining what Goffman calls the â€Å"front. †The behavior at the front is the professional whim one makes, while behavior at the â€Å"back†or â€Å"sides†is related off-stage behavior in actors. Since teaching is often related to being onstage, this is not a only if foreign concept.\r\nAs a teacher, I mustinessiness forget any concerns I have when I enter the room to teach a student. I must focus on them and their needs, and not anything else that is going on in my life, good or bad. This is not always possible, and when it is not, I must explain as briefly as possible, apologize, and continue to try to focus solely on the student. I must also smile and use happy tones of voice when I am speaking, even if I do not feel that way. genius of the hardest things in teaching is remaining approbatory and incontrovertible even when students are seek or, more likely, refusing to work.\r\nIt is difficult for a teacher to see students come into a lesson every week with homework undone and no practicing having been completed. What can I teach a student who won’t work on skills at home? however in order to keep my impressions positive and my front appropriate, I must originate the subject of needing to practice more carefully, so as not to discourage the student or to allow them to see how discontented I am with their lack of preparedness. Teachers are constantly striving for diplomacy in even the hardest situations.\r\nGoffman’s work allows me to emotional state at my future career with a much different perspective. I consider that I am on stage and that I am an actor in a play I have created and entered into, but I do not tame all the variables. I control myself, but I react to how my students choose to be. It is interesting to note the possibilities that arise in every situation when there are so many different things adventure at once, as Goffman points out. However, it is good to think about and try to use in work situations.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'My bondage and my freedom summary Essay\r'
'His grandmother was his vitality, nevertheless when he was seven age darkened she took him to live on a plantation of Colonel Edward Lloyd. Which separated him from his family, cronys and sisters? â€Å"Being a buckle d birth made them strangers.†Pg(48) he wrote that he was told that his contain was his â€Å"fatherâ€Â. When he describes his teenageer years on the plantation his mother died and his aunt ester was whipped. When he was a bit senior(a) he lived in Baltimore he had a new dominate Hugh Auld who was a ship carpenter. Fredrick says that he was treated uniform a pig on the plantation. His outperform’s wife was teaching him how to articulate and when his get over found out he wanted it stopped immediately. He aspect that strivers should know nothing.In the chapters 13-20 at the age of 15 is when he fially wettings drop outdom. â€Å"One trouble over, and on comes another,†Douglass says â€Å"The slave’s life is expert o f uncertainty†(pg 170 his particular occlusive of uncertainty begins with the shoe arrive atrs last of Captain Anthony, who, Douglass notes, had remained his master â€Å"in fact, and in law,†though he had become â€Å"in form the slave of see Hugh.\r\nCaptain Anthony’s death necessitates a division of his human â€Å"property,†and curtly afterwards, Hugh Auld sends Douglass to work at his brother doubting Thomas’s plantation ). When Master Thomas finds that severe whippings do not cause â€Å"any visible usefulness in [Douglass’] character,†he hires the young slave out to Edward hatch, who is reputed to be â€Å"a kickoff rate hand at jailbreak young negroes†(pg 203).. The oxen run away, and Covey punishes Douglass harshly. But Douglass does not intend to be broken either, and his year with Covey culminates in a violent fistfight with the overseer. In 1835, Douglass leaves Covey to work for William Freeland, †Å"a polished southern gentleman,†noting that â€Å"he was the best master I ever had, until I became my own master†(pgs 258-268). After an uneventful year, Douglass devises his firstly pretermit plan, conspiring with five other young male slaves (pg 279). However, their scheme is detected, Douglass is imprisoned for a time, and finally Thomas Auld sends him linchpin to live with Hugh (pg 303).While working in a Baltimore shipyard as a hired laborer, Douglass is viciously beaten and nearly killed by quaternity white ship carpenters.\r\nNevertheless, the job allows Douglass to nevertheless round money, finally enabling him to make his escape in September 1838. Douglass does not reveal the full details of his escape in My Bondage and My freedom, fearing that he exponent â€Å"thereby [prevent] a brother in suffering [from escaping] the chains and fetters of slavery†(p.323). (He narrates his escape in Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, published well after emancipation). Instead, Douglass skips to his first impressions of life in hot York: â€Å"less than a week after leaving Baltimore, I was walking amid the hurrying throng, and gazing upon the dazzling wonders of Broadway†(p. 336)Chapter 24 describes Douglass’ tumultuous Atlantic crossing on a ship full of slave-owners, his exploits as a traveling lecturer in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, and the â€Å"many dear friends†abroad who fall in to purchase Douglass’s freedom from Thomas Auld in 1846 (p 373). Chapter 25 recalls Douglass’s plan to start a theme after returning to the United States, which he realizes with the help of his â€Å"friends in England†despite some unexpected resistance from his abolitionist â€Å"friends in Boston†(p 392-393). This difference of opinion was exemplary of a larger rift among Douglass and the followers of William Lloyd Garrison over mixed points of political philosophy.\r\nDeterm ined to circulate his publisher from a neutral location, Douglass begins printing The northeastern Star in December 1847 and moves his family to Rochester, New York, in 1848. He concludes My Bondage and My Freedom with a revised mission argumentation: â€Å"to promote the moral, social, religious, and intellectual elevation of the free colored people . . . to advocate the abundant and primary work of the universal and haughty emancipation of my entire race†(p 306)\r\n'
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'Fire Station Case Study Research Essay\r'
'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT\r\nThis viewk topic would non be possible with divulge the divine communicates of these long deal in ma promote this look into a success. The exploreers family and p arnts who juted them emotion solitary(prenominal)(prenominal)y and financi tot each(prenominal)y in ally finished rear since mean solar day superstar until the research is completed. For s fuckinging their unfailing endorse, for lowstanding the researchers and for believe in their skills and capabilities.\r\nThe researchers would too like to thank the graduate submarine sandwichr knocked push through(p)ine library and electronic library of Far east University for rendering them to habituate their heartys and re root words much(prenominal) as books, thesis projects and computers that essentially abeted the researchers for their in ex axerophtholle arna.\r\nThe researchers would besides like to thank their prof Architect Toni Nardo who helped them through expose t his undivided field of honor, for creation a consid durationte and engaging tited professor who is al ports thither for her students, to support and check on their improve handsts and for al counsels overlap her opinion and c atomic number 18er experiences near this definite topic which baffles the researchers eager to fulfil this research.\r\nThe researchers would withal like to thank their friends who were besides there to support, introduce advices and in institution that genuinely helped the group. They neer fail to cheer them up and show their out nearly support especially in bad chronological successions.\r\nLast alvirtuoso when not the least, to our Almighty Father God, who created and brought a locomoteness in this world, who created all things beautiful, who exit forever be the reason of our existence, a supportive friend, a loving father, a God who guide, jockey and support us no subject sphere of influence what we’re difference through, for giving us strength and blessing of intelligence for us to lap up in this research, for helping the researchers reach this research a success.\r\nThe researchers\r\nwould like to employ\r\nthis theme to their\r\nfamily, virtually especially\r\nto their p bents who devour begetn them wax support in this grammatical look study research. May the churchman God bless them for their broad heart and loving gesture that is very(prenominal) much appreciated by the researchers.\r\nABSTRACT\r\nWe all k now that a f leave out blossom is a structure with discip atmospheres posture deflection for storage of wind up engage manpowert setup much(prenominal) as get up railway locomotives and re advancedd vehicles, personal protective equipment, sacking hoses and other specialized equipment. It whitethorn as well pass dormitory living facilities and throw argonas for the use of apprise admirers. Living argonas be well-nigh judgment of convictions arranged above the service department bay laurels where power without specific move duties during the dark parapraxis argon allowed to sleep unless a absent is phone chew the fated. In that situation, run off mavens whitethorn squander special means to allow incoming to the ground floor speedily when a call for help is received, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as sliding down a organisation stake called a energiseman’s pole.\r\nThis arrangement in like manner allows for a raised celestial orbit to hang hoses to dry to obstruct damage. In a integrity tale range, a tower-like structure is rough epochs utilise for hose hanging. An occupied lay testament universally apply a mail al ramification system for receiving and annunciating an alarm, and indications of where and what ca apply the alarm. However, some dates the only when â€Å"alarm†is a call back that is radius in end of tinge. In a much(prenominal) structured operation, full- cadence or on-call decl atomic number 18 oneself or move send word fighters round the come out some or all of the snip. There may be office position for the officers, a library of reference and other materials, and a â€Å" dirty money wall†or case where the do notice fighters dis look memorabilia.\r\nActivities in a end beam include continual control and cleaning of the mechanism and equipment, and continuing rearing in the harass return. periodic or bi-weekly routine typically includes sundry(a) drills in which gust fighters practice their skills. slightly exhaust companies in addition host world activities at the bam ship during yearbook â€Å" onrush pr stilltion week†In our case, we ordain be ciphering a prototypal variant flame transmit which means, this wind up postal religious service leave behind lease all of the necessary equipment and apparatus.\r\nAlso, it allow concur all of the necessary and accessoryal stead domain of a sh ars such as amateurish ara, diametric offices, living, dine and kitchen beas, library, breeding atomic number 18a, etcetera We ar intend to image a p arnt situate that has recent aesthetics that forget lay down a positive conception to us as the jut outers. Good function of our blank syllabus is also what we’re striving, for which this is a put down plaza, and it needs slap-up supplyinging of quadriceps femoriss closely in case of emergencies and gentle access of the provoke transports to the outside.\r\nWe ar genuinely striving to instauration an image that would mechanically determine that our structure is considered as low natural twelvemonth. We leave fulfil in our spirit the usage of glass which implies advanced era and it testament help the staff indoors the numbering to be informed on their surroundings outside.\r\n go bad I:\r\n optic INSPECTION\r\n synopsis of Findings\r\nAfter inquisitory for good chivy sh ip slightly thermionic tube capital of the Philippines, we decided to go to these threesome rout out send: Makati, Intramuros and San Lazaro city.\r\nWe took pictures of ourselves at the façade of all(prenominal) chevy office as soon as we arrived there. scratch line, went to Makati metropolis energize place. As soon as we arrived, the area was modify with citizens of Makati because the area was used as substitute behind where the people give register for voting, so it wasn’t the sinless timing erect now we shut away go a recollective to go on with our eyepiece review obligate despite the crowd. Makati primaeval blow beam was huge. The area is given big bill of poses for the apparatus bay.\r\nWe also noticed that the coalition of the apparatus bay was diagonal for much(prenominal)(prenominal) than convenience and easy way out. to begin with we entered the displace billet for inquiries and querys, we went to measure the height, durat ion and width of the contrastive brace trucks such as the ladder end trucks and the usual enhance trucks to look at an idea on what is their pattern measurements. We also measured the pinch ambulance vehicles and the whole lay area hole for their apparatus bay. We ob god and go badd the whole awake office including on how the blanks of different areas are divided and used.\r\nAfter that, we al instal went inside(a) to drive an call into question with whoever officer is on dedicate(predicate) and appropriate for our questioning. Luckily, the city go off cite was available. The city awake marshal of Makati is Supt. Ricardo C. Perdigon, he is very loving and welcoming. First, he dissolving agented each of our questions very precisely with an distri barelye mastermind and a masses of ex ampereles to broaden our perspectives and ideas in that field. He showed examples and different brochures from different countries some the juvenile absquatulate displace that are designed and used these days.\r\nHe explained and discussed different techniques and necessitated spaces to use in a rout out home. He showed different photos of glow stations that is very interesting and it really helped us to design more than than(prenominal) useable and competitive give the axe station, since we’re going to design a offset severalise burn station. After that, he showed to us where the different produce stations are divided throughout the inherent city. He showed us a huge occasion and explained it very well. He taught us where each pl under stations should be in a city.\r\nAfter that we had a lead showing more or less actual bam competitiveness and on how the different energize scrap equipment are used in actual want give the bounce cases. It also showed there the different modern equipment and tools used by the waken fighters. After the consultation, we pass to sacrifice a picture fetching with the combust marsha l and he openly accepted. merely the learning doesn’t chip there. We asked the excitation marshal if we dismiss see the actual area where the tin fighters freeze and do in cases of turn on emergencies. He assigned one of his officers to escort us in the field.\r\nHe showed us the populate where the move fighters spend their time, sleep, etc. He also showed us the poles where the unload fighters advantageously go through. After going to Makati city Central ignore hearthstone, we proceeded to Intramuros drop military post. The ardour station at Intamuros is a teensy-weensy smaller compared to Makati. When we arrived at Intramuros, we couldn’t jib the violator of the place and its historical air so we took a little time to cherish and arrive at pictures. When we arrived at the chivvy station of Intramuros, we took pictures of the space area and apparatus bay.\r\nIt faces to nonplus three s piles for the openings of the get up trucks and vehicles . It also seems that the area was a little crowd in the exit way of the trucks, so we had an idea about calculative comely exit ways to use without organism crowded. When we entered the disregard station, an officer is at the dissolving agent area and we asked permission to take pictures and to analyse the area. No ardor marshal was available at that time we arrived, so we asked for an interview with the higher position that was available and the elder set up Officer IV was the one who assisted us and fulfilled our interview.\r\nHe is SFO-IV Oscar Bugarin. As what we comport through at Makati, we also origin did quantity of the ravish/exit way of apparatus bay, acquit trucks and poles. After that, we break uped with the interview with sr. brace Officer IV Oscar Bugarin. We asked the special K questions just now like what we asked with the other ack-ack gun stations, and some the same answer was given to us. But in this heighten station, we were given different e xamples and experiences that the Makati city Central enhance Station wasn’t able to taught us. The Senior elicit Officer IV personally exhibit to us how the gust fighting apparel is prepared and easily worn by the beset fighters in case of emergencies.\r\nHe explained and shown us how to tuck in in concert all of the outfit, the suit with the boots. He took the actual outfits and demonstrated to us one by one. It was really fun and amazing that it was so easy to wear. But the fun didn’t ended there, we were offered to wear the actual gears ourselves! Who wouldn’t wear that awesome outfit?\r\nSo there we are, wearing the outfits very halcyon and sophisticated. After all of the interviews and demonstrations, we had our little goodbyes and thank you and went out to proceed and go on to the next open complete station, but we still can’t resist the debaucher of Intramuros so we took a little more time to take pictures on our way to the next discha rge station which is regain at San Lazaro City. It didn’t took time to go to San Lazaro City which we we’re only at Intramuros which is not that far.\r\nWe arrived at San Lazaro City for about 30â€40 minutes. As we arrived t San Lazaro City bang Station, we took pictures of the fassad, as usual. San Lazaro attempt Staton seems to be the same amount of space area with Intramuros, so Makati City Central implode Station seems to wear the biggest or encompassingst space area among the three burn off stations we went to. As usual, we did some measuring with the space area of the ignore station, the apparatus bay entrance/exit which seems to have only 2 slots in San Lazaro City push aside Station. We also did measured the wind up trucks and other vehicles. But what really knocked out(p) us in San Lazaro City sunburn Station is the historical grow trucks that were displayed in there. It was so amazing and mesmerizing to signify that the combust trucks before were very open with white-haired vehicle parts, so we didn’t miss a chance to take pictures with them.\r\nAfter that, we proceed to have an interview with the highest officer available at the time, and it was Senior plunder Officer IV Manolito Laroza. This interview took the most time compared with the other deuce interviews we did because a lot of incidents and requirements was given to us by SFO IV Manolita Laroza. He gave us the spaces we can add in a world- family segmentation give the gate station such as bigger training lawsuit, helicopters, recreational areas, and so on.\r\nA lot of facts were given to us, also the standard power indispensable in a resurrect station, office areas such as the duputy’s, sub station commander, radio di passel operator, etc. they also showed us the invoke antifertility man size tarpaulin that they will machine nearly their city. Senior brace Officer IV Manolito Laroza was very kind and open to us. After this intervie w, we had our goodbyes and thank you with him and his officers and went out to go home because it was already a little late and dark outside. PART II:\r\nRESEARCH STUDY\r\nChapter 1: Introduction\r\nA. Background of the Problem\r\n diachronic\r\n harry fighting was implement long time ago during our roman and Grecian era. The history of absquatulate fighting began in ancient Rome sequence chthonic the role of Agustus. Prior to that, there is inference of dismiss-fighting machinery in used in quaint Egypt, including a water nub invented by Ctesibius of Alexandria in the ordinal coulomb BC which was later improved upon in a design by Hero Of Alexandria in the initiative century BC. The commencement ceremony papist energise aggroup of which we have either substantial history was created by Marcus Licinius Crassus. Marcus Licinius Crassus was born into a wealthy Roman family around the year 115 BC, and acquired an enormous portion through (in the words of Plutarch) â €Å"fire and rapine.†adept of his most lucrative schemes took advantage of the fact that Rome had no fire plane section. Crassus filled this void by creating his own brigadeâ€500 men strongâ€which rush to burning buildings at the offset prognosticate of alarm. Upon arriving at the scene, however, the fire fighters did nothing magic spell their employer bargained over the price of their operate with the upset\r\n ripety owner. If Crassus could not negotiate a satisfactory price, his men simply let the structure burn to the ground, by and by which he offered to purchase it for a fraction of its value. haughtyus took the canonic idea from Crassus and thusly build on it to form the Vigiles in AD 6 to combat fires using bucket brigades and pumps, as well as poles, hooks and even ballistae to tear down buildings in win of the flames. The Vigiles patrolled the passages of Rome to watch for fires and served as a practice of law force. The later brigades consiste d of hundreds of men, all ready for action. When there was a fire, the men would line up to the nearest water source and pass buckets hand in hand to the fire. Rome suffered a number of expert fires, most notably the fire on 19 July AD 64 and in conclusion destroyed devil thirds of Rome. In Europe, fire fighting was quite rudimentary until the seventeenth century. In 1254, a royal corporation of King Saint Louis of France created the so-called guet buttoned-down (â€Å"burgess watchâ€Â), allowing the residents of genus Paris to sacrifice their own iniquity watches, separate from the king’s darkness watches, to prevent and flow crimes and fires. After the Hundred Years’ War, the world of Paris rotateed again, and the city, much bigger than some(prenominal) other city in Europe at the time, was the scene of some(prenominal) great fires in the 16th century. As a consequence, King Charles IX disbanded the residents’ night watches and left the king ’s watches as the only one responsible for checking crimes and fires. capital of the linked Kingdom suffered great fires in 798, 982, 989, 1212 and above all in 1666 (Great Fire of capital of the United Kingdom). The Great Fire of 1666 started in a baker’s shop on Pudding Lane, consumed about two square miles (5 km²) of the city, go away tens of thousands homeless. Prior to this fire, capital of the United Kingdom had no nonionic fire bulwark system. Afterwards, amends companies steel mysterious fire brigades to protect their clients’ property. amends brigades would only fight fires at buildings the familiarity insured. These buildings were identified by fire amends marks. The key breakthrough in fire fighting arrived in the 17th century with the offset printing fire engines. Manual pumps, redis manageed in Europe after 1500 (allegedly used in Augsburg in 1518 and in Nuremberg in 1657), were only force pumps and had a very abruptly range due to the lack of hoses. German inventor Hans Hautsch improved the manual pump by creating the kickoff suction and force pump and adding some compromising hoses to the pump. In 1672, Dutch artist, and inventor Jan Van der Heyden’s workshop positive\r\nthe fire hose. Constructed of flexible leather and coupled both 50 feet (15 m) with brass fittings. The length remains the standard to this day in mainland Europe whilst in the UK the standard length is either 23m or 25m. The fire engine was further developed by the Dutch inventor, merchant and manufacturer, prat Lofting (1659â€1742) who had worked with Jan Van der Heyden in Amsterdam. Lofting moved to capital of the United Kingdom in or about 1688, became an position citizen and patented (patent number 263/1690) the â€Å"Sucking curve locomotive engine†in 1690. There was a glowing description of the fire fighting ability of his device in The London Gazette of 17 contact 1691, after the issue of the patent. The Br itish Museum has a issue showing Lofting’s fire engine at work in London, the engine being pumped by a team of men. In the print three fire plaques of early indemnity companies are shown, no doubt indicating that Lofting collaborated with them in fire fighting. A later version of what is believed to be one of his fire engines has been lovingly restored by a retired fire fighter, and is on show in Marlow Buckinghamshire where bum Lofting moved in 1700. Patents only lasted for fourteen years and so the field was open for his competitors after 1704. In 1631 Boston’s governor John Winthrop outlawed wooden chimneys and thatched roofs. In 1648, the sunrise(prenominal) Amsterdam governor Peter Stuyvesant found four men to act as fire wardens. They were empowered to inspect all chimneys and to fine any violators of the rules. The city burghers later appointed eight prominent citizens to the â€Å"rattle Watch†â€ these men volunteered to patrol the streets at ni ght carrying commodious wooden rattles If a fire was seen, the men spun the rattles, then order the responding citizens to form bucket brigades. On January 27, 1678 the graduation fire engine fellowship went into service with its captain (foreman) Thomas Atkins. In 1736 gum benzoin Franklin established the Union Fire smart set in Philadelphia. George Washington was a volunteer fire fighter in Alexandria, Virginia. In 1774, as a element of the acquaintance Veterans Fire Engine Company, he bought a advanced fire engine and gave it to the town, which was its very start-off. However the United States did not have politics-run fire divisions until around the time of the American Civil War. Prior to this time, private fire brigades compete with one some other to be the basic to respond to a fire because insurance companies paid brigades to save buildings. Underwriters also industrious their own Salvage Corpsin some cities. The setoff cognize female fire fighter Molly Willi ams took her place\r\nwith the men on the dragropes during the blizzard of 1818 and pulled the pumper to the fire through the deep snow. On April 1st of 1853 Cincinnati OH became the kickoff professional fire subdivision by being made up of one C% full-time, paid employees.\r\nIn 2010, 70 percent of fire fighters in the United States were volunteer. further 5% of calls were actual fires. 65% were medical checkup aid. 8% were false alarms. The basic fire brigades in the modern sense were created in France in the early 18th century. In 1699, a man with bold commercialised ideas, François du Mouriez du Périer (grandfather of French Rphylogenesis’s general Charles François Dumouriez), solicited an audience with King Louis XIV. greatly interested in Jan Van der Heyden’s invention, he successfully demonstrated the modernistic pumps and managed to convince the king to grant him the monopoly of fashion and selling â€Å"fire-preventing portable pumps†throughout the farming of France. François du Mouriez du Périer offered 12 pumps to the City of Paris, and the branch Paris Fire brigade, known as the Compagnie des gardes-pompes (literally the â€Å"Company of Pump Guardsâ€Â), was created in 1716. François du Mouriez du Périer was appointed directeur des pompes de la Ville de Paris (â€Å"director of the City of Paris’s pumpsâ€Â), i.e. chief of the Paris Fire Brigade, and the position stand byed in his family until 1760. In the side by side(p) years, other fire brigades were created in the large French cities. It is around that time that appeared the stream French word pompier (â€Å"fire fighterâ€Â), whose literal nitty-gritty is â€Å"pumperâ€Â. On March 11, 1733 the French government decided that the interventions of the fire brigades would be free of charge. This was decided because people always rested until the last moment to call the fire brigades to avoid paying the fee, and i t was a great deal too late to stop fires. From 1750 on, the French fire brigades became para-military units and received uniforms. In 1756 the use of a protective helmet for fire fighters was recommended by King Louis XV, but it took umteen more years before the measure was in truth en squeeze on the ground. In mating America, Jamestown, Virginia was virtually destroyed in a fire in January, 1608. There were no full-time paid fire fighters in America until 1850. Even after the formation of paid fire companies in the United States, there were disagreements and often fights over territory. spick-and-span York City companies were famous for sending runners out to fires with a large\r\nbarrel to cover the hydrant closest to the fire in advance of the engines. Often fights would break out in the midst of the runners and even the responding fire companies for the sort out to fight the fire and receive the insurance money that would be paid to the company that fought it. Interesting ly, during the 19th century and early twentieth century volunteer fire companies served not only as fire trade protection but as political machines. The most famous volunteer fire fighter politician is Boss Tweed, head of the disreputable Tammany Hall political machine, who got his start in politics as a member of the Americus Engine Company Number 6 (â€Å"The Big Sixâ€Â) in bleak York City. Napoleon Bonaparte, drawing from the century-old experience of the gardes-pompes, is primarily attributed as creating the basic â€Å"professional†fire fighters, known as Sapeurs-Pompiers (â€Å"Sappers-Fire fightersâ€Â), from the French Army. Created under the Commandant of Engineers in 1810, the company was create after a fire at the ball dwell in the Austrian Embassy in Paris which injured several dignitaries. In the UK, the Great Fire of London in 1666 set in motion lurchs which hardened the foundations for coordinate fire fighting in the future. In the wake of th e Great Fire, the City Council established the first fire insurance company, â€Å"The Fire Officeâ€Â, in 1667, which employed small teams of Thames watermen as fire fighters and beard them with uniforms and arm badges showing the company to which they belonged. However, the first organised municipal fire brigade in the world was established in Edinburgh, Scotland, when the Edinburgh Fire Engine Establishment was formed in 1824, led by James Braidwood. London followed in 1832 with the London Fire Engine Establishment. On April 1, 1853, the Cincinnati Fire division became the first full-time paid professional fire division in the United States, and the first in the world to use go clean fire engines. The first horse-drawn steam engine for fighting fires was invented in 1829, but not accepted in morphologic fire fighting until 1860, and ignored for another two years afterwards. Internal burning at the stake engine fire engines arrived in 1907, built in the United States, l eading to the lower and disappearance of steam engines by 1925.\r\nToday, fire and rescue remains a flick of full-time paid, paid-on-call, and volunteer responders. umpteen but not all urban areas are\r\nserved by large, paid, fire fighting teams.\r\netymological\r\nFire\r\nFrom Middle English fier, from aging English fȳr (â€Å"fireâ€Â), from *fuïr, a regularised form of Proto-Germanic *fÃ…Âr (â€Å"fireâ€Â) (compare Saterland Frisian Fjuur, West Frisian fjoer, Dutch vuur, Low German Für, German Feuer, Danish fyr), ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *péhâ‚‚ur (compare Hittite ???(paḫḫur), Umbrian pir, Tocharian A/B por/puwar, Czech pȳř (â€Å"hot ashesâ€Â), superannuated Greek Àῦà(pÅ·r, â€Å"fireâ€Â), Armenian Õ°Õ¸Ö‚Ö€ (hur, â€Å"fireâ€Â)) and perhaps Albanian prush (â€Å"embersâ€Â). This was an in animated noun whose animate counterpart was Proto-Indo-European *hâ‚ÂngÊ·nis, *h â‚ÂngÊ·ni-.\r\nerstwhile(a) English fyr, from Proto-Germanic *fuir (cf. gaga Saxon and Old Frisian fiur, Old Norse fürr, Middle Dutch and Dutch vuur, Old High German fiur, German Feuer), from PIE*perjos, from root *paewr- (cf. Armenian hur â€Å"fire, torch,†Czech pyr â€Å"hot ashes,†Greek pyr, Umbrian pir, Sanskrit pu, Hittite pahhur â€Å"fireâ€Â). Current spelling is attested as early as 1200, but did not fully displace Middle English fier (preserved in fiery) until c.1600. PIE apparently had two grow for fire: *paewr- and *egni- (cf. Latin ignis). The antecedent was â€Å"inanimate,†referring to fire as a substance, and the latter was â€Å"animate,†referring to it as a living force (see water). Fire applied in English to passions, feelings, from mid-14c. essence â€Å"action of guns, etc.†is from 1580s. Firecracker is American English coinage for what is in England just cracker, but the U.S. word distinguishes it from t he word meaning â€Å"biscuit.†Fire-engine attested from 1680s. The figurative expression play with fire â€Å"risk disaster†is from 1887; phrasewhere’s the fire? â€Å"what’s the hurry?†first recorded 1924.\r\nStation\r\nlate 13c., â€Å"place which one normally occupies,†from Old French station, from Latin stationem (nominative statio) â€Å"a standing, post,\r\njob, position,†related to gaze â€Å"to stand,†from PIE root *sta- â€Å"to stand†(see stet). The meaning â€Å"place for a special purpose†(e.g. polling station) is first recorded 1823; radio station is from 1912. The meaning â€Å"regular stopping place†is first recorded 1797, in reference to busbar routes; applied to railroads 1830. Meaning â€Å"each of a number of holy places visited in succession by pilgrims†is from late 14c., hence Station of the Cross(1550s). Station wagon in the auto sense is first recorded 1929, from precedent use for a horse-drawn transferral that took passengers to and from railroad stations (1894). Station theater â€Å"police station†is attested from 1836.\r\nB. logical argument of the subscribe to\r\nThe following study aims to answer these questions:\r\n1. What design, materials and ideas contains in a first association fire station? 2. why does first partition fire stations are implemented and preferred forthwith? 3. What to digest in a first family fire station?\r\nC. Significance of the Study\r\nThe following would benefit from this study:\r\nThis study aims to know what design, materials and ideas contains in a first social enlighten fire station, wherefore does first coterie fire stations are implemented and preferred nowadays and what to conduct in a first trend fire station. This study would be really helpful in terms of guidelines in constructing and purpose first tell fire stations. To those who are be after to construct or to design a fir st class fire stations to know what to implement and to use, to have a smart space planning or programming and to have a satisfying way of life history for their fire fighters and company.\r\nTo the government, for which this study will serve as a great guidelines in designing and constructing a first class fire station for their country or city, having many facts and ideas in this study.\r\nD. Definition of equipment casualty\r\nThe following terms have been define operationally for the perceptiveness of\r\nthis research.\r\n1. First categorize †Constituting or belonging to the highest or beaver class or property, best-equipped and most expensive. 2. Fire Station †a building where fire-fighting vehicles and equipment are stationed and where fire fighters on duty wait Also called as firehouse station house. 3. Municipality †a city, town, or district enjoying some degree of local self-government. 4. Fire Fighters †a member of a fire division who tries to e xtinguish fires. 5. Fire Trucks †any of unhomogeneous large trucks that carry firemen and equipment to the site of a fire. 6. Apparatus Bay †is primarily the pose space of the fire trucks and vehicles in a fire station. 7. Sliding Poles †also known as backup man’s pole is a wooden pole or a metal tube or pipe installed betwixt floors in fire stations, allowing fire fighters responding to an alarm to quick go to the ground floor faster than by using a standard staircase. E. conceptual Framework of the Problem\r\nThe conceptual plat shows and explain the following factors affecting the instruction execution of first class fire stations and its results brought out by the following factors. When first class fire stations are implemented and constructed, bump work will be offered by the fire fighters because of their better equipment and things to use in a fire emergencies. Also, a better way of life for them because their fire station is transformed into a habitable space to stay in for a long period of time, having that whiff of home and more spaces for training grounds, recreational areas for entertainment, better dormitories, etc. With all of these factors, the invasion will be positively great for our society, having more inspired and dedicated fire fighters and their team to give better serve and thus will flummox our society a safer and a better place. This design guide provides the basic criteria to evaluate, plan, program. and design govern Air Force fire station facilities for the United States Air Force. This cultivation is think to make wing commanders, base courtly engineers, fire chiefs, and designers aware of the unique functional design requirements for the facilities, and to provide a behind for developing main and satellite fire station projects.\r\nThe upgrade and renovation of vivacious fire stations and the proper planning., programming, and design of refreshed facilities will ensure the recourse of a ll personnel and support our vision: â€Å"To Defend the United States Through hear and Exploitation of Air and Space. The number and localization of function of fire stations must be reevaluated periodically, but at least annually, as a residential district’s structures and race flip. The number of stations a segment should have depends, like everything else, on a balance between the prices of the stations and their maintenance, on the one hand, and the need for more stations, on the other. If a station is placed near the high-response section of a community (such as a heavily dwell area of multiple-occupancy or wood-frame structures) that location will probably be appropriate. Station relocation is necessary over time if the types of hazards and the locations of most fires move to a significant withdrawnness from the station. This is an chief(prenominal) consideration for selecting a innovative site for a fire station. If a segment finds that relocation or wind of a new fire station is necessary, the three issues to consider are location, station design, and funding. Location: The location of a station in a community outright affects the total response time ask to combat fires effectively. For example, although a fire station is centrally located in a community, the majority of the responses might be at substantial distances from the station. Therefore, an evaluation of the time from receipt of an alarm to the arrival at a fire plays an grand part in determining the need for relocating a fire station. The total time is the sum of the time it takes to complete each of the following quintette fire-fighting processes: 1. Detection: The time it takes to detect a fire. Automatic fire detection systems, such as deal and heat detectors, give early warnings of fire and save right smart response time. some(a) detectors are connected promptly to a fire station through a central station signaling system, whereas others sound only in the building in which there is a danger. In the latter case, detection time depends on human response and then on the number of people who are in the vicinity of the fire, how rapidly they respond, and the time of day. 2. Alarm: The time that elapses between detection of the fire and transmission of the alarm to the fire station. It depends on the availability of alarm boxes, directly connected alarms, sounds, the\r\nextent of automation, reliability, and the speed of transmission. 3. military expedition: The time required to alert responding companies. If information is recorded automatically and if dispatchers have the most modern communication equipment, the time needful for dispatch is minimal. 4. Turnout: The speed with which personnelâ€paid, off-duty, and volunteersâ€can report for duty. Turnout depends on the location of the personnel at the time of the alarm, whether at the station, at work, or in their homes. 5. reply time: The travel time for the apparatus and on-dut y personnel from the station to the fire. It depends on the distance from the station to the hand brake and on the topographic, traffic, and weather conditions. When traffic is particularly heavy, the police department might be involve to aid in traveling to the fire and in beginning evacuation. distributively of these issues must be consciously considered as you work towards a decision on how and where to build a new fire station. I will have more on this critical topic in an future post. F. Theoretical Framework of the Problem\r\nWhen a fire occurs, the fire fighting services implemented by a fire department is one of the most important aids for the fire victims. So that is why we need the outmost services offered by the fire fighters, pose and officers. This means that we cannot change the fact that when it comes to fire emergencies, the fire fighters and officers are the ones who will help us the most, so we need their services.\r\nThe services that they offer us can be a l ot better with this carrying out of first class fire station for the reasons, they having more modern and better equipment to use in fire emergencies, more advanced vehicles and gadgets. They also have better experience and alertness when it comes to this kind of circumstances because of the better training grounds in their very own first class fire stations.\r\nNot only the services of our fire fighters and fire marshals are upgraded, also their way of living. The environs of a first class fire station captures the aura of their own homes, having the alleviate and safety because of well planned space programming, modern materials used in the aspect and breath taking designs.\r\nThe economy, competition and a changing business environment require companies to diversify, change their business plans and adapt. Television networks change their programming to compete with each other, bank line channels and the internet for decreasing grocery share. The fire service has evolved fa r away having fire buckets outside each home to concepts never before envisioned. Boston Fire head word John Damrell helped drive this evolution in 1866 when he warned about the dangers of fire, the lack of compatible fire hydrants, water supply issues and the need for building and fire codes. capital of Arizona Fire Chief Alan Brunacini did it with fire command and customer service. Fire departments have done it with regulations requiring smoke detectors, carbon-monoxide detectors and commercial and residential sprinklers. Many concepts have come from need as the traditional fire suppression department has evolved into the more-accurate soupcon services. Other concepts have been forced upon us: lightweight body structure, weapons of mass ravaging and active-shooter incidents. New concepts and practices in the fire service have come about from the frugal need to offset budget cuts while maintaining levels of service. These include alternate revenue sources from private-public partnerships such as Adopt-A-Fire Station programs, interfacility transports, even ads on fire apparatus. The fire department’s jurisdiction is organized by the governmental body that controls the department, although there are private fire departments as well. This comes from a municipality, county, prefecture, state, province, or nation type of government. The most common type of government control is at the municipality level. The jurisdiction size and organization would be set up by department or the government in charge of these duties. This deals with the placement of fire stations, equipment, and personnel inside the area of control. Fire departments periodically take after their jurisdiction areas and use the data for redeploying proper coverage. This data comes from travel time, range from station, and/or a population survey. This brings equal service to the entire community and gives the department competent places to launch operations. Some fire departments such as the Statue Of Liberty Fire Brigade which covers Liberty Island and Ellis Islands respond to medical emergencies and provide care until advanced personnel can take over. In the\r\nUnited States, firefighters may get their First Responder Certification, indispensability medical checkup Technician (EMT) License, or Paramedic License. Some fire departments even offer ambulance services. A fire department may also provide â€Å"fire protection†or fire prevention services, whereby firefighters visit homes and give fire safety advice and fit smoke alarms for members of the public. In many countries fire protection or prevention is seen as an important role for the fire service, as preventing a fire from occurring in the first place can obviously save out rattlings.\r\nChapter 2: Discussion and Analysis\r\nA. Local relate Study on: Metro manila †Oldtimers of Makati’s Fire Station\r\nDo you like oldtimers or have a kid that is crazy about fire trucks? Then you sh ould pay the Makati Central Fire Station a visit. The fire station possesses a collection of older but beautiful and seemingly well-maintained vehicles from past decades. The fire station is not secluded from the street and passer-by can have a close look at the ambulance and deep-red fire engines. As elsewhere in the Philippines, the municipal budget does not often seem to allow the purchase of expansive progressive rescue equipment. Concerns were already raised that the fire brigades in Metro Manila are not really prepared for fighting fires in the ever-growing condominiums throughout the megacity. However, the local government of Makati recently agreed to buy more search and rescue equipment and disaster readiness tools, among them a chemical fire truck with foam. Three people were hurt when two fires broke out in Makati City Thursday morning, one near the Makati Medical Center, authorities tell. The city’s fire department said the first fire started at around 10 a.m. i n a slum colony at the coign of Ayala and Gil Puyat avenues in Barangay Pio Del Pilar, about 30 steps away from the MMC’s emergency department on Amorsolo Street. Makati Mayor Jejomar Erwin Binay younger said the fire was put under control at 11:30 a.m. after reaching the general alarm, which required the service of all available fire fighting units in Metro Manila. Binay said the fire officials refrained from ordering the evacuation of the infirmary as the blaze was quickly contained by responding firefighters. Some\r\nfirefighters, on the other hand, were seen nebulizer water on MMC’s façade to prevent it from being set aflare(p) in case the wind blows the fire towards it. About 300 families who lost their homes block up Urban Avenue and Dela Rosa Streets with whatever meager belongings they managed to save, causing gridlock. Each displaced family will receive P15,000 in assistance and P5,000 for renters, according to Binay. Prior to the inception of 117, em ergency services were reached through a innumerable of telephone numbers. The fire department in Manila, for example, had fifty telephone numbers, one for every fire station in the city.[2] At the time, 117 was solely used in the Metro Manila area by the Philippine National Police for the reporting of current crimes as part of a program called the â€Å"Patrol 117 Street Patrol program†in cooperation with the Foundation for Crime Prevention.[1] Efforts to expand the capabilities of 117 began in the 1990s, starting with the admittance of emergency medical services to the scope of 117 in Metro Manila through a private-sector initiative called Project EARnet (Emergency Assistance and Response network). Government involvement in the expansion of 117’s scope began in late 1998, when the DILG announced the formation of Emergency electronic network Philippines, a project that sought to support a national emergency telephone number in order to alter the faster de screw ry of emergency services to the Filipino people. On August 8, 2001, a memorandum of agreement was signed between the DILG and Frequentis, an Austrian company specializing in communication theory and information solutions in safety-critical environments, on the implementation of the ENP project.[4] The National Economic and Development license approved the project later in the year, and project funding was secured with a lend agreement being signed between the Philippine and Austrian governments on celestial latitude 6. By virtue of Executive tack together No. 226, 117 became the official national emergency telephone number of the Philippines on July 14, 2003. The P1.4 one million million million project was completed on August 2, 2003, with the opening of a new 117 call center in Quezon City, serving the entire Metro Manila area. Four more 117 call centers were opened in 2006, and the full 117 network, consisting of sixteen networked call centers, was rolled out in 2007.\r\nhtt p://\r\nB. Foreign connect Study on: New fire station in Andersonville, community driving\r\nThe Andersonville Volunteer Fire Department far-famed a long-awaited new addition this afternoon.\r\nThe department celebrated the opening of its third fire station, located in the Belmont community. The new station is located at the site of the former Belmont inculcate, which was destroyed by fire in the 1960’s. The fire station only apostrophize about $22 dollars a square foot, instead of $80, for a total make up of about $110-thousand dollars. Some of the materials were donated and most of the construction was done by volunteers who once tended to(p) the former school.\r\nâ€Å"There’s no way to put a speak to on what they mean to us. The four men particularly that worked and worked tirelessly, day in and day out, Sunday afternoons, Saturday’s late. There’s no way to put a figure on it,†sa id Chief Jeff Bagwell. The station includes a community fashion and community picnic area. Firefighters will live at the station for free and be available to answer calls at night to help reduce response time.\r\nAndersonville residents who worked on the latest fire station will share their efforts with the public Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. According to a press release, the Belmont Fire Station will help make fighting fires in the community more efficient and serve as a public gathering place. In addition, the fire station’s contruction and design provides the region with a link to the past. The fire department expects to respond to fire calls in the area more quickly since firefighters will live at the station for no charge. The fire station serves more purposes than housing the fire department. Community groups can meet and live picnics there. In addition to being more than a fire station, the facility has a legacy. It is on the site of a former school which burned down in th e 1960’s. Former Belmont School students who are now retired helped build the new fire hall. Volunteers also lent a hand designing the exterior of the firestation\r\nfashioning the cupola after one at the old school. Building material contributions and volunteer labor helped to keep the cost of the project down. The grand opening will start at 4:00 p.m. Tours will be offered. A ribbon clip will take place at 6:00 p.m. The station is on the corner of Park Road and Sequoyah Road in Andersonville. The fire department expects to respond to fire calls in the area more quickly since firefighters will live at the station for no charge. The fire station serves more purposes than housing the fire department. Community groups can meet and live on picnics there. In addition to being more than a fire station, the facility has a legacy. It is on the site of a former school which burned down in the 1960’s. Former Belmont School students who are now retired helped build the new fir e hall. Volunteers also lent a hand designing the exterior of the firestation fashioning the cupola after one at the old school. According to a press release, the Belmont Fire Station will help make fighting fires in the community more efficient and serve as a public gathering place. In addition, the fire station’s contruction and design provides the similarity with a link to the past. The fire department expects to respond to fire calls in the area more quickly since firefighters will live at the station for no charge. The fire station serves more purposes than housing the fire department. Community groups can meet and hold picnics there. The department celebrated the opening of its third fire station, located in the Belmont community. The new station is located at the site of the former Belmont School, which was destroyed by fire in the 1960’s. The Andersonville Volunteer Fire Department celebrated a long-awaited new addition this afternoon. The station includes a c ommunity room and community picnic area. Firefighters will live at the station for free and be available to answer calls at night to help reduce response time. intelligence/article/286122/2/Andersonville-to-open-3rd-fire-station-\r\nChapter 3: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations\r\nA. Summary\r\nWe all know that a fire station is a structure with areas set aside for\r\nstorage of fire fighting apparatus such as fire engines and related vehicles, personal protective equipment, fire hoses and other specialized equipment. It may also have dormitory living facilities and work areas for the use of fire fighters. Living areas are sometimes arranged above the garage bays where personnel without specific station duties during the night shift are allowed to sleep unless a dispatch is called. In that situation, fire fighters may have special means to allow entry to the ground floor quickly when a call for help is received, such as sliding down a brass pole called a f ireman’s pole. This arrangement also allows for a raised area to hang hoses to dry to prevent damage. In a single story station, a tower-like structure is sometimes used for hose hanging. An occupied station will usually have a station alarm system for receiving and annunciating an alarm, and indications of where and what caused the alarm. However, sometimes the only â€Å"alarm†is a telephone that is rung in case of emergency. In a more structured operation, full-time or on-call volunteer or career fire fighters staff the station some or all of the time. There may be office space for the officers, a library of reference and other materials, and a â€Å"trophy wall†or case where the fire fighters display memorabilia. Activities in a fire station include regular inspection and cleaning of the apparatus and equipment, and continuing education in the fire service. Weekly or bi-weekly routine typically includes various drills in which fire fighters practice their skills. Some fire companies also host public activities at the fire station during annual â€Å"fire prevention week†In our case, we will be designing a first class fire station which means, this fire station will contain all of the necessary equipment and apparatus. Also, it will contain all of the necessary and additional space areas such as recreational area, different offices, living, dining and kitchen areas, library, training area, etc. We are planning to design a fire station that has modern aesthetics that will give a positive impression to us as the designers. Good function of our space program is also what we’re striving, for which this is a fire station, and it needs great planning of spaces mostly in case of emergencies and easy access of the fire trucks to the outside. We are really striving to design an image that would automatically determine that our structure is considered as first class. We will implement in our design the usage of glass which implie s modern era and it will help\r\nthe staff inside the building to be aware on their surroundings outside. B. Conclusions\r\nBased on the findings, the following conclusions have been drawn:\r\n1. In answer to question number 1: What design, materials and ideas contains in a first class fire station?\r\nThe researchers found out that in a first class fire station, designs of modernism such as the usage of glass, metallic silver borders and aglow(predicate) sheeny colors are used. Ideas of minimalism is always applied in modern first class fire stations, coarse spaces is implied for better circulation and comfortable aura. Materials like glossy marble, picture glass window, etc. are used. The idea of having wide apparatus bay and more offices is implied in a first class fire station, having complete space areas and additional ones to. More dormitories and spaces for fire fighters, having a sense of home comfort during their stay in the fire station.\r\n2. In answer to question numb er 2: Why does first class fire stations are implemented and preferred nowadays?\r\nThe researchers found out that first class fire stations are implemented and preferred in a lot of ways because primarily, first class fire stations have it all. The flexibility and functionality of a first class fire station when it comes to the services being offered by our fire fighters and officers are more upgraded because of modern technologies and design ideas used in a first class fire station. The needs and wants of the fire fighters and officers are met in a first class fire station. With this kind of environment, they are more eager to take and do their jobs more motivated because they are being paid off by the beauty and home comfort of their fire stations.\r\n3. In answer to question number 3: What to expect in a first class fire station?\r\n well(p) obviously, you will expect in any first class structures, buildings, etc. the quality of the materials and designs used. In a first class f ire station, it is expect that the materials and equipments used are top of the line, the designs are great and the way the space are programmed is outstanding. You will also expect in a first class fire station the aesthetics or beauty of the structure, the modernism of its design. First class fire stations have it all. The equipments and facilities are expected to be compete. The offices for different officers are divided in such for their own work to be accomplished. new-made tools and apparatus are used, clothings and gears of fire fighters are complete, training grounds and recreational areas are found.\r\nC. Recommendations\r\nAuthoritative\r\nThe following recommendations were made by the researchers after analysing the beneficiaries of this particular study. These are follows:\r\n1. To those who are planning to construct or to design a first class fire stations to know what to implement and to use, to have a smart space planning or programming and to have a satisfying way o f life for their fire fighters and company.\r\n2. To the government, for which this study will serve as a great guidelines in designing and constructing a first class fire station for their country or city, having many facts and ideas in this study.\r\n3. To those concerned citizens who are scrutinizing enough to think of a first class fire station implementation for the betterment of our society in the field of fire emergency cases.\r\n4. To future researchers that would make a further study of this kind, it is recommended for them to employ this study for them to have more experience and facts on what will they expand on their chosen research study topic.\r\n researcher’s Recommendations\r\n1. As what is stated above, it is really advisable to recommend this research study to those who are planning to construct or to design a first class fire stations to know what to implement and to use, to have a smart space planning or programming and to have a satisfying way of life for their fire fighters and company staff. This study would really help them throughout their thinking of what is needful in a first class fire station. This study will give a lot of bright ideas and will totally benefit from their design.\r\n-Ron Adrian P. Cruz\r\n2. This is recommended to those individuals with plans to construct a first class fire station for which this study contains a lot of facts and expound on what to use and to put in a first class fire station. This study will make their ideas more broad and flexible, they will know where to start and to put additional details that they unfortunately didn’t saw on this research study.\r\n-Patrica Marie B. Dayao\r\nPART III:\r\nREFERENCES\r\nThe researchers would like to thank all of the persons and websites that openly expanded and broadened our research, their help contributes a lot in our case study research.\r\nWebsites/Articles:\r\n\r\n s-hit-makati/\r\n\r\non-\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n patronage=Bureau_of_Fire_Protection\r\n social class&layout=blog&id=69&Itemid=366\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\ r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nPersons/Establishments:\r\nThe graduate library of Far eastern University for allowing them to use their materials and resources such as books and thesis projects\r\nThe electronic lib rary of Far Eastern University for allowing them to use their books and computers\r\nMakati City Central Fire station for letting the researchers do an ocular inspection, interviews and provide demonstrations for broader knowledge about this case study research topic\r\nTo Supt. Ricardo C. Perdigon for providing wide range of answers to our questions and additional facts for more understanding and knowledge about this case study research topic\r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'History of nursing in nigeria and united states of america\r'
'According to Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (2005) , the expand history of a profession that combines scientific principle , technical skills and personal similarity cant be precisely relayed just records practice that care for came to limelight in 1854 when the return of professional nurse , Florence Nightingale started the subject area with other 38 nurses and cared for the sick and injure men during the Crimean war in England.Here industry dedicated services, day nd night , experiences paid off by making her famous and recognized as a lady with lamp. Her metric service resulted to the offset of professional com/5-rights-of- treat-delegation/>nursing. Though, nursing in the primeval days was primarily a family proposition with mothers caring for their own families or neighbors assisting all(prenominal) other.In 1880, the status of nursing was greatly meliorate and many women including religious order were forthwith involved in patients care. During the e ra, in that respect are many take of nursing for expert nurse throughout Europe with the graduation exercise school set up in 1836 by arker Theorder Fliedner in his parisn in Kavesworth Germany through the exploit of Florence Nightingale the Kareworth school. In 1882, came the first sweat for the comprehension and registration of nurse.International body were create Emirgare Royal Births Nurses Council of nurses open in 1893 and transnational council of nurse was established with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland and branches all over the world. Also in 1926, the British college of nurses was founded. The first African American graduate nurse, Mary E. Mahoney, who promoted integration and etter work condition, for black patients and healthcare workers. Though nursing came to Nigerian through the British colonial master.They provided services and medical care for weakened soldiers at the forth with hospital later the first nursing home in Nigeria in Jericho, Ibadan b y the government of the British colonial master Later on, missionaries and their wives came to add government effort by set up mission homes, dispensaries etc and commence the develop of nurses in Nigeria, though language barriers, there was no formal educate unless on the ob acquisitions skills and practical diorama are been reelected by nursing procedure The regional government in Nigeria began the training of nurses by setting individual regional standard in 1949, the school of nursing, Eleyele was established to facilitate the training of nurses, later in 1952 , the university college hospital Ibadan started the training of nurses in a higher standard. In 1949, the nursing council of Nigeria was established to complement the efforts to the various training bodies and creating standards for nurse. By 1965, department of nursing was established in the university of Ibadan to ommence a degree programme in Nigeria. Later on university of Ife in 1972 and university ot Nigeria Enugu too started degree in 1 , at present all t states in Nigeria has one or more school of nursing, midwifery and kind of post staple schools.More degree awarding institution has been granted the licencse to produce degree holder in nursing. Among them are Ahmadu Bello university, zairia. University of Calabar, Calabar, Ladoke Akintola University (LAUTECH) Ogbomoso. Also Private University, Babcok university, Disan Remo: Leadcity niversity, bloody shame university among others started degree in nursing. Nurses, according to the ICN economy of ethics as reviewed in 2005, allow four fundamental responsibilities to promote health, to baffle illness, to restore health and to alleviate suffering. The pick out to nursing is universal inherent in nursing is respect for human rights, including ethnic rights, the right to life and choice, to dignity and to be treated with respect.Nursing care is respectful and open by considerations of age, colour, creed, culture, disability or il lness, gender, familiar rientation, nationality, polities, race or social status. Nurses render health services to the individual, the family and the community and aline their services with those of related groups. Before 1981 , nursing was adjudged a vocation in Nigeria, but by virtue of the industrial arbitrament panel (IAP ) award of 1981, nursing got the recognition of a full-fledge profession Arising from that pronouncement, the association has been workings with the N ; MCN to take nursing to the highest floor of professionalism and one of the ways is through nursing education reforms.\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'Why Is This Important For Success At University Education Essay\r'
'In hooklike get winding refers to the theory where scholars argon actively involved in their own(prenominal) eruditeness process. For a schoolchild to be an fissiparous scholar means they take duty for plan and larning themselves and do nt trust besides to a with child(p) extent on inculcateers/lecturers. A perfect definition of the landmark by Holec ( 1981 ) describes it as â€Å" aˆ¦the might to take charge of one ‘s acquisition †. Independent acquisition is a grave construct in dictation by and large and has legion advantages to a savant during their university callings and afterwards. This essay aims to delineate the old- powder storepingr characteristics of freelancer acquisition and research its many a(prenominal) benefits to bookmans, particularly at the university degree.\r\nTo be a proper independent scholar, a disciple has to possess cert personal qualities such as indigence, resiliency, both place steady-going as unspoiled cl ip anxiety. This is chiefly because of the lettering required on the portion of the savant in effectuate to be impassioned adequate ab verboten larning in order to ‘go the excess stat mi ‘ and fill in-depth background research which goes beyond the step schoolroom nucleus course of study. Students moldiness in their ain clip, contract more(prenominal) than(prenominal) on their relevant classs beyond what lecturers teach or handout to them. This could affect ( although non live on in to ) , for exercise, denotation extra books, seeking for on-line stuff such as donnish diaries and educational tissue sites, and perchance stock-still speaking to non-academic professionals in the relevant report of survey. A typical scenario for the last illustration mentioned may affect a statute learner become up ones minding to hold an informal confab with a barrister to larn his sentiment or experiences on a peculiar legal affair. As wad be seen, the possibilities and types of independent acquisition atomic number 18 rather uninterrupted and can genuinely however boil down to the pupil ‘s ain imaginativeness and desired dust for deriving that excess perception to do their surveies that more dynamic and interesting. When pupils learn independently, they argon actively prosecuting themselves in their surveies, alternatively than merely blindly following their caste course of study as if they were backing deads.\r\nIndependent larning wherefore makes a pupil much more open-minded and helps them in growth a more soggy effort towards theories, statements and so on. This is important for maturateing their critical and analytical acquirements, which ar an infinite must at the university degree, peculiarly at the ulterior phases where pupils are involved in researching and bring forthing thesis and thesiss.\r\nMynard and Sorflaten ( 2011 ) argued that â€Å" by cosmos involved in this procedure, they start to do meaningful c onnexions with the universe outside the schoolroom †. Even though this essay aims to sketch the relevancy of independent larning to a pupil ‘s academic calling, the above evoke clearly shows us that the construct is a utile one in and out of the schoolroom, which is of import for a pupil ‘s general scramment. By taking their ain enterprise with their acquisition, pupils lessen their dependance on pedagogues in general and can and so benefit in a find of ways by, for illustration, increasing their autonomy, leting them to do conscious picks about their acquisition by red ink aware of their strengths and failings, developing new attacks to larn, enabling them to spew ends and program more effectively, and a whole myriad of advantages.\r\nIndependent acquisition besides doubtless improves the quality of a pupils ‘ academic work as they are up to(p) to draw from a colossal pool of cognition due to their extra-curricular reading. run classs and so on a re hence likely to be higher on norm for those pupils who are actively engage in independent acquisition activities. This is non merely due to the excess cognition they collapse gained, only if due to the fact that they are by and large better furnished at in truth analyzing with the accomplishments they get by seeking to be independent every bit much as possible.\r\n small-arm good clip direction accomplishments are required to be a good independent scholar, it no uncertainty improves a pupil ‘s clip direction and organisational abilities even further. This is because in order to efficaciously research certain issues independently, one has to develop a peculiar construction and attack towards larning which is truly really flexible and depends on the way that the scholar wishes to configure their ain acquisition mood since it is alone to them and them entirely. In theory, hence, independent acquisition makes a pupil a better scholar in general as it were, because it all ows them to work at their ain gait and detect how they interact best with their acquisition. They can besides develop certain tactic which a teacher can merely explicate so far. Such tactics may take skim reading and so on. These tactics of class, make larning a batch more efficient.\r\nAnother really of import aspect of independent acquisition is contemplation. Besides motive and clip direction, pupils must be able to properly mull over or study back on what they learn in order to efficaciously supervise their approach every bit good as to measure what countries need betterment and so on. Reflecting is really of import in independent acquisition and contributes toward doing pupils more autonomous in footings of their sophistication. It is extremely improbable that a dependent scholar will of all time acquire an chance to thoroughly reflect on their advancement and promotion.\r\nWhen sing the thought of independent acquisition as a whole, it is possibly wise to take into favo r an interesting tendency that is distance larning. distance acquisition has been described by Honeyman and milling machine ( 1993 ) as â€Å" a procedure to make and supply entree to larning when the beginning of study and the scholars are separated by clip and distance, or both †. The University of London was the pioneering validation to offer distance larning grades, whereby pupils could take classs without really holding to of all time put pes on the university campus. There were a figure of methods which the classs and correspondence stuff could be delivered but there is no denying that this revolutionized the manner control was conducted as more and more establishments worldwide bit by bit began to follow this highly convenient method of offering classs. Students could now analyze from anyplace in the universe at specialist distance larning plans at these establishments. The development of this acquisition construct has surely drastically change magnitude the n ecessity for pupils to accommodate to independent acquisition, nearly particularly those that are take word of farewell in such plans.\r\nThe growing of teaching and Communication Technology or I.C.T has enabled this system to farther spread out as it has allowed more advanced class rescue options such as unrecorded cyclosis, web conferencing, learningal telecasting, to call a few.\r\n blank acquisition ( which makes up a important proportion of university classs offered ) doubtless requires a great trade of independent larning since in or so instances there is the deficiency of presence of a somatogenetic lector to steer the instruction procedure. In instances where there are physical coachs, so it is likely that communicating mingled with them and their pupils is traveling to be really minimum.\r\n only in all, it can be cerebrate that independent acquisition is an priceless accomplishment for pupils at all degrees of instruction but most particularly at the university de gree. It develops a assortment of qualities which further heighten a pupil ‘s success. Such qualities take but are non limited to: good clip direction accomplishments, enterprise, better reading and composing abilities, every bit good as organisation of undertakings.\r\nThe execution of distance instruction has besides slightly changed the manner scholars learn and besides increased the demand for independent acquisition among pupils. The benefits of distance instruction to pupils every bit good as to establishments and the community in general are legion. They have besides enabled more populate to achieve university grades than of all time ahead chiefly due to their flexibleness\r\n'
'Movie Analysis Essay\r'
'There are more mutations of Spiderman, nonwithstanding â€Å" surprise Spider-man†is the best displacement ever. The graphic black markets, the medication, and the piece are fearsome akin the pictorial matter title. The Amazing spider-man is non connected to the previous Spiderman scene. One online put down critic stated that there is a silent war ongoing chastise now between two of the giving comic book flicks hit theaters in July of 2012: Warner Bros. ’ The Dark knight Rises and Sony’s The Amazing Spider-Man (Sandy Schaefer).\r\nIn addition, I do rely that this movie very sound standardised a more genuinely present-day(a) portrayal of the eponymous webslinger than that offered in Raimi’s previous movie trilogy. Although some of the use I do non alike(p) the means they act and somehow they can non smash me a percipient mind what they should fitted to act, I could nonoperational agree this version of the Spiderman is the best I have seen. The characters in the movie are genuinely sizable for the audience to watch. Every action movie are essential to have the grammatical constituent of love position, shake uping scene, the falling scene, and the bear scene.\r\nThe main character is obviously the Spider-man ray of light Parker. Here is the aforementioned from Amazing Spider-Man: â€Å" analogous most teenagers his age, shaft of light [played by Andrew Garfield] is nerve-wracking to figure step forward who he is and how to be the soulfulness he is today. In his jaunt to put the pieces of his past together he uncovers a secret that his stupefy [Campbell Scott] held… a secret that ordain netly occupy out his destiny as Spider-Man. This is the first in a series of movies that tells a unalike side of the slit Parker story. †(Schaefer). Peter Parker has struggled to key his purpose in life, ever since Peter’s parents disappeared 13 years old.\r\n standardised other movie s, he must suit the ultimate challenge on the bound of unlocking the mystery. Thus, he is absolutely hero warning that he defeats Dr. Connors and safe the whole young York City. The female character, Spider-man girlfriend, Gwen Stacy is knowledgeable and wise. For some moment, she is attractive and rebellious when she deal with her family. Gwen is the chief detain at Oscorp, a position she takes very seriously. However, her mentor Dr. Connors is the competitor of Spiderman. maitre d Stacy is an see police officer who take aims the investigation into Spiderman.\r\nCaptain Stacy is highly alert to his family more than the city, especially his solely daughter, Gwen. Apparently, the villain is Dr. Connors. It is not clear that he is the lizard when it comes to the end. He is a scientist that attempts to engineer a revolutionary alteration serum to help regrow limbs and forgiving tissue. He became so horrible at the end. The hero’s journey is continuously surveiled b y the 17 stages of Joseph Cambell’s Monomyth. exclusively for nowadays movies, they eliminate some of the stages in a simply form. Not surprisingly, Campbell’s idea is generally applied to some Hollywood screenwriting and literature as well.\r\nThe mine run World- Peter Parker is a student at Midtown Science High School, and he lives with his Uncle Ben and aunty May. His parent is a mystery and odd him with no explanation when he was young. As a result, Peter is frustrated and longs to fall upon out more about his father and why he left. Peter is weird around his peers, scarcely he still sticks up for the underdog. Call to Adventure- Peter prove out a file and lead him to research his father’s research lab partner who works at Oscorp Tower, Dr. Connors. He goes to him and look out for answers. Later, he is bitten by a spider that is being use to create biocable.\r\nHe starts to have the abilities of spider. He has been introduced to the Special World t hat is opposite of what he knows. Refusal of the Call- Peter begins to test his power, and using them to arrive the bully who picked on him, Flash Thompson. His feeling change and have argument with Uncle Ben. Because Uncle Ben feels his irrelevant behavior, so he follows him and that make the calamity of the thief shoots Uncle Ben. Meeting with the Mentor- Dr. Connors is a mentor to him when it comes to science. Another pivotal mentor is Uncle Ben of course. Hence, he gives a big influence on Peter, and when he dies, Peter is pushed to his limits.\r\nCrossing the Threshold- Because of the last of Uncle Ben, Peter pushed himself into the Special World. Peter tries to head for the hills the thief who murdered Uncle Ben. Test, Allies, Enemies- When Peter fights crime, he confronts criminals and makes enemies. At school, he developed a knowledge with Gwen. His tests are increasing in difficulty: Dr. Connors displayed a semblance of friendship toward him, but as his identity shi fts into the lounge lizard, this will change. Captain Stacy, Gwen’s father, shows an antagonistic place toward Peter and his alter-ego. Approach- Spiderman tries to stop the creature on the bridge. The Lizard got a big fight at\r\nMidtown Science high School, and Peter tries to stop him with Gwen’s help. Ordeal- Spiderman was shot by a police bullet that stuns him electrically. It is a hard time to Spiderman to fight his way out, reveals his identity to Captain Stacy. Reward- Captain Stacy lets him go, wake his trust in Peter. Resurrection- The Lizard is hygienic and powerful. Captain Stacy and Peter Parker finally work together to restrict the activities and take the Lizard down. Return with the elixir- Dr. Connors has been returned back to normal. He has salve Gwen, but Captain Stacy was killed. As he dies, he asks Peter to keep Gwen out of his life to protect her.\r\nIt is not only a promise to Captain Stacy, but also in a cartonful of eggs. He is a different person, and charge though he may not have all of the answers he wanted, he has learned to put others ahead of himself during the search. The Elixir Peter Parker has brought back from his journey is that of a new hero. He is no longer just Peter Parker, fatherless teenager. He is Spider-Man. (Milles). Peter Andrew Garfield who is the actor of Spiderman did a ripe(p) business in the movie because it is a challenge to an actor to have a big different from being a normal person to an amazing ultimate hero.\r\nAndrew Garfield can express and show on his face that the inner features of Spiderman to the audience. Honestly, the only person I do not recompense is Emma Stone, who is the actress of Gwen Stacy, and I reckon many of the commends on the internet board criticize that she has not done a keen job on her part. For instance, there is a scare scene that she is holding a glossa hiding when Dr. Connors has become the Lizard and chasing her. I am sorry to say that, but I cannot fe el any chilling moment in the scene. For the love scene, I do not think she acts like a spouse of Peter Parker.\r\nAlso, she did not have the interaction with her family show that she is rebellious. The dapple is moving smooth and clear when I follow along to the hero’s journey. Refer to the hero’s journey, the plot is developed and excited. I would not limit any boring scene in the entire movie. When I watched along with it, I would have many unexpected things happen, and really influence the audience to keep ceremonial occasion on it. Moreover, the music composer of the movie is pile Horner. Indeed, he is a great composer of moving picture music. James Horner also composes some great movies such as Titanic and Avatar.\r\nHe is currently as famous as John Williams and the music they composed does make the audience impressed. His music moved the audience, and there is no doubt that film music is so significant because we are not only watching the screen, but pic k up to the music also. Amazing Spiderman is well-developed movie as following the classic hero’s journey. It does make the audience easy to follow and a feeling of unexpected. Also, the action scene is exciting to watch. Even though I know it is not real, but I really get into it. Furthermore, the music do influence the audience and no movie can neglect music because it is an crucial tools.\r\n'
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